Page 17 - Jewish News_November-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                      November 2020                                      17A

 The Extraordinary, UnOrdinary Simone Knego  COVID Caring Project

     By Michela Hazan, Gustavo Trope-Mayer and Lucy Thomas                                Temple Beth Sholom
 organization from 2018-2019.  ver the summer, several Shap-  supplies needed. Pastor Sedacca agreed   Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue
 “At the national level, when I went   iro Teen Engagement Program   to distribute the care packages once as-
 to the Young Leadership Conference, it O(STEP)  high  school  students   sembled. Toiletries and clothing were   welcomes you!
 was the first time I walked into a room  worked together to design a handful of   among the highest priority needs. Over
 and I felt like I was where I needed to  volunteer projects, with a two-fold ad-  a two-week period, a large collection
 be,”  Simone  said.  “No  matter  who  I  vantage of helping students earn com-  of donated supplies was dropped off at
 sat down next to, we had an authentic,  munity  service  hours,  while  learning   the Federation, thanks to the generosity
 meaningful conversation. It was a real- the  lessons  of  tikkun  olam, repairing   of our amazing community.
 ly meaningful experience.  the world.        The  teens  met  twice  to  sort  and
 “In Sarasota, what I love about our   We  decided  to  help  a  population   assemble 50 packages, and with addi-
 Federation is, although it is The Jew- of  individuals  very  vulnerable  during   tional blankets, shoes and bags, packed
 ish  Federation  of  Sarasota-Manatee,  our current pandemic by organizing a   everything up for Pastor Sedacca. Fill-
 we care for the entire community. We  community collection of donations and   ing time over the summer with a mean-
 don’t  support  the  Food  Bank  just  to  then assembling care packages for dis-  ingful project and helping others in the
 give  food  to  people  who  are  Jewish.  tribution to local homeless individuals   process  was  a  great  way  to  complete
 We really focus on humanity and car- in need.   our summer break!
 ing for every person, and for me that   Partnering  with  Pastor  Mark  Se-  For  more  information  on  STEP,
 was  a  big  deal.  When  we  talk  about  dacca from the Remnant Café, the team   contact  Trudi  Krames  at  tkrames@  At Temple Beth Sholom, everyone is welcome!
 tikkun olam, we are talking about re- worked together to finalize a list of the or 941.706.0037.
 pairing  the  whole  world,  not  just  the                                                    Now, as always, TBS is your home.
 Jewish world,” she said.
 Simone  started  doing  quite  a  bit                                                    Daily morning Minyan                    8:00 a.m.
 of public speaking as co-chair. “Every                                                   Friday Shabbat meal pick-up       11:00 a.m.
 time I would speak, someone would in-
 evitably say to me that I should write a                                                 Friday night service                          6:30 p.m.
 book,” she said. “While I didn’t real-                                                   Saturday morning service            10:00 a.m.
 ly feel I was a writer, I was at a good                                                        Various classes and special events
 place – finished with my co-chair role                                                                       and more!
 and done with my medical sales – and I                                                     Visit our website or Facebook page for more details
 thought if I am going to do it, now was
 the time.”      COVID Caring Project donation sorting and care package assembly
 Her actual inspiration for the book   (pictured: Gustavo Trope-Mayer, Michela Hazan and Lucy Thomas)  "Where community is family and egalitarian Conservative Judaism
 came as she was sitting at a luncheon                                              thrives in Sarasota through prayer, learning, and community service.”
 one day, listening to amazing women                                              1050 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL
 speak, and thinking how inspirational                                                         941.955.8121                TempleBethSholomFL
 they  were.  “And  I  thought,  do  I  feel                               
 better  about  myself,  or  do  I  not?  I’ll                                                                             Temple.Beth.Sholom
 never be that woman on the stage. And                                     

       Gustavo Trope-Mayer, Lucy Thomas and Michela Hazan complete the care package assembly

     Simone Knego...continued from page 16A
     then I thought to myself – but that’s the   that person anymore. I just need to be
     whole point. You are inspirational, not   the best version of me, so I can do the
     because you are the rock star on the   most good for those around me.”                  Community  Celebration
     stage or a famous actress, but because   Simone  believes  that  we  need  to
     you are you. I don’t believe in trans-  recognize  that  it  is  the  small  things             A virtual evening to thank, honor
     forming  yourself.  Instead,  I  believe   we do every day that inspire the peo-                  and celebrate legacy donors
     in  changing  how  you  view  yourself.   ple around us. “The way you approach            and partnering LIFE & LEGACY organizations.
     When you change how you see your-    your day, helping your neighbor, hold-
     self,  you  feel  more  empowered,”  she   ing the door open, smiling at someone,
     said.                                all  these  small  acts  really  do  make  a
        So, in September 2019, she started   difference,”  she  said.  It  then  inspires         Thursday, November 12, 7:00 pm
     the book. “There is always something   those on the receiving end of your acts                             via Zoom
     crazy  happening  in  my  life,”  Sim-  of kindness to do the same, which in-                           Guest Speaker
                        one  said.  “If  I   spires even more people.”
                        don’t  schedule       What’s next for this most UnOrdi-                           Rabbi Daniel Cohen
                                                                                                                  author of
                        my  time  like  a   nary woman? She recently began her                “What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone - Creating a Life of Legacy”
                        workday, it is    term as a trustee on the board of The
                        just not going    Jewish Federations of North America,
                        to  happen.  So   representing intermediate Federations.
                        that’s what I did.   As for her book, Simone says, “I want
                        It  would  have   to be able to share this message with as
                        been  so easy to   many people as possible. I would love                       Sarasota-Manatee
                        linger  over  this   to go on a speaking tour, because I do
                        for  years  and   think there is an important message in                       Chabad
     years and years. Instead, I decided to   this book – that each of us is extraordi-
     sit down, make a schedule for myself   nary, just by being who we are.”
     and make it happen.”                     For  more  information  about  Fed-
        “Self-help books tell you to change   eration events, visit                                         TO REGISTER
     this and change that.  Why?  Why ar-  For more information about the Sim-                                                  Contact Gisele Pintchuck
                                                                                                                                941.707.0029 or
     en’t I just good enough right where I   one Knego talk on The Extraordinary                                      
     am?  That’s  my  whole  thing.  When  I   UnOrdinary You on November 30, con-          Event Chair:
                                                                                            Nelle S. Miller
     changed  the  way  I  looked  at  myself,   tact Gisele Pintchuck at 941.706.0029
     the  world  around  me  did  change.  I   or
     didn’t  need  to  impress  this  person  or
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