Page 26 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 26

26A                         November 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     Toe stompin’ Jewgrass: Combining bluegrass                                                                                                         Jewish-themed Crossword Puzzle

     with Jewish identity                                                                                                                                       Your monthly crossword puzzle

     By Arlene Stolnitz
              y latest “best group” comes   Shlomo  Carlebach  and  Debbie  Fried-  as cross-cultural symbols. Often sing-  playing  music  in  the American  blue-  is generously brought to you by
              from a whole different genre.   man  were  writing  the  popular  folk   ing in Hebrew as well as English, they   grass canon with its own language and
     MHave you ever heard of Jew-         songs based on Jewish liturgy that we   are the principal players in the group.   instrumentation.”
     grass? It’s the fusion of the music of   sing in synagogue services today.  Their instrumentation mainly consists    I  would  suggest  checking  out
     Appalachia  with  traditional  Jewish    While  checking  out  Jewgrass’   of stringed instruments such as fiddle,   YouTube to hear the music of Nefesh
     prayers. Jewgrass refers to an umbrel-  unique  style,  I  came  upon  Nefesh   banjo,  mandolin  and  guitar.  I  found   Mountain, which I think is a part of the
                       la  term  that  en-  Mountain, a folk group extraordinaire.   their  renditions  of  “Mi  Chamocha,”   Jewish-American experience.
                       compasses  blues,   Several other groups play music in this   “L’dor Vador” and “Oseh Shalom” in-  Note:  Correction  in  last  month’s
                       bluegrass,   folk   genre, but this one spoke to me. I have   spirational.                     article:  Coloratura  Soprano  Natalie
                       and country mu-    always  liked  country  and  bluegrass    In  their  own  words,  “There  is  a   Dessay,  who  currently  sings  at  the
                       sic  with  klezmer   music, and listening to this group I was   huge misperception about Jewish blue-  Met, is not the vocalist in the original
                       and  includes  sa-  surprised at the integration of two very   grass, or “Jewgrass, that  we have to   Yiddish  recording  “Bei  Mir  Bist  Du
                       cred Jewish texts.   different musical genres.           overcome.  People  automatically  as-  Shejn” by the Budapest Klezmer Band.
                       American  Jews         Husband-wife team Eric Lindberg   sume it is a joke or silly music. We are   Instead, she has recorded “Bist du bei
                       have  always  in-  and  Doni  Zazloff,  both  New  York-  not doing a parody. This is real soulful,   mir” by 17  century German composer
                       corporated  spiri-  ers,  have  created  a  wonderful  sound   honest,  true,  bluegrass  mountain  mu-  G.H. Stolzel.
        Arlene Stolnitz  tual with popular   of  ruach or “spirit,”  which  turns out   sic. It takes a minute for people to stop   Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
     music because it brings people into the   to  be  an  authentic  Jewish-American   laughing  when  we  tell  them  ‘Jewish   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
     shul. As early as the 1950s, European   spiritual  hybrid.  In  naming  the  group   bluegrass.’ But once they hear us and   the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
     Jewish musicians, who had immigrat-  Nefesh  Mountain,  nefesh  refers  to   understand this, they immediately un-  retired educator from Rochester, New
     ed to the U.S., were looking for ways   the  soul  or  spirit  of  all  living  things,   derstand we are doing something very   York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups
     to incorporate “Americanism” into the   while  “mountain”  refers  to  bluegrass   different,  and  they  feel  our  honesty.   for over  25 years and also sings in
     music performed in the synagogue.    and old musical forms as well as ref-  We want to make sure that we are truly   The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in
        By the ’60s and ’70s, icons such as   erences  in Jewish texts to mountains   honoring sacred Jewish texts and tradi-  the preservation of Jewish music of all
                                                                                tions as we explore new ways to share   kinds has led to this series of articles
                                     Buying or Selling?                         them with the world. We are intent, as   on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.

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