Page 12 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 12

12A                         November 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     Changemakers prepares a new generation

     of Jewish leaders

     By Trudi Krames, Program Director

           ate this spring, college students   pate in an internship with a theme park   challenges, core sessions and electives,   and  spaces,”  said  Ashlyn  Downey-
           and recent grads were absorbing   that would provide business and man-  mentor  and  cohort  meetings,  all  over   Hayes,  who  had  just  returned  from
     Ldisappointments of canceled in-     agement experience through a cycle of   the  course  of  two,  three-week  ses-  what was supposed to be a quick vis-
     ternships and Birthright trips, stressing   rotations. She applied to Changemak-  sions in July and August. They learned   it to India, but which ended up lasting
     over  job  searches  and  grad  school  in   ers because she “thought it would be   from leading experts and visionaries in   months due to travel restrictions during
     the tough economy, being away from   a  cool  way  to  adapt  to  the  pandemic   their fields, and from each other. They   the pandemic. “Even though Change-
     friends,  and  wondering  how  they’d   and provide skills, networking oppor-  wrestled together with complex topics,   makers was all online, concrete and in-
     pass  the  long  summer  months.  Then,   tunities and experiences to help navi-  learning how to converse openly with   spirational takeaways and connections
     Jewish young adults in their early- and   gate the new world we live in.” Jacob   others who hold different views. They   continue to capture my thoughts.”
     mid-20s began receiving intriguing   Knego,  a  graduate  student  studying   traveled  virtually  across  the  global   “The  best  parts  were  connecting,
     messages  asking,  “Are You  Ready  to   material science at Stanford University   Jewish community, discovering beauty   listening  and  learning  from  different
     Be a Changemaker?”                    and raised in Sarasota, was so inspired   in the diversity of our Jewish traditions,   perspectives  about  many  issues, with
        Twenty-three  hundred  answered   by Changemakers that he has decided   while appreciating shared values. They   experienced  professionals  as  well  as
     the call, applying for a new, innovative   to take off some time from school and   went deep into Israeli society and his-  my peers,” said Ashlyn. “I was so im-
     “three-week online leadership develop-  participate  in  an  internship  with  On-  tory.                        pressed  by  the  number  of  resources
     ment experience to expand your career,   ward Israel this winter.              Within the urgency of the challeng-  and  programs  they  shared,  realizing
     your  network  and,  most  importantly,   “Our Fellows were so ready for a   es we now face, they explored service   the possibilities to continue my person-
     your ability to effect positive change in   meaningful summer, capturing their in-  and advocacy through voter mobiliza-  al  development  through  experiential
     your community and the world.”       terest in social change at a time of enor-  tion, food insecurity, disability aware-  learning and other opportunities that I
        More  than  a  thousand  of  these   mous  unrest,”  said  Kim Adler,  Chief   ness,  antisemitism,  racial  justice  and   learned about.”
     aspiring  Jewish  leaders  became  the   Operating Officer at The Jewish Fed-  care for our most vulnerable, including   We are so grateful to and inspired
     first-ever  group  of  Changemaker   eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee.  “The   Holocaust survivors.                 by our eight local, inaugural Change-
     Fellows.  Eight  of  them  from  across   Jewish  Federations  of  North America   “Our  Changemakers  care  deeply   makers for their commitment and dedi-
     Sarasota  and  Manatee  counties  were   (JFNA)  seized  an  incredible  opportu-  about  the  Jewish community  and  tik-  cation, and to JFNA and the program’s
     selected, joining peers from more than   nity to engage our young people with   kun olam,  and  are  deeply  invested  in   30  global  partner  organizations  for
     100 communities across North Amer-   a bright light of inspiration and growth   social action and advocacy,” said Kim   their incredible work on this meaning-
     ica, as well as Mexico, Brazil, Spain,   in a dark time, giving young adults a   Adler. “Over three weeks, they got em-  ful, innovative initiative.
     France,  the  UK,  South Africa,  Czech   platform to recognize they can be lead-  powered, inspired and motivated, with   Changemakers  follow-up  activi-
     Republic and Israel.                 ers and a bridge to the organized Jew-  knowledge and tools to make a differ-  ties will take place throughout the year,
        Among  them  was  Rachel  Towe    ish world.”                           ence.”                                and plans for a third session this win-
     from Sarasota, a rising senior at Tulane   In total, they were engaged in 100   They’re  preparing  to  lead  a  new   ter  will  be  announced  soon.  Interest-
     University who had planned to partici-  hours of Changemaker podcasts, daily   type  of  diverse  Jewish  communi-  ed  prospective  Changemakers  should
                                                                                ty  across  geographic  lines.  “I  was  so   email
                                                                                moved by the sacred spaces they were   For information on our teen and fam-
                                                                                                                      ily programs, contact me at tkrames@
                                                                                able to create and the intentionality by
        PaiSanO’s                              941.926.8422                     which  they  built  those  communities or 941.706.0037.
                                               2732 Stickney Point Road
                    IT ALIAN  B AKER Y                         2019

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            our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds throughout the   go-to entertainers in the country.
         YSarasota-Manatee area — from Holocaust and civil rights education to
         Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children                                      IN PARTNERSHIP WITH
         and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.    To register, go to
         We also take great pride in educating  the interfaith community on Jewish   QUESTIONS? Contact Jeremy Lisitza
         history and antisemitism.                                       or 941.343.2113

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