Page 16 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 16

16A                         November 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     The Extraordinary, UnOrdinary Simone Knego                                                                                                         COVID Caring Project

     By Gayle Guynup
     “You don’t have to be anybody but who   for the last 20 years. The couple has six   Florida, she went back to school to be-  organization from 2018-2019.
     you actually are. You just need to real-  children, ages 13-24. The oldest three   come a teacher.                   “At the national level, when I went
     ize that what you do every day inspires   (Jacob, Emma and Olivia) are their bi-  “Once we had all six kids, it was   to the Young Leadership Conference, it
     the people around you to be the best   ological  children,  while  the  youngest   like I had my own classroom at home,   was the first time I walked into a room
     they can be. If you change the way you   three  (Ari  from  Ethiopia,  Noah  from   so I thought I might as well go ahead   and I felt like I was where I needed to
     see yourself, the world around you will   South Korea and Mili from Ethiopia)   and become a teacher,” Simone said.   be,”  Simone  said.  “No  matter  who  I
     change.” – Simone Knego, The Extra-   are all adopted.                     Unfortunately,  she  added,  it  was  so   sat down next to, we had an authentic,
     ordinary UnOrdinary You                                                    expensive to have child care that they   meaningful conversation. It was a real-
          imone  Knego,  author  of  The                                        were paying  out more  than she was   ly meaningful experience.
          Extraordinary UnOrdinary You,                                         making. “Rob wanted me to find a job      “In Sarasota, what I love about our
     Swill be featured at a virtual event                                       that wasn’t actually costing us money,”   Federation is, although it is The Jew-
     on Monday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m.,                                       she said.                             ish  Federation  of  Sarasota-Manatee,
     hosted by The Jewish Federation of                                             She  started  a  successful  medical   we care for the entire community. We
     Sarasota-Manatee.                                                          distributorship,  but  with  the  recent   don’t  support  the  Food  Bank  just  to
        In  her  book,  Simone,  a  former                                      publication  of  her  book,  Simone  has   give  food  to  people  who  are  Jewish.
     Federation board member, takes read-                                       put that business on the  back burner.   We really focus on humanity and car-
     ers inside her journey and the extraor-                                    “My focus today is the book and pub-  ing for every person, and for me that
     dinary moments that have shaped her                                        lic speaking, which I really enjoy,” she   was  a  big  deal.  When  we  talk  about
     life, sharing the lessons she’s learned                                    said.                                 tikkun olam, we are talking about re-
     from life’s ups, downs and laugh-out-                                          Simone became involved with The   pairing  the  whole  world,  not  just  the
     loud moments.                                                              Jewish  Federation  of  Sarasota-Mana-  Jewish world,” she said.
        Simone grew up in Buffalo, New                                          tee when she was invited to an event      Simone  started  doing  quite  a  bit
     York,  and  moved  to  Gainesville  with                                   by  her  friends,  Josh  and  Julie  Green.   of public speaking as co-chair. “Every
     her family when she was 13. She grad-            Simone Knego              “I had never been involved. I had nev-  time I would speak, someone would in-
     uated  with  bachelor’s  and  master’s   “We had talked about adopting for   er even made a donation before. And,   evitably say to me that I should write a
     degrees in accounting from the Univer-  a really long time,” she said. “We felt,   I  went  from  being  completely  unin-  book,” she said. “While I didn’t real-
     sity of Florida.                     and  still  feel,  that  there  are  so  many   volved  to  being  totally  absorbed,  on   ly feel I was a writer, I was at a good
        “When  we  lived  in  Buffalo,  my   wonderful  children  in  the  world  just   both the local and national level.”  place – finished with my co-chair role
     parents had a condominium on Sies-   waiting for someone to love them, and     Josh  was  involved  with  the  Fed-  and done with my medical sales – and I
     ta Key at the Gulf & Bay Club, so we   we wanted to be one of those families,”   eration’s  National  Young  Leadership,   thought if I am going to do it, now was
     would come down here to vacation ev-  she said.                            and  he  encouraged  Simone  to  attend   the time.”
     ery winter,” she said. After her husband   A  woman  of  many  interests  and   a meeting in Park City, Utah. “I loved   Her actual inspiration for the book
     Rob finished his medical residency, the   talents, Simone began working in ac-  it. The people I met, the work that the   came as she was sitting at a luncheon
     couple moved to Texas for five years.   counting when in Texas, but it didn’t   Federation does – it was all totally me,”   one day, listening to amazing women
        “We had wanted to get out of Flor-  take long for her to discover that she   she said. “That got me in, and then I   speak, and thinking how inspirational
     ida, but then we missed it terribly,” she   didn’t  enjoy  being  behind  a  desk  all   started focusing on what sort of lead-  they  were.  “And  I  thought,  do  I  feel
     said.  Fortunately,  there  was  an  open-  day.  While  still  in  Texas,  she  taught   ership roles I wanted to apply for with-  better  about  myself,  or  do  I  not?  I’ll
     ing at a practice  in Sarasota, so they   horseback riding and ran a summer   in  the  organization,”  she  explained.   never be that woman on the stage. And
     moved back and have lived in Sarasota   camp.  Once  the  couple  returned  to   She eventually became co-chair of the        continued on next page

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