Page 10 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 10

Suspension Parts - Front End                                                                        Page

          Suspension Front / Rear, Underbody                                                                   08

              A       B

                                                 64-72 A-body End Links
            64-72 Sway Bar Collers
                                              64-77 GM A-body
                    A                         This is factory correct hardware NOT general hardware.
                                              Pn# - INL10306 -22pc  $29.00 Pair
                                              Complete End Link Set.
                                              Pn# - INL10306a Bolt  $3.00 Ea
                                              Long Bolt with Short Threaded End. You can not over adjust.
                                              Pn# - INL10306b Nut  $2.00 Ea                                             Suspension, Underbody Rear / Front
                                              Oversized Head Nut for End Link.
          INL11198                            Pn# - INL10306c Bush  $1.00 Ea
                                              End Link Rubber Bushings - Four on each end.
         Pn# - INL11198 -2 pc  $17.00 Pair    Pn# - INL10306d Wash $1.00 Ea
         64-77 GM A-body, 67-75 GM F-body, 68-72 GM X-body Sway Bar  End Link Cupped Special Washer - Four on each end.
         Bushing Collars - Phosphate.         Pn# - INL10306e Sleeve $3.00 Ea        Inline Tube front end suspension
         Pn# - INL10304 -2 pc  $16.00 Pair    Metal Spacer Seeve.                    parts in use on a restoration of a
         64-77 GM A-body, 67-75 GM F-body, 68-72 GM X-body Sway bar                        1969 Pontiac GTO.
         Bushing Collars - Silver zinc.

         Pn# - INL10328 -2pc   $12.00 Pair
         64-77 GM A-body, 67-75 GM F-body, 68-72 GM X-body Sway Bar
         Bushing with 15/16" or Smaller Bar.
                                                 67-69 F-body End Links
         Pn# - INL10329 -2pc   $12.00 Pair
         64-77 GM A-body, 67-75 GM F-body, 68-72 GM X-body Sway bar  Pn# - INL11450 -2pc  $29.00 Set
         bushing with 1" or larger  bar.
                                              1967-69 GM F-body Camaro, Firebird,  GM X-body 64-74 Nova
                                              Ventura Factory Correct Sway Bar End Links -  6 1/2" Long.  Frame Decals
                    B             INL10305                                         Pn# - INL12468 -1pc    $5.00 Ea
                                                                                   1969 Pontiac, GTO - Frame Decal, Hardtop - XK
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12469 -1pc    $5.00 Ea
                                                                                   1969 Pontiac, GTO - Frame Decal, Convertible - XL
                                                                                   Decal is placed at the driver side rear wheel and should be up
                                                                                   side down - The bare frame was up side down on the line.
         Pn# - INL10427 -4pc  $7.50 Set
         64-69 GM A-body, 67-69 GM F-body, 68-69 GM X-body Sway Bar
         Bushing Collar Bolts - 5/16 dia bolts.
         Pn# - INL10305 -4pc  $8.00 Set
         70-77 GM A-body, 70-78 GM F-body, 70-72 GM X-body Sway Bar
         Bushing Collars Bolts - 3/8" dia.
                                                 70-81 F-body End Links
                                              Pn# - INL11451 -2pc  $29.00 Set
                                              1970-81 GM F-body Camaro, Firebird,  Factory Correct Sway Bar
                                              End Links. 6 1/2" long                         INL12491         INL12488
                                                                                          Aluminum Paint
                                                             If your are in the Motor  Pn# -INL12491 - 1can  $12.00 Ea
                                                             City be sure to stop and
                                                             visit the Inline Tube  Aluminum Non - Smudge Paint. Used Alternators & Brackets
                                                             showroom where we           Semi Gloss Black
                                                             have all our latest
           Visit us and our products on the road.                                  Pn# -INL12488 - 1can  $12.00 Ea
              We do over 30 events a year.                   products on display.  Semi Gloss Black Spray Paint. Used on engine brackets & pulleys

                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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