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66www.i-am-magazine.comBy Dr. LaQuita Parks (Honoris Causa)Joyful and loving, consumed by His grace,Optimistic and fearless, running her race.Understanding the battle, as day turns to night,Realistic and radiant, in the beautiful sunlight.Never-ending love, from the depths of her soul,Ebullient and empowered to achieve her goals.Yearning and not yielding as her story unfolds!Our Journey From Girls to WomenAfter what seemed like my hundredth appointment with thespecialist in hopes of finding an answer to what was my growingmedical tsunami, the doctor looked at me and said, %u201cLife as youknow it is over. If you feel like you can walk a mile, walk half amile.%u201d This would usually bother me, but it didn%u2019t. It didn%u2019t evenshake me. As a matter of fact, they were just useless words tome. After all, five years ago, on my fourth trip to the Mayo Clinicwithin four months, the doctor looked at me and said, %u201cWhileyou are not dying, you are suffering.%u201d I didn%u2019t even get upset andstart crying as I have some many times before. This time wasdifferent. I had finally come to understand that this is all a partof my journey. My journey of acceptance.