Page 72 - Demo
P. 72
To Buy:72www.i-am-magazine.comthe bookcornerMari and the Majestic Butterfly sharethose tender yet very confusingmoments where our children alsostruggle to understand what the lossof someone they loved dearly reallymeans. This book will help youngreaders navigate through theoverwhelming feelings andexperiences associated with grievingthe loss of a loved one from the eyesof a child.Mari Mask On, Not Off explores thechallenges of mask-wearing through theeyes of a child. As Mari resists her mom'sconstant reminders, the story capturesher fears and frustrations. With childrennaturally eager to play and socialize,following safety rules can be tough. Thisbook offers a relatable way for parents todiscuss the importance of masks andsafety precautions, especially as kidsprepare for school or return from winterbreak in the ongoing COVID-19 era.