Page 15 - Jewish News_November-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                      November 2020                                      15A

 Rabbi Jonathan Katz: Building connections  PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

 The rabbi enjoys the give and take
 he has with residents. “I enjoy just hav-
 ing a nice back and forth with people,”
 he shared. “For example, “I introduced
 myself to a woman in the rotunda and
 asked where she was from. She replied,
 ‘I am proudly from Manhattan.’ When
 I told her I was from Ohio, she sarcas-
 tically asked, ‘Where’s that?’ To which
 I  replied,  ‘Oh,  I  see,  a  typical  New
 Yorker. Everything ends at the Hudson
 River.’ We had a good laugh.”
 “I’m a banterer. I like to make peo-
 ple smile and stimulate them,” he em-
 phasized. “One day I walked into the
 rotunda and just blurted out who can
 tell me the nine body parts that have
 three letters. It was a fun way to get ac-
 quainted.” (By the way, the answer is
 arm, leg, hip, ear, eye, toe, lip, rib and
 Jay  Solomon  remembers  Rabbi
 Katz’s humor and warmth from a time
 last year when he was in the hospital
 and  the  rabbi  would  come  up  to  his
 room just to kibbitz. “And when I was
 there  over  Rosh  Hashanah,  his  wife
 Marty came too. That is who they are   VOTE!
 as a couple, and that is who Jonathan
 Katz is – one of the warmest, most car-  November 3rd
 ing people I have ever met,” Solomon
 At the heart of everything he does
 is cultivating relationships with people
 and  building  communities  of  people
 who care. “These are the things I live   TRUSTED SERVICE                         PROVEN LEADERSHIP
 my life for,” Rabbi Katz notes. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                          PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                          PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT  Melissa Gould has been serving   Melissa has taught university   PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                          PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                          PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
 F  ederation  Manatee County as an extremely                                   courses in the following areas:
 Rabbi  Katz  can  be  reached  at

           effective misdemeanor, felony
                                                                                      Judicial Process
           and specialty Assistant State
                                                                                      Constitutional Law
                                                                                      Family Law
                Exploitation of the Elderly
                                                                                      Evidence
                Child Abuse                                                    She also continues to educate
 Sunday, November 8, 2020   Schemes to Defraud                                 local law enforcement, attorneys

 3:00pm EST     Sale of Narcotics                                              and the public.

 Via Zoom

                                        COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

                  Lion of Judah, The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

 Award Recipients   Member and Volunteer, Temple Emanu-El

 Doris Loevner Memorial Young Leadership Award  Yad Chazakah (Strong Hand) Award  Morasha (Legacy) Award
 Jaime Marco  Larry Haspel  Bobbi and Don Bernstein   Volunteer Consultant, Florida-Israel Business Accelerator
 Ahava (Love) Award  Ayshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award  Avodah (Service) Award
 Geri and Lenny Drexler  Marsha Eisenberg  Ed Cohen   Volunteer, Meals on Wheels ©
 Chinuch (Education) Award  Atid (Futures) Award  Acharai (Follow Me) Award
 Dave Oness  Merrill Wynne  Ellyn Bender & Christine Elliot
 The Betty Schoenbaum – Heart to Heart Award  Kehila (Community) Award  Ish Chayil (Man of Valor) Award
 Hadassah and Martin Strobel  Sheriff-Elect Kurt Hoffman  Michael Ritter
 L’Dor V’Dor (Generation to Generation) Award  Zachor (Never Forget) Award  Kehila Ha’argonit (Corporate Community) Award
 David Grace  Bette Zaret  Sabal Palm Bank
 Hatikva (Hope) Award  Halutzim (Pioneer) Award             941-219-5600
 David Weiman  Mel Taub

  To RSVP, contact Brieana at 941.552.6305 or   Political advertisement paid for and approved by Melissa Gould, non-partisan for Manatee County Judge, Group 4
  For information, contact Jeremy Lisitza or 941.343.2113  PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT                           PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
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