Page 30 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 30

30A                             March 2020                                         ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

        Quirky design house lets customers also be designers

        Quirky Israeli brand Peleg Design offers customers a chance to send ideas online.
        But that’s only one source of Shahar Peleg’s inspiration.
        By Lauren Izso, ISRAEL21c
              rom optical illusion flower vas-    Nothing, he says, is really what it   His newest item,  the  Egguins, is

              es to  playful  elephant-shaped   seems.                              a great example of that. The penguin-
        Fcutlery  drainers, Shahar Peleg          The  product  that  kicked  off  the   shaped eggholder  makes it easy to

        wants his products to bring his custom-  company’s success was a  vase Peleg   remove hot hard-boiled eggs from boil-
        ers joy, but first and foremost to fulfill   designed for his own wedding in 2005.

        a need.                               These “floating” vases are anchored by

            How does he figure out what those

        needs are? “In many ways,” the de-
        signer and founder of the brand tells
            One of those ways is from his cus-
        tomers.                                                                                                           Peleg Design’s gravity-defying wine-bottle holder
            “Some of the ideas came to us                                                 Egguins, one of Peleg Design’s   come both my passion and my profes-
        while daydreaming, some in the show-                                               cute and functional creations  sion.”
        er, some we woke up with and some                                           ing water and store them in the fridge   Peleg Design has expanded to
        just came to us by email,” reads Peleg                                      – and also makes the eggs much cuter.  more than 30 countries  including the
        Design website’s “Suggest an Idea”                                             One comment  on Peleg Design’s     United States, Japan, Peru, France and
        section.                                Peleg Design’s Magnetic Vase is a best seller  Instagram page calls the item “the best   South Korea. Some designs can even
            People  from  all  over  the  world   magnetic bases hidden underneath the   thing since sliced bread.”       be found at the gift shop of the Louvre
        reach out, he says.                   tablecloth.                              Many of Peleg’s products are made   Museum in Paris and the Museum of
            “Once in a while we get a great       To this day, the Magnetic Vase set   from plastic but they are meant to last.   Modern Art’s gift  shop in New York
        idea, and we pay royalties  to the de-  is one of Peleg Design’s best sellers. “It   Sensitive  to  environmental  issues, he   City. The Magnetic Vase is one of its
        signers or inventors. It’s really amaz-  was a huge hit,” he says. “That’s what   explains that he wants his customers to   bestselling items.
        ing because a lot of people have a lot   really began to generate business.”  develop an emotional connection to the   Peleg explains that his products
        of ideas,” Peleg says.                    Another  universal  problem  Peleg   items and use them for as long as pos-  are available in most major economies,
            For example,  the  Bag Bunny, a   wanted to solve was grime building up   sible before throwing them away.    excluding those that have no political
        magnetic  bunny-shaped tool for eas-                                        Passion and profession                relations with Israel. He hopes one day
        ily opening plastic packaging, was in-                                      Growing up, Peleg dreamed of being    that will change, and he says so to the
        spired by a customer suggestion.                                            an astronaut, but he would eventually   businessmen he meets from countries
                                                                                    find his passion in a different form of   like Iran and Kuwait.

                                                                                    exploration: design.                     Every now and then, Peleg receives
                                                                                       “It started off as a one man show,”   an email from an Israeli customer, with

                                                                                    he says.                              a photo of his Magnetic Vase on a shelf
                                                                                       Peleg  studied  interior  design  at   in the MOMA gift shop. They are so
                                                                                    the Holon Institute of Design. A class   happy to see an Israeli designer’s prod-
                                               Jumbo, a cutlery holder that drains into the sink  project made him realize he had an eye   uct among some of the world’s best.
            Bag Bunny was inspired by a customer’s   at the bottom of a cutlery drainer. His   for creating quirky but useful knick-  “That makes me proud,” he says.
          suggestion (photos courtesy of Peleg Design)  answer was Jumbo, an elephant-shaped   knacks. He had made a wine-bottle   For more information, visit https://
            Founded in 2005 and based in Tel   cutlery holder that drains water out of   holder that seemed to defy gravity.
        Aviv, Peleg  Design’s online  store  of-  its trunk, directly into the sink.  He was able to sell a few even before   Get to know Israel
        fers around 100 unique products that      Peleg says function is key, and de-  graduating.
        stem from everyday needs, each with   sign is secondary to usefulness. But     “It started from selling one prod-       and her people!
        quirks, twists or optical  illusions that   still, he hopes his customers will fall in   uct in two or three stores in Tel Aviv,”   Visit
        Peleg describes as “magical.”         love with his “cute” designs.         Peleg tells ISRAEL21c. “It’s now be-

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