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71www.i-am-magazine.comthe bookcornerthe bookcornerBusiness, Life and the Universe - Special EditionMultiple authors have been invited by Corey toshare their stories in this special edition of thebLU Talks book series. Imagine, Chicken Soupfor the Soul combined with TEDx - that's whatthis book is all about.Get it at:SUCCEEDING IN BUSINESS IN ANY MARKETBrian Tracy & OULY REYMONDREACH YOUR FULL POTENTIAL: GET YOURBOOK TODAYClick toBuyDiscover Who You Are to Overcome any Crisis!By Yadira Gonzalez Mu%u00f1ozWho are you? What do you stand for? What is yourpurpose? Reflect on your essence, define your truth, andembrace your core values, vision, and beliefs. It%u2019s not aboutothers%u2019 opinions but your own discoveries. Journey within touncover your authentic self and live aligned with your truepurpose.