Page 27 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 27

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                         March 2020                                      27A

        Stars of David                                                                        Interested in Your

        By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
        Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish              Family’s History?

        for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
        ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify

        with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are   Nate Bloom (see column at le ) has become a family history expert in 10

        also identified as Jewish.                                                    years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
                                                                                      when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
        2020 Oscars Roundup                   1977. He said, in part: “My parents be-  full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
        There were more than the usual num-   lieved in God. I’m Jewish, my mom’s     with a limited search of one family line.
        ber of Jewish nominees for Oscars in   Jewish, but she believes in Jesus. She
        the  “marquee”  categories  (acting,  di-  felt a connection to that. But they were           So here’s the deal:
        recting).  Prominent  among  the  nomi-  never  religious.  [After leaving  the
        nated “non-winners” were  TODD        cult],  we were absolutely  encouraged   Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
        PHILLIPS, 49 (Joker),  and  NOAH      to have whatever belief we wanted.”     Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
        BAUMBACH, 50 (Marriage Story).        New Broadcast, Cable

        They were both nominated in the di-   and Streaming Offerings                  goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.

        rector  and screenwriting  categories.   Dispatches from Elsewhere is a 10-epi-  The  rst search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
        Another big “non-winner” was SCAR-    sode anthology series that starts on
        LETT  JOHANSSON,  36,  who was        AMC cable  on Sunday,  March  1         several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
        nominated  for best actress (Marriage   (10:00 p.m.). The second episode will   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
        Story)  and  best  supporting  actress   be shown the next night (Monday) at   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
        (Jojo Rabbit).                        10:00 p.m. After that, all episodes will
            TAIKA WAITITI, 44, won  the       air Mondays at 10:00 p.m. The advance
        best adapted screenplay Oscar for Jojo   description is vague: “A group of ordi-  woman  who has  permeated  Ameri-  cer. Feiler wrote letters asking six men

        Rabbit, a film that he also directed and   nary people who stumble onto a puzzle   can culture for more than 30 years.”   from all passages of his life to be pres-
        co-starred in.  Jojo Rabbit is an anti-  hiding  just  behind  the  veil  of  every-  The  film  was  made  by  NANETTE   ent through the passages of his young

        Nazi film that I found more poignant   day life.” The series co-stars JASON   BURSTEIN, 49. Her previous docu-    daughters’ lives and assist them. They
        and  well-written  than  some  advance   SEGEL, 40, and the always-good Sal-  mentaries include the Oscar-nominated   all responded positively. Feiler is now
        reviews led me to believe. While Wait-  ly Field. Segel created  the series and   On the Ropes, about boxing.     cancer-free.
        iti is, in common terms, only 1/8 Jew-  writes it. He long co-starred in the hit   Council of Dads is an NBC dra-    Feiler’s written about many topics,
        ish, he identifies as a “Polynesian Jew.”   TV series How I Met Your Mother. He   ma  that starts on  Tuesday, March  10   but he’s best known for  Walking  the

        It’s your choice how you view him –   has many film credits, including For-  (10:00 p.m.). The lead character, Scott   Bible,  a  bestselling  book  (2006)  and
        Jewish or not. At the very least, he is   getting Sarah Marshall, a hit he starred   Perry, is a loving father of four. A seri-  very popular PBS series about Feiler’s

        an influential ally of the Jewish people.   in and wrote.                   ous health scare moves him to recruit   10,000-mile journey tracing the events
            As expected,  JOAQUIN PHOE-           The  four-part  documentary  Hill-  three of his closest male friends to step   and places mentioned in the Torah.
        NIX, 45 (Joker),  won  the  best  actor   ary,  about  the  former  first  lady  and   in as “back up dads” for every stage of   Sport Short

        Oscar. He was Oscar-nominated twice   secretary of state, begins streaming on   his family’s life. These men agree to   QUINN HUGHES, 20, played in this
        before. Here’s the 411 on his ‘odd’   Hulu on Friday, March 6. Each episode   devote themselves to supporting and   year’s NHL all-star  game.  Hughes is
        Jewish background: Phoenix, who has   will be released on successive Fridays.   guiding  Scott’s family  through thick   a defenseman who plays for the Van-
        twice  played  Jewish  film  characters,   Hillary,  an  original  Hulu  film,  was   and thin, just in case he ever can’t be   couver Canucks. His younger brother,

        made it clear in an interview just a   shown  at the Sundance Film Festival   there to do so himself.             JACK HUGHES, 18, plays for the
        year ago that he is a secular Jew who   last December and received very good   The series is based on a bestsell-  NHL New Jersey Devils. Their father,

        doesn’t affiliate with any organized re-  reviews. The advance publicity notes:   ing  2010  book of  the  same  name  by   Jim Hughes, a former hockey coach,
        ligion. His Jewish-born mother joined   “Hillary is a remarkably intimate por-  BRUCE FEILER, now 55. He and his   isn’t  Jewish.  Their  American  Jew-
        a Christian cult group in 1969 not long   trait  of a woman in the public eye,   wife, LINDA ROTTENBERG, 54, a    ish mother,  ELLEN  WEINBERG-
        after  marrying  his non-Jewish father.   [with] unprecedented personal access   prominent business consultant, have   HUGHES, 51, was a great collegiate
        Joaquin was just three years old when   to the former First Lady… The series   identical  twin daughters. In 2008, he   ice hockey player. The brothers had a
        his disillusioned parents left the cult in   gives viewers an up-close view of the   was diagnosed with a rare form of can-  bar mitzvah ceremony.

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                                               Ruby was allowed
                                               describe how, aB                                                                          MARSALIS  ,
                                               1948, during an                                                                           sax ophone
                                               extended absence
                                               her husband, she
                                               in her home, s
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                                               attempted to

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