Page 22 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 22

22A                         November 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Temple Sinai and Federation present unique tour                                                                                           presents Sarasota Open Air Fine Art Show

     of Milk & Honey Whisky Tasting Israeli Distillery                                                                                                        outhwest  Florida’s  premier  art

                                                                                                                                                              event  –  Sarasota
     By Gail Glickman | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                                          SOpen Air Fine Art Show – will
           emple Sinai presents an exciting   the distilling process and enjoy whisky   is an honest product. We neither com-  The cost of the exciting virtual tour  be  held  outdoors  at  Phillippi  Estate
                                                                                                                                                        Park  (5500  S  Tamiami  Trail,  Saraso-
           and unique opportunity to take a   tastings.  In  May  2017,  the  distillery   promise, nor take shortcuts.  We use   is $36 per person and includes a $30  ta)  the  weekend  of  November  14-15.
     Tvirtual tour and meet the owner     unveiled Israel’s first ever single-malt   high quality barley, custom-made whis-  coupon  to  Liquor  Locker  (Fruitville  COVID-19 safety precautions will be
     of the Milk & Honey Whisky Tasting   whisky, aged for more than three years.   ky  stills  and  expertly  selected  casks.   Road)  for  your  own  bottle  of  M&H  in  place  such  as  all  booths  spaced  6’
     Israeli Distillery. Sponsored in part by   All of the distillery’s products are ko-  Whether it’s our single malt whisky or   whisky, five one-ounce samples for the
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-   sher. The company declares, “We take   other premium spirits, we take pride in   event (Classic Cask, Elements Sherry,  apart,  face  coverings  required,  social
                                                                                                                                                        distancing, etc.
     Manatee, the tour will be held Sunday,   great care to ensure that what we make   what we do and what we make.”  Elements Peated, Elements Red Wine    The  event  is  produced  by  Hot
     November 22 at 5:00 p.m. This interac-                                                                           Finish and Gin), dark chocolate from  Works,  which  manages  several  top-
     tive cultural event will be hosted by a                                                                          Banyan Tree Chocolate and Café, and  100 art shows in America, and is juried
     professional whisky sommelier, a Jew-                                                                            dried fruit from Richard’s Foodporium.  by art professionals. Criteria are based
     ish dad and employee of Milk & Hon-                                                                              Pick up your package Sunday morning,  on technique/execution, originality and
     ey who is a trained and knowledgeable                                                                            November 22 between 10:30 and 11:30  booth appearance.
     whisky expert and who will make your                                                                             a.m.                                  “This art show is part of America’s
     whisky more enjoyable.                                                                                               Support  this  Israeli  company  as  highest quality and most respected art
        Milk & Honey (sometimes referred                                                                              well as local businesses. You will not
     to as M&H) is Israel’s first single malt                                                                         want to miss the fun! RSVP by Sun- shows,  and  all  artwork  displayed  is
                                                                                                                                                        original  and  personally  handmade  by
     whisky distillery. In addition to man-                                                                           day, November 8, purchase your pack-
     ufacturing, there is also a visitor cen-                                                                         age and get Zoom information at www.
     ter where people can learn more about                     Milk & Honey Whisky Tasting Israeli Distillery

                                                                                The importance of tzedakah

                                                                                By Lex Calaguas & Eric Faerber
                                                                                      he High Holidays encourage us   should be an inspiration to us all.
                                                                                      all  to  reflect  on  the  past  year,   Everyone who is able to is encour-
                                                                                Tto be thankful, repent and give      aged to drop off canned and non-per-
                                                                                tzedakah (charity). Temple Beth Sho-  ishable food items when they pick up
         Visit our web site
         and call to order.                                                     lom  (TBS)  congregants  and  guests   their  weekly  Shabbat  meal  (Fridays                                                    continue to be very involved with so-  between 11:00 a.m. and noon). How-
         SERVING THE SUNCOAST FOR OVER 30 YEARS!                                cial  action  and  assisting  charitable   ever, anyone is able to drop items off
                                                                                organizations. These include the Salva-  in front of the entrance to Temple Beth
                                                                                tion Army, All Faiths Food Bank, JFCS   Sholom. You may also call the office
                                                                                of the Suncoast’s Kosher Food Pantry,   during business hours at 941.955.8121,
                                                                                Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center, and   and someone will come to your car and
                                                                                Family Promise.                       pick up your items.
        Sandie Ivers     941.224.0807
        Linda Klein       561.702.7759            Temple  Beth  Sholom’s  commu-
                                                                                nity  food  drive  has  been  a  huge  suc-
        Birthdays, Anniversaries, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,                             cess! Temple and community members
          any special occasion— Sign Greeters will                              have donated more than 1,000 pounds
        bring smiles  to your yard celebration!
                                                                                of food to go to local families. Dona-

         ww                                                  tions have been distributed through
                 @ @SignGreeters                                                Meals on Wheels and through the Sal-
                                                                                vation Army. Additionally, the temple
                                                                                received  an  amazing  gift  of  15  cases
                                                                                of  canned  food  from  Sid  Finkelstein.
                                                                                Sid’s  thoughtfulness  and  generosity
                          SIGN UP TO GET
             THE SCOOP!
                                                                                    Just some of the wonderful donations    TBS Facilities Manager Duane Rushing and
                                                                                  Temple Beth Sholom has received thus far  Sid Finkelstein unload Sid’s generous donation

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