Page 28 - Jewish News_March-2020
P. 28

28A                             March 2020                                         ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

        Why 2019 was a record-breaking year

        for Israel’s economy

        In technology, digital health, tourism, exports and other verticals,
        Israel has seen steady growth through the past decade.
        By Brian Blum,, January 15, 2020
              he year 2019 broke records      partner or go public on the stock mar-  deals in the $400 million to $1 billion   majority go to the European Union, a
              across Israel’s economy. From   ket. That figure grew, too, in 2019, al-  range more than doubled (to nine) in   market that grew 4.8% this year. The
        Ttourism  to  tech,  exports  to  the   though the amount depends on which   2019, accounting for 42% of all activi-  United  States,  Israel’s largest export
        illusive “unicorn,” Israel scored higher   analytics firm you follow.       ty. There were slightly more East Asian   market by country, rose only 2%. India
        in many categories than it ever had.      According  to  Pricewaterhouse-   deals – 10 compared to eight in 2018 –   grew by 9% in the last year, but Japan
            Below, ISRAEL21c  breaks down     Coopers  (PwC),  Israeli  exits  in  2019   but the average price fell to $75 million   and China fell in 2019.
        the numbers.                          totaled $9.9 billion, twice the number   compared with $112 million in 2018.   Nevertheless, exports to Japan in-
        Unicorns                              as in 2018.                              Over the past 10 years, PwC counts   creased a total of 73% over the last de-
        Unicorns are a good place to start.       IVC-Meitar, on the other hand, put   587 Israeli technology exits worth a to-  cade while exports to China jumped a
        We’re not talking about mythical one-  the number at $21.7 billion, marking a   tal of $70.8 billion, not counting deals   whopping 402%. The last decade also
        horned beasts. Rather, a technology   72% jump over 2018’s $12.6 billion.   announced in 2019 but not yet closed.   saw an increase in exports of 40% to
        unicorn refers to a privately held com-  IVC-Meitar’s  Azran Lahat  said the   The most prominent of those 587 deals   Latin America.
        pany with a valuation of over $1 bil-  numbers differ because the methodol-  was the $6.9 billion acquisition of Is-  Venture capital
        lion.                                 ogy and databases used are different.  raeli  chipmaker Mellanox  Technolo-  Local and international venture capital
            In 2019, Israel  doubled  its  num-   Let’s drill down further.         gies by NVIDIA.                       firms are the engine that keeps Israeli
        ber of companies hitting that mark to     In the PwC report, 80 deals were     One more number: if we include     startups’ wheels greased.
        20. Israel now has more unicorns than   cited  of which 67 were mergers and   companies acquired more than once or   Israeli  companies  raised $6.4 bil-
        France, Germany and Australia com-    13 were initial public offerings. (In the   acquired after going public, the num-  lion in 2019 from venture capitalists
        bined.  Only  the  U.S., UK and  China   tech sector, the IPOs included Fiverr,   ber for the decade would rise to a stag-  (VC)  compared  with  $4.75  billion  in
        have more.                            Tufin, InMode and 89bio.) The average   gering $108 billion, according to PwC.  2018, according to the latest report by
            Among the high-profile new com-   deal size in 2019 was $124 million, an   The  “deal  of the  decade,”  of   the IVC Research Center and the Israe-
        panies  Israel  welcomed  into  unicorn   increase of 53% over the 2018 figure.   course, was Intel’s 2017 acquisition of   li office of law firm Zysman, Aharoni,
        playground last  year:  taxi-hailing   Twenty-four deals were valued at $100   Mobileye for $15.3 billion.        Gayer & Co. (ZAG-S&W).
        company  Gett,  cybersecurity  experts   million or more, up from 17 last year.  Exports                             If we look at total deal flow (not
        Cybereason, and team  management          Half of the total value of the deals   Israeli exports rose from $109 billion in   limited  to  VCs),  we  reach  an  even
        systems developer Monday.             was in the area of computing services   2018 to $114 billion in 2019, according   higher number: $8.3 billion in 2019 in
            Additional companies are on their   and software. That includes the largest   to the Central Bureau of Statistics and   522 deals, compared with $6.4 billion
        way to unicorn status: 3D sensor com-  deal of the year, Intel’s $2 billion ac-  the Economy Ministry.            in 2018.
        pany  Vayyar Imaging,  fraud protec-  quisition of Habana Labs.                Most of the  increase  was in ser-    Software companies  alone  raised
        tion firm Riskified, software developer   In the IVC-Meitar report, there   vices exports (things like software,   $4.4 billion in 2019, almost 50% more
        JFrog, and insure-tech company Lem-   were 138 exit deals, of which 122 were   computing  and  R&D),  which  grew   than  the  year  before.  Artificial  intel-
        onade all had financing rounds of over   mergers and acquisitions.          by  nearly  12%. That  helped  to  offset   ligence  companies raised $3.7 billion
        $100 million in 2019.                     The PwC report also looks beyond   weakness in goods exports, which have   in 199 deals in 2018, cyber companies
            According  to  a  list  compiled  by   the tech sector. Including deals such as   been hurt by a slowing of global trade,   raised $1.8 billion, fintech companies
        TechCrunch, out of some 500 unicorns   the Delek Group’s $2 billion acquisi-  a weak diamond market and a strong   raised $1.7 billion, and life-sciences
        around the  world, 30 were founded    tion of Chevron North Sea, merger and   shekel.                             companies raised $1.38 billion in 2019.
        by Israelis though not all of them are   acquisition  activity  in Israel surged   Overall, Israeli exports soared by   While  2019 was a  good year, it
        based in Israel.                      34% in 2019, reaching a total deal    almost  70% in the last  decade  (2009   looks positively outstanding compared
        Mergers, acquisitions and IPOs        value of $20.4 billion – close (but still   exports totaled just $67 billion), with   with the beginning of the decade, when
        The most common model for valuable    not identical) to the IVC-Meitar con-  high-tech services leading the way.  VC investment  in Israel was a mere
        Israeli startups has been an “exit,” – to   clusion.                           Exports  comprise  around  30%  of   $1.13 billion. Forty-one  megadeals
        merge, be acquired by an international    According to PwC, the number of   Israel’s total  economic  activity.  The           continued on next page

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