Page 25 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 25

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                      November 2020                                      25A

 Temple Beth Israel awarded $55,000 multi-year grant  Oklahoma’s “Carnegie Hall”

 from Community Foundation of Sarasota County  fter Aviva resident Ruth Lev-  compelled to build its own library. The

            enson watched a short video
                                          nearby Carnegie Memorial Auditorium
     Aintroducing  Rabbi  Jonathan        is more popularly known as “Carnegie
     R. Katz, the new Director of Spiritu-  Hall.”
     al Services for Aviva, she immediately   Ruth eventually moved to Oklaho-
 channel and Facebook. To learn more,  rang him up. “When  you mentioned   ma City where she met and married its
 visit   you were taking your daughter Emma   highly distinguished rabbi, Joseph Lev-
 About the Community Foundation  to FSU in a few days for her freshman   enson. It turns out that Rabbi Levenson
 of Sarasota County  year, I had  to  be  in  touch,”  she ex-  attended Hebrew Union College-Jew-
 The Community Foundation of Saraso-plained. “My stepson David is a pro-  ish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati
 ta County is a public charity founded  fessor of religion there and you have to   at  the  same  time  Rabbi  Katz’s  father
 in 1979 by the Southwest Florida Es-meet him.”  studied there for the rabbinate. Rabbi
 tate Planning Council as a resource for   Less  than  24  hours  later,  Rabbi   Levenson also led the same congrega-
 caring individuals and the causes they  Katz received a call from the profes-  tion in Norfolk that Rabbi Jonathan R.
 support, enabling them to make a char-sor  who  was  eager  to  help  the  Katz   Katz would serve 46 years later.
 itable impact on the community. With  family get Emma situated on campus   In  terms  of  Jewish  geography,  it
 assets  of  $418  million  in  more  than  when  they  arrived  in  Tallahassee  the   certainly is a small world.
 1,500 charitable funds, the Community  following  weekend.  It  turns  out  that
 Foundation awarded grants and schol-David’s  wife,  a  professor  in  FSU’s
 arships  totaling  $21.5  million  dollars  medical school, is from Norfolk, Vir-
 last year in the areas of education, the  ginia, where Rabbi Katz had previous-
 arts,  health  and  human  services,  civ-ly  served  a  congregation. They  knew
 ic  engagement,  animal  welfare  and  people in common.
 the  environment.  Since  its  founding,   When  Ruth  told  Rabbi  Katz  she
 the Community  Foundation has been  was  originally  from  Carnegie,  Okla-
 able to grant more than $274 million  homa,  the  rabbi  quickly  asked,  “Did
 to area nonprofit organizations to our  you have a Carnegie library?” As the
 community  thanks to the  generosi-liaison for Tel Mond, Israel, the rabbi
 ty  of  charitable  individuals,  families  regularly  meets  with  the  liaisons  of
 and  businesses.  For  more  informa-other  Sarasota  Sister  Cities.  One  of
 tion, visit or call  them,  Dumfermline,  Scotland,  is  the
 941.955.3000.  birthplace of Andrew Carnegie, whose

 Need to reach the editor  philanthropy  had  built  nearly  half  of
     America’s  3,500  public  libraries  by
 of The Jewish News?    1919.
        Ruth  shared  that  there  is  a  Carn-
 Send an email to    egie  library  in  her  hometown  of  less  than  2,000  people  located  90  miles
     southwest  of  Oklahoma  City,  but  not
     because of Andrew Carnegie. Accord-
     ing to her, the town’s original name of
                                            Ruth Levenson holds a book celebrating her
     Latham had been changed to Carnegie   hometown of Carnegie, Oklahoma. Her parents
     to attract the industrialist’s interest in   came to the community from Eastern Europe in
                                            1918 to manage a clothing/housewares store
     building a library there. However, that
 Make someone      didn’t happen, so the community was   ownership, the store remains in operation today.
                                            with a relative. Though now under different
 feel special     “You never forget us”

     This program is sponsored by
 on their birthday   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                    APA_20_JNF5x5_MECH.indd   1                                 8/13/20   1:04 PM
                                                                                  APA_20_JNF5x5_MECH.indd   1
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                                          the food she received, “Thank you so
              any  JFCS  of  the  Suncoast
              Jewish  clients,  as  well  as
 by making a donation    Mlocal  Holocaust  survivors   much for caring for us. You remember   we are  FED
                                          us and never forget us. We love you.”
 in their name.  and  others  in  Sarasota-Manatee,  re-
     ceived  a  delicious  High  Holy  Day
     meal  made  possible  by  JFCS  and
     The  Jewish  Federation  of  Saraso-
        Prepared  by  Aviva  Chef  Ignacio                                                        Enriching Jewish Hearts
     Suarez, the New Year’s dinner includ-
     ed  matzoh  ball  soup,  chopped  liver,
     brisket, tzimmes, honey cake, challah
     and, of course, apples and honey. The
     70 meals were delivered by JFCS staff                                              our Federation strives to enrich Jewish hearts in our Sarasota-Manatee
     members Pam Baron, Jan Alston, Anna                                              Ycommunity — from life-changing trips to Israel for teens, community
     Eckstein and a number of Senior Out-                                             leaders and mothers and fathers to our Shapiro Teen Engagement Program
     reach Services (SOS) volunteers.                                                 (STEP) to Gulf Coast Hillel and much more.
        One  Holocaust  survivor  in  par-
     ticular  expressed  deep  gratitude  for                                                                  •   941.371.4546
            Ruth and Lee Shafer were very pleased to
             receive their special High Holy Day meal

 Call Bonnie at    Or visit

 941.343.2115  to donate
                                     Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.
                                         Send your new address to Bonnie at or 941.371.4546 x0
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