Page 37 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 37

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                            November 2020                                      37A


     ISRAEL’S POPULATION                  vices, medical services, transportation   I would urge all Arab leaderships   time as real human beings – away from
     REACHES 9.2 MILLION                  and administrative  jobs so you can   to bury old hatreds that have consumed   hostilities,  mutual  recriminations  and
     On the eve of the Jewish New Year, the   move  soldiers  without  disabilities  to   their foreign policies for 72 years with-  governmental propaganda – will have
     population  of  Israel  is  9.246  million.   the frontline. I saw how the IDF trains   out bearing fruit. Join us in forging a   a revolutionary impact on all sides and
     In  the  previous  year,  170,000  babies   young people with autism to read sat-  peaceful  Middle  East,  with  new  and   on regional peace.
     were born, 44,000 people passed away   ellite imagery and see things you and   exciting opportunities for all. (Khalaf   The  Emirati  and  Bahraini  agree-
     and 20,000 new immigrants  arrived.   I can’t see.” (Abigail Klein Leichman,   Ahmad Al-Habtoor, Arab News - Saudi   ments with Israel upend decades of sti-
     The  Jewish  population  is  6.841  mil-  Israel21c)                       Arabia)                               fling status quo and fruitless political
     lion (74%). Israel’s Arab population is   A BRAVE NEW DAWN IN              UAE-ISRAEL TREATY                     orthodoxies that have failed to advance
     1.946 million (21%). (Jerusalem Post)                                                                            the cause of a genuine, positive peace.
                                          ARAB-ISRAELI RELATIONS                IS FAR LARGER STEP                    In  time,  the  Gulf’s  embrace  of  Israel
     ISRAEL’S MILITARY                    Some  of  my  fellow Arabs,  who  have   TOWARD PEACE THAN                  could even encourage Egypt and Jor-
     INCLUSION PROGRAM                    no solution as to how to better the lives   CRITICS ALLEGE                  dan to move toward a warmer peace
     INSPIRES NEW U.S.                    of Palestinians, instead prefer to hang   ‹   The  UAE-Israel  Peace  Treaty   with  the  Israelis.  (Varsha  Koduvayur
     CORPS OF HONOR                       on to the same old rhetoric and unreal-   commits the two countries to a re-  and David Daoud, Foreign Policy)
                                          istic scenarios that belong in the mid-
     Chris  Neeley,  whose  son  has  Down   20  century. I have been a supporter of   lationship far warmer than the cold   WHAT WAS IN THE
     syndrome,  is  starting  an  American   the Palestinians all my life, but I’m a   peace  Israel  has  with  Egypt  and   ABRAHAM ACCORDS
     version  of  Israel’s  military  inclusion   realist. I cannot remain stuck in some   Jordan (outside the security field).  SIGNED IN WASHINGTON?
     program,  Special  in  Uniform,  so  that   fantasyland and neither do I wait indef-  ‹   It will facilitate peace by showing
     young  adults  with  intellectual  and   initely for miracles.                 that  Arab  governments  and  their   ‹   The Declaration of Peace, Cooper-
     physical  disabilities  can  serve  their   Like  it  or  not,  Israel  exists  as  an   citizens benefit more by partnering   ation, and Constructive Diplomat-
     country.                             economic  powerhouse under  the  un-      with Israel than by seeking to iso-   ic and Friendly Relations between
        Neeley, a major in the U.S. Army   wavering  protective  umbrella  of  the   late or dismantle it.                the State of Israel and the Kingdom
     National Guard, is a special-education   U.S. To imagine that boycotting Israe-  ‹   The UAE’s commitment to sweep-  of Bahrain is a bilateral, non-bind-
     administrator  and  chair  of  the  Presi-  li goods will force the collapse of the   ing  government-to-government  ing declaration expressing the joint
     dent’s Committee for People with In-  state is infantile. The Palestinians, who   cooperation with Israel, close peo-  intentions of the two parties to en-
     tellectual  Disabilities.  “When  I  saw   still insist on the right of return for ref-  ple-to-people relations with Israe-  ter into negotiations on a series of
     what the Israel Defense Forces did to   ugees who are in Syria, Jordan, Leba-  lis, and other stark departures from   agreements in 12 fields of normal-
     include them among their ranks, I real-  non and elsewhere, know full well that   the  zero-sum  Palestinian  agenda   ization.
     ized this innovative approach could be   is never going to happen.             represent  a  remarkable  strategic   ‹   The  declaration  includes  agree-
     a model for the United States,” he said.  There are two million Palestinians   pivot.  (Orde  Kittrie,  National In-  ment  to  establish  “a  culture  of
        Neeley  has  visited  some  of  the   who have Israeli nationality. Most take   terest)                           peace,”  an  expression  which  also
     28  bases  where  about  450  Special   pride  in  their  Arab  heritage,  yet  are   THE EMIRATI AND                appears  in  the  Israel-UAE  Peace
     in  Uniform  soldiers  are  stationed.  “I   content to call themselves Arab Israe-                                  Agreement.
     was blown away. I talked to the com-  lis. It is beyond time for the Palestin-  BAHRAINI AGREEMENTS              ‹   The  preamble  to  the  Treaty  of
     manders about how the integration has   ians to quit blaming everyone else for   WITH ISRAEL ARE                     Peace,  Diplomatic  Relations  and
     helped  relieve  some  of  the  garrison   the  situation  they  find  themselves  in   REVOLUTIONARY                Full  Normalization  between  the
     responsibilities like logistics, food ser-  today.                         The  UAE  and  Bahrain  deals  with  Is-  United  Arab  Emirates  and  the
                                                                                rael set the stage for a sea change in    State  of  Israel  includes  a  unique
                                                                                                                          reference  to  the Arab  and  Jewish
                                                                                Arab-Israeli relations, as ties between
        IT’S SO
        I    T     ’S S             O                                           Israel and the Gulf have grown expo-      of Abraham, and the concomitant
                                                                                                                          common  heritage,  as descendants
                                                                                nentially in recent years. Because the
                                                                                                                          need “to foster in the Middle East
                                                                                UAE  and  Bahrain  are  regional  busi-
                                                                                                                          a reality in which Muslims, Jews,
                                                                                ness  hubs,  the  two  peace  deals  will
                                                                                                                          Christians and peoples of all faiths,
                                                                                facilitate interactions between Israelis
        EASY!                                                                   and  thousands  of  expatriate  workers   denominations, beliefs and nation-
                                                                                                                          alities  live  in,  and  are  committed
                                                                                from across the Arab and Islamic world
                                                                                                                          to  a  spirit  of  coexistence,  mutual
                                                                                whose home countries have hostile re-
                                                                                                                          understanding and respect.” (Amb.
                                                                                lations with Israel, if any.
                                                                                    Even if the process is incremental,
                                                                                                                          Public Affairs)
                                                                                creating a space for these populations    Alan Baker, Jerusalem Center for
                                                                                to interact with each other for the first          continued on page 39A
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