Page 14 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 14

14A                         January 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     Shalom SRQ,                                                                Community Lecture...continued from page 13A
                                                                                                                      as much as possible. While there were
                                                                                himself ended up needing to be saved.
     new and improved!                                                          In April 2020, Beer tested positive for   cases where our first responders caught
                                                                                Covid-19 and was taken to an intensive
                                                                                                                      the disease, most of those cases came
     By Marty Katz, Sr. Dir. of Communications & Marketing                      care unit for treatment.              from other sources and not while the
            rum  roll  please!  The  Jewish   ever-growing number of programs and   “It was horrible. I almost  died. I   volunteer was responding to a medical
            Federation of Sarasota-Man-   fundraising initiatives, as well as main-  had to say goodbye to my children and   emergency. That is a huge win for us as
     Datee is pleased to announce         taining  our website and social media   my wife. It is not anything that I would   an organization,” he said.
     that our updated  Shalom SRQ maga-   platforms. Nevertheless, we prevailed!  ever wish on anyone. I wanted so much   Beer’s vision is to bring the Unit-
     zine is now available. Shalom SRQ is     I want to publicly thank the follow-  to see my dream live on,” Beer said.   ed Hatzalah model to other countries.
     the  popular  magazine-style  resource   ing who were instrumental in bringing   “When  I woke up, I was so thankful   “United Hatzalah has chapters in two
     guide that includes everything Jewish   the publication to fruition:       to be with my family again and to see   cities in Ukraine, in Panama City, and
     in  our area.  It covers  all  that  a  local   ‹   Bonnie Souther, Federation’s Ex-  that the organization that I started was   in Jersey City and Englewood, New                   optimism
     resident, visitor or newcomer needs to   ecutive  Administrator, who con-  working hard to save lives and doing   Jersey.  We have also helped over 20
     know when it comes to “all things Jew-   tacted  all  content  providers  and   everything it could to combat the dead-  other  countries begin  their  own ver-
     ish” in Sarasota and Manatee counties,   managed the hundreds of submis-   ly virus that almost claimed my life.   sions of response systems based  on
     in easy-to-follow regionalized sections   sions they provided.             One  of  the  first  things  I  committed   our model. My dream is that some-
     (North,  Central,  South,  Beyond  Sara-  ‹   Adam Kaplan,  our Advertising   to when I woke up from my coma of   thing like United Hatzalah would exist                                                 / op • tuh • miz • uhm / noun
     sota-Manatee and Israel).                Sales  Representative,  who  once   nearly 30 days was to push even hard-  everywhere in the world so that no one
        Those receiving The Jewish News       again made the publication a rev-  er at keeping United Hatzalah running   will have to wait for more than a few
     at home received the publication in the   enue-generating  line  item  for the   and succeeding and to save even more   minutes for help to arrive, anywhere.                                    feeling nostalgic about the future
     mail in November. Additional copies      Federation’s budget.              lives,” he said.                      Every life is precious. My hope is that
                                              Similarly, we must also thank our     Beer added that the virus has made   one day everyone will have access to
       FREE                               advertisers. Without you, our commu-  the work of all medical personnel im-  free emergency medical care at a mo-
                                          nity would simply not have this helpful   measurably harder. “Nurses  and doc-  ment’s notice and that no one any-
                                          and educational publication. Our deep-  tors in hospitals, doctors in private   where will ever have to debate whether
                  VOLUME 2  |  2020-2021  est gratitude for making this publica-  practices,  first  responders,  ambulance   or not to call for an ambulance because
            UPDATED                       tion possible.                        themselves and protect their own lives   believed help wouldn’t arrive in time.
                                                                                teams,  everyone  has to  worry about
                                                                                                                      of the prohibitive price or because they
                                              Our proofreading  team,  led by
                                                                                and that of their families, while they
                                                                                                                      People should not need to wait for
                                          Logan  Marr,  Communications  &
                                          Marketing  Coordinator  –  Ed Cohen,
                                                                                                                      any and all who need it, regardless of
                                                                                lives of others. United Hatzalah volun-
                                          Marianne Mandell, Elliot Ofsowitz,    go about working tirelessly to save the   help. Help should be at the ready for
        INSIDE        Sarasota-Manatee    Jeff  Sherman,  Jill  Simons,  Linda   teers are no different from anyone else   cost, background, nationality, religion,
        DISCOVER ALL THINGS JEWISH                                              in this field except that they are volun-  etc. We are all human and we need to
        Synagogues, Food, Culture & More  Stern and Bonnie Souther – for their
        LEARN ABOUT YOUR FEDERATION                                             teers.  The  organization  spent  incred-  help one another. That is what God put
        History, Programs & More          keen eyes and grammar knowledge.
        FIND THE LOCATIONS                                                      ible amounts of money and resources   us on this earth to do,” Beer said.
        On the Detailed Map Locator           Karen Alfaro, our Senior Graphic
                                          Designer,  who  designed  many  of  the   making sure that every volunteer  has   For information on the  annual                                                           the appropriate protection with them as   Community Lecture event featuring
              A PUBLICATION OF            beautiful  ads showcasing Federation
                                          programs and initiatives.             part of their first-response medical kits.   Eli Beer, please contact Jessi Sheslow
     were placed around town at the many      And  finally,  Jennifer Bernthal,   Every responder needed to know what   at 941.343.2109 or jsheslow@jfedsrq.
     locations where the paper is distributed,   Federation’s  Marketing  &  Communi-  protocols to follow and how to act in   org. For reservations ($10 per house-
     including  Sarasota-Bradenton  Inter-  cations Specialist who was the design   the field in order to protect themselves   hold), visit
     national Airport and the Visit Sarasota   and layout mastermind behind the
                                                                                    IT’S SO
     Welcome Center. The 2019 edition was   publication. You hit it out of the park
     so popular,  we  were asked  to  provide   once again, Jennifer!
     more copies for these locations.         If you know someone new to the        I   T      ’S S             O
        As  you can imagine, the produc-  area  who  might  benefit  from  seeing
     tion of the magazine is not an easy task,   the magazine,  direct them to jfedsrq.
     especially  when the  Federation mar-  org/shalomsrq. Or, for additional hard
     keting team is also tasked with bring-  copies, please email
     ing you this newspaper, marketing the   or call 941.371.4546.                  EASY!

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                              • Be the first to learn about Federation                 to where it’s needed most — to the Federation’s                       One relationship at a time, through the warmth of human connection, the Tidewell Foundation is advancing
                              • Stay up to date on Federation events                   work at the forefront of Jewish life here in                          care and brightening lives for those who need it most.
                              • Receive important updates from Federation              Sarasota-Manatee.
                               leadership                                                                                                                    From the world-class services of Tidewell hospice, to grief counseling for kids, to music and pet therapy,
                              • Stay informed on the latest                                  Visit and select                             your generosity makes it all possible.
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