Page 41 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 41

COMMENTARY                                                                           November 2020                                      41A

 Participating in the making of history  God, G-D, Adonai, Hashem

     By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
 make these agreements successful. An   any Jews write G-d rather   ing on context. Note that the Amidah
 interesting  point  from  the  text  of  the   than God. Does Jewish law   prayer, the core of every Jewish wor-
 UAE Agreement noted by Middle East  Mrequire the dash? Surprising-  ship  service,  begins by praising “the   A  memory
 pundit  David  Makovsky  is  the  state- ly, the answer is no. Then why do some   God of our ancestors, the God of Abra-
 ment that Arabs and Jews “stem from  Jews employ it? That’s an interesting   ham, the God of Isaac and the God of
 the same ancestor, Abraham” and both   and  instructive  Jacob.” Why doesn’t the text more eco-
 are indigenous to the Middle East. This   query.   nomically just say “the God of Abra-  THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE
 statement refutes previous Arab allega-  Jewish   law   ham, Isaac and Jacob?” Because even
 tions that Jews are alien in the region.  prohibits the era-  though  all  three  were  created  by  an
 Finally, the leaders of Israel, UAE   sure of seven He-  identical Creator, each patriarch repre-  A Federation Tribute is a heartfelt way
 and Bahrain all agreed that these peace   brew  names  for   sented a new generation and, therefore,   to honor the memory of someone
 agreements  would  not  have  occurred   God  considered   experienced God and His imperatives
 without  the  involvement  of  President   to  be  especial-  from different perspectives.   special—and to let their families
 Donald  Trump  and  his  team.  It  hap-  ly  holy:  Elohim,   As  philosopher Walter  Kaufmann   know you care.
 pened  because  President  Trump  was  Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  El,  Eloha,  Elo-  asserted, ”The only God worth keeping
 willing  to  challenge  the  50-year-old  hai, Shaddai, Tzevaot and, most prom-  is a God that can’t be kept. The only God
 conventional wisdom of the so-called  inently, the Tetragrammaton, הוהי (Yud,   worth talking about is a God that can’t
 experts that peace  must start with a  Heh, Vav, Heh).   be talked about. He cannot be spoken   To order,
 Palestinian  agreement,  after  which   Since  הוהי  is  considered  the  most   of, but He can be spoken to. He cannot   call Bonnie at
 the Arab countries would make peace.  personal name for God, it, unlike the   be seen, but He can be listened to.”   941.343.2115
 Since  the  Palestinians  have  been  in- others,  isn’t  even  pronounced.  Rath-  Those  using  names  for  God,
 transigent,  President  Trump  rejected  er,  an  alternate,  less  theologically   whether in Hebrew or English, who be-
 that approach and started with the Arab  charged  designation  such  as  Adonai   lieve they fully know who God is, are
 states.  Hopefully,  when  the  Palestin- (“My Lord”) or Hashem (“the name”)   misguided. Whenever I write the word   Or visit
 ians see that their erstwhile allies are  is voiced instead when it appears in the   God, I always feel certain inappropri-
 enjoying  peace  and  prosperity  with    Torah or liturgy.   ateness because these three letters are
 Israel, they will join the process.  While these names are prohibited   inherently incapable of capturing Him.
 David Chaifetz is a board member of  from erasure when written in Hebrew   At  least  using  G-d  acknowledges,  to
 The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-  (primarily  on  parchment  for  sacred   some extent, the inadequacies associ-
 Manatee.  use),  they  are  not  subject  to  halachic   ated  with  using  a  reference  that  will
     interdiction  when rendered  in other   always resist comprehension.
     languages.                               I’m  grateful  that  my  religious
 Are you a voter?  divine nomenclature, regardless of any   heritage  doesn’t  demand  that  God  be
        Nevertheless, reverence for Jewish
                                          thoroughly  graspable.  Maimonides
 one simple mitzvah accomplish? Can it  language,  prompts  a  large  number  of   certainly appreciated the value of such
 truly change the trajectory of our rela- Jews to refrain from writing the word   unknowability.  In  his  Guide for the
 tionship with G-d?  God at all or only with a dash. What   Perplexed, he posited a “negative the-
 Does  G-d  really  care  if  we  put  a  makes the dash significant?  ology” in positing that the closest we
 penny in the charity box? Does it mat-  When,  at  the  Burning  Bush,  Mo-  can come to construing God is only by
 ter if we light Shabbat candles before  ses asks God to reveal His name, God   indicating what He is not, i.e., God is
 sunset? How about tefillin? Does it re- replies,  “asher ehyeh  asher,”  usually   not  a  plurality,  God  is  not  corporeal.
 ally matter if we put them on? Do our  translated  as  “I  am  what  I  am”  or  “I   When we claim to conclusively know
 mitzvahs count?  will be what I will be.” The meaning   who and what God is, we limit His pos-
 Well, it is quite similar to how we  of  God’s  name  is  alluded  to  but  not   sibility.
 vote.  Our  votes  are  counted  even  if  clearly elucidated. In other words, we   For  Jews,  God’s  ineffability  is  a
 we did not vote with the correct intent  can  equate  God  with  ideals  like  con-  source of humility, wonder and curios-
 or even if we are not a seasoned and  science, morality and justice, but His   ity. But though God is beyond words,
 knowledgeable voter. On the contrary,  essence  will,  ultimately,  be  elusive;   we can still increasingly come to know
 as long as we vote, our vote is import- that’s the way it should be.   Him in our thirst for knowledge, quest
 ant and counted.  To  suggest  God’s  identity  can  be   for righteousness and capacity to real-
 The Talmud, in Tractate Kiddush- reduced to any term or name, including   ize the unique divine stamp implanted
 in, states that “Ha’maaseh Hu Ha’ikar”  the Tetragrammaton, is to diminish our   within each of us.
 (the action is the main thing). Our ac- Creator. Yet,  even  though  names  will   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
 tions and mitzvahs are counted wheth- always be inadequate, they are the only   Community Chaplain and Director of
 er observed with the proper feeling or  linguistic means we possess for desig-  JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and
 not,  whether  we understand  what  we  nating God.   the Director of Spiritual  Services for
 are doing or not. As long as we do the   Furthermore,  even when we use   Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life. His
 mitzvah, it counts. It matters.  the same name for God, there can be   position is underwritten by The Jewish
 Yes,  our  mitzvahs  matter!  Even  differentiation  in  meaning  depend-  Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
 the “little ones” add up to millions of
 mitzvahs and tip the scales for positive
 energy, goodness and G-dliness in the
 world. Each mitzvah causes a ripple ef-
 fect. The cumulative energy of all our
 individual  mitzvahs  together  create  a
 win for the world.
 But  when  it  comes  to  a  relation- Join us in our campus re-imagination...
 ship with G-d, He wants the mitzvahs
 on  His  terms  –  with  unity,  together-
 ness,  brotherhood.  He  yearns  for  His                                                      Show us what you’re grateful for!
 children to behave in a way that their   ConneCt
 actions  bring  them  closer  together.                                                         Post on social media what or who
 So  while  the American  election  may   Join us as we reimagine our 32 acre campus.               you are grateful for and use

                           We are JFED Proud & Strong!
 be  highly  charged  and,  unfortunately,   with your Jewish Community                                     the hashtag:
 divisive, let us ensure that our cumu-  THE LARRY AND MAR Y GREENSPON FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIF E
              KLINGENSTEIN JEWISH CENT ER  |  5 80 MCINTOSH RD, SARASOTA FL 34232  |   941-371-4546  |
 lative  mitzvahs,  unlike  the  votes,  are                                           #JFEDgrateful
 accomplished  in  harmony  with  each
 other,  all  of  us  working  together  to-
 ward the same goal of bringing peace
 and goodness to the world.   Contact us to learn more.

             Howard Tevlowitz  Kim Mullins  Ilene Fox   Rich Bergman
                                                        Major Gifts
              941.343.2110  941.552.6300  941.343.2111  941.552.6306
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