Page 42 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 42

42A                         November 2020                                                                          COMMENTARY

     Will agreements facilitate peace                                                                                                                   Thoughts regarding the death

     between Palestinians and Israelis?                                                                                                                 of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

     By Harold M. Halpern
           ast  month  my  column  touched   about the agreements?              per columns. Israel has been given the   have  leverage  with  Israel.  They  have
           upon  the  normalization  agree-   First, the need of these countries to   right  to  fly  in  Saudi Arabia  airspace,   said that the depth of the relationship
     Lment  with  the  United  Arab       jointly  protect  themselves  from  Iran,   and  Saudi  Arabia  has  not  criticized   with Israel will depend on Israel’s will-
     Emirates  (UAE).  Since  then,  Bahrain   a Shia Muslim country. Iran is an ex-  Arab  countries  for  normalizing  rela-  ingness to be flexible.
     also signed and Qatar has announced   istential  threat  to  Israel  and  to  Sunni   tions with Israel. Other Muslim coun-  This is the scenario of those who
     it too is eager for normalization with   Arab  governments.  Secondly,  a  con-  ties  may  feel  comfortable  following   believe  the  normalization  agreements
                       Israel.            cern  about  the  extent  of  future  com-  suit.                           enhance peace opportunities.
                           Recently,   I   mitment of the U.S. to remain a Middle   What affect will the agreements       The  other  school  of  thought  is
                       have  participated   East military and economic force cou-  have on the possibility of a two-state   that the normalization agreements will
                       in  several  Zoom   pled with a need to strengthen their own   agreement  between  Israel  and  the   drive  the  PA  to  seek  new  sponsors  –
                       sessions   about   independent effectiveness. And finally,   PA?                               Hamas,  Hezbollah  and  Iran  –  all  of
                       the agreements.    the willingness of the U.S. to act as a   There is no consensus of opinion.   whom condemned  the agreements  as
                       I’ll  share  with   broker.  This  facilitated  the  give-and-  On the one hand, there are those who   a sell-out by the Arabs of their Pales-
                       you the most fre-  take, together with an agreement with   say that the agreements  enhance  the   tinian  brothers.  Or  failing  that,  Israel
                       quent  questions   the UAE, that the U.S. would consid-  opportunity. They argue that the Arab   will continue to expand its settlements
       Harold M. Halpern  and answers.    er providing it with its most advanced   nations’  policy  of  non-recognition  of   in the West Bank to the point where a
        How does Israel benefit?          aircraft.                             Israel  until  peace  was  made  with  the   two-state solution is no longer viable.
        Before  the  agreements,  the  Arab   What affected the timing?         PA, enabled it to say no to all Israeli   Those  who  hold  this  position,  while
     Gulf States did not recognize the right   Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Net-  proposals.  In  meetings  in  2000  with   giving favorable lip service to the nor-
     of Israel to exist. Their narrative was   anyahu  announced  he  would  begin   President Bill Clinton and Prime Min-  malization  agreements,  are  in  effect
     that Israel was an unlawful state occu-  annexation of a part of the West Bank.   ister  Ehud  Barak,  Chairman  Yasser   condemning them.
     pying Palestine, an Arab land. All con-  This was strongly opposed by the PA,   Arafat turned down an offer of 97% of   No one knows what will happen.
     tact and trade were clandestine. They   Jordan,  the  Arab  and  Muslim  world,   the West Bank. He held on to the Arab   Hezbollah,  which  in  effect  controls
     pledged that Israel would not be recog-  the  European  Union  and  the  liberal   narrative  that  Israel  is  an  invader  to   Lebanon,  has  its  hands  filled.  Iran  is
     nized until it made a peace agreement   communities in Israel and the U.S. Ne-  be expelled as were the Crusaders. To   economically  in  deep  trouble.  Hamas
     with the Palestinian Authority (PA).  tanyahu suspended annexation as part   eliminate Israel as a Jewish democra-  and the PA are enemies, and as such,
        Israel has been delinked from the   of  the  normalization  agreements.  In   cy, Arafat demanded that the millions   Hamas is not a reliable supporter of the
     PA and recognized as a fully indepen-  addition, the agreements meant poten-  of descendants of Palestinians be given   PA.
     dent state in the Middle East. More than   tial political gain for President Donald   the right to return to Israel. Israel was   The status quo may very well con-
     this, it has been greeted with open arms   Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu.  not ready to commit suicide.     tinue in the near future with the PA in
     by  nations  that  welcome  increased,   Will more Muslim countries nor-       Israel’s  reward  for  its  offer  was   charge of its cities, towns and villag-
     trade, tourism, technology transfer and   malize relations with Israel?    the  Second  Intifada  five  months  af-  es in areas A and B of the West Bank
     investment. They will coordinate eco-    Yes.  Oman,  Sudan  and  Morocco   ter  the  failed  meetings.  It  continued   (40%),  and  Israel  controlling  area  C
     nomic and military planning to contain   are thought likely to do so. Saudi Ara-  for five more years until 2005. Israeli   (60%) as well as security.
     destabilizing activities of Iran.    bia  may  later.  Favorable  sermons  are   deaths  and  serious  injuries  from  sui-  Palestinian  resistance  to  the  Jew-
        What  circumstances  brought      delivered in its mosques and newspa-  cide bombers and terrorists were in the   ish people returning home is 100 years
                                                                                thousands. This took a great toll on the   old. It may continue for more years. I
                                                                                Israeli psyche. Their prime interest be-  join  with Yossi  Klein  Halevi’s  dream
                                                                                came security and remains so.         in Letters to My Palestinian Neighbors   build.                           advocate.
                          Robert and Esther Heller                              lost  its  enablers.  The Arab  states  are   of two states for two peoples living in
                                                                                    Now  the  PA,  after  20  years,  has
                              CRC                                               tired  of  the  Palestinian  issue.  They   er rather than later.                         remember. support.
                                                                                                                      peace, side by side. May it come soon-
                                                                                want a Palestinian state but not at the
                                                                                                                      Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                expense of their relations with Israel.   living in Lakewood Ranch Florida. He   Bridges
                                                                                Arab media are beginning to call upon   is a member of the Board of Directors
                                                                                the PA to recognize Israel as they have   of the American Association of Jewish   We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
                       Have you ever been asked                                 and  to  accept  the  reality  of  400,000   Lawyers and Jurists, and of the board   presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement

                          questions about Israel                                Israelis  living  in  the West  Bank. The   of the West Coast Florida Chapter of    (BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
                                                                                Arab nations have the leverage to give
                                                                                                                      the American Jewish Committee.
                                                                                                                                                                      experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
                            or antisemitism that                                or withhold support to the PA to nudge           STAY                                   and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.
                                                                                it  to  the  negotiating  table.  They  will
                               you can’t answer?                                need Israel’s help to get the PA to the
                                                                                table.  Their  new  Arab  partners  now
                                                                                Crossword Puzzle                        CONNECTED                                                                                                                                        ^  Builds Bridges
                           CRConnect, a program of
                           CR   C onnec     t                                   Solution to puzzle on page 27A                                                                                             Robert and Esther Heller
                           the Heller CRC, addresses                                                                                                                                                           CRC                        ^  Advocates through Government Affairs

                            these difficult questions                                                                                                                                                       COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE             ^  Remembers the Holocaust
                        such as Palestinian vs. Israeli

                             sovereignty, Israel as a                                                                                                                                     Outreach

                       “superpower,” the “Apartheid”                                                                                                                                        Fighting antisemitism is an ongoing battle. We have CRC
                           claim, peace in the region                                                                                                                                        Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to

                                   and much more.                                                                                                                                              better understand what antisemitism looks like and how
                                                                                                                               .com/jfedsrq                                                     to fight it alongside the Jewish community.

                  Read our monthly article and then visit
                                           What do you think?                                                     HELLER CRC’S MISSION
                to see the questions and learn the answers.                        The Jewish News wants to know!                                                    To build relationships within the

                                                                                      Send an email to                                     Jewish and non-Jewish communities
        For more information, please contact                                                                                                                     and to advance common interests
        Jessi Sheslow at                                                                 Letters Policy
        or 941-343-2109.                                                          Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include the writer’s name, mailing   through education and advocacy.                               
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