Page 19 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 19

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                   19A

 Volunteer Spotlight  Youth doing good!                                         Federation staff

 Sandy Chase: A volunteer like no other  By Lael Hazan, STEP Committee Member   taking on new roles

           his period of isolation and un-
                                          College Care Packages.
           known has been  particularly       The  students  have  the  following   By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer
     Tdifficult  on  college  students.   questions.  Do you know a current         am pleased to share with the com-  served as the Heller  CRC Director
     The National Institutes of Health (NIH)   Jewish  university  student  from  Sara-  I                            leading  our  efforts  on  Israel  advoca-
                                                                                    munity that two members of our
     reports that 91% say that the Covid-19   sota-Manatee? Do you know what col-   Federation staff team are taking on   cy, interfaith  relations and Holocaust
     pandemic has increased their anxiety   lege students want in a care package?   new roles within the organization:  awareness. During her tenure as CRC
     levels. They are concerned about their   If  so,  they  welcome  your  advisement   Ilene Fox has been a valued mem-  Director, Jessi led  three  Interfaith
     health and their families, and many are   and support.                     ber of our staff for more than 10 years,   Missions  to Israel with leaders from
     having difficulty concentrating. Instead   Jessi Sheslow, Teen & Family Pro-  having  started  in  2009  in  a  part-time   the non-Jewish community in Saraso-
     of college being a time  of discovery,   gram Manager, will be listening  to   role focused on event planning and   ta-Manatee, implemented the commu-
     for many it has been one of seclusion   ideas and taking donations. As the late   women’s philanthropy. Over the last   nity-wide Israel@70 celebration, grew
     in dorm rooms and/or remote learning.   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Life’s   decade,  Ilene  has                       our Holocaust education
        Prior to the recent pandemic, men-  most persistent and urgent question is,
 Sandy Chase portraying Mabel Ringling, and                                     worked in various                                 and  awareness  efforts,
 sharing her life with the Venice Historical Society tal health professionals were already   ‘What are you doing for others?’” The   roles on the devel-  and earned her master’s
     concerned that colleges and univer-  STEP  participants  have  internalized   opment  team.  Her                             degree   in   Non-Profit
     sities weren’t equipped to deal with   that message and, appropriately on   many accomplish-                                 Management  from  Gratz
     modern student stressors. They wanted   Dr.  Martin  Luther  King  Jr.  weekend,   ments include start-                      College.
     to help students banish the mindset of   will assemble the care packages in a   ing  a  successful                              Jessi has accepted the
     vaguely defined success fueled by per-  socially  distanced  environment.  The   sponsorship cam-                            position of Teen & Family
     petual fear of failure and instead, pro-  items will be non-perishable and sent   paign, leading many                        Program Manager. In this
     mote healthy caring conversations and   as traditional Purim Mishloach Manot   successful missions                           role, she will be responsi-
     connections.  For everyone,  creating   to college students. The origin of the   to Israel and grad-                         ble for our PJ Library and
     and maintaining connections has been   mitzvah comes from the Book of Es-  uating  from  The                                 Shapiro  Teen  Engage-
     very difficult. For students new to col-  ther, which tells us that Purim is a time   Jewish Federations                     ment  Program  (STEP).
     lege, it has been almost impossible.  of feasting and joy. Some say that the   of North America’s                            She  will  also  focus  on
        The  Shapiro  Teen  Engagement    purpose is to unite the Jewish people.   Fundraising University.    Ilene Fox  continuing Holocaust education efforts
     Program (STEP) at The Jewish Fed-    What could make a college student feel    Ilene is taking on a new challenge   within our local schools through the
     eration  of  Sarasota-Manatee is a   more included than a care package?    as our Senior Philanthropic Officer. In   Classrooms Without Borders program.
     gateway for local Jewish high-school     We welcome  community  support    her  new  role,  Ilene  will  employ  her   As a PJ Library mom herself, Jessi is
     students to participate in the commu-  to let those students who are feeling in   strong relationship-building and fund-  passionate about connecting our youth
     nity and strengthen their commitment   limbo know that they are remembered.   raising skills to focus                             with Judaism, Jew-
     to  Judaism  and  Israel.  This  year’s   You have the chance to help create a   on stewarding our most                           ish culture,  Isra-
     participants  have decided  that  one   wonderful  “SRQ  loves  you”  basket   generous donors – from                             el  and  our vibrant
     of their community  service projects   for a lonely college student. Keep an   annual  giving to  capi-                           Jewish community.
     would be to reach out to past mem-   eye out for our eblast with information   tal  giving  and  beyond.                             I know that both
     bers to remind them  that  the Jewish   about how to donate items.         She  will  work  closely                               Ilene  and Jessi are
     community  of  Sarasota-Manatee  re-
                                              For more information about STEP,
 Y YOUTH MENTAL                           contact  Jessi  Sheslow  at  jsheslow@  with  our  Lion  of  Judah,                          taking on these
     members  and  supports  them.  They
                                                                                                                                       new challenges with
                                                                                Pomegranate and major
     came up with the idea of Tikkun Olam
 HEALTH FIRST AID                or 941.343.2109.          donors,  and continue to                               great enthusiasm.  I
                                                                                play a vital role on our
                                                                                                                                       speak on behalf of
                                                                                development team, work-                                our Federation staff
                                                                                ing closely with Barbara                               and volunteer lead-
                                                                                Mazer, Rich  Bergman,                                  ership team  when
 64.1%   Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?                                     Lisa Feinman and Gisele           Jessi Sheslow        I say that we are
                                                                                                                      thrilled to have them representing our
                Y YOUTH MENTAL
 Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
                  Y YOUTH MENTAL
 of youth with major depression   to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training   Jessi Sheslow joined our Feder-  Federation in these roles.
                HEALTH FIRST AID
 do not receive any mental   gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial   ation team in 2012. Since 2014, Jessi
                  HEALTH FIRST AID
 health treatment.  support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
 health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
 – Mental Health America
           64.1%              Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?
 1 in 5   Three Learning Options  Who Should Take it                                Sandie Ivers     941.224.0807
                              Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
                                  Why Youth Mental Health First Aid?
        Youth Mental Health First Aid training teaches you how to identify,
                              to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training
                                                                                    Linda Klein       561.702.7759
       of youth with major depression
                              gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial
         do not receive any mental
                                  Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond
 •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete   •  Teachers
        understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders
                              support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
           health treatment.
                                  to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth. This 6-hour training
 teens and young adults   a 2-hour, self-paced online class,   •  School staff      Birthdays, Anniversaries, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs,
        of youth with major depression
                              health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
        in children and adolescents (ages 12-18) and connect them to the appropriate care.
           – Mental Health America
         do not receive any mental
 lives with a mental    and then participate in a 4-hour,   gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial
                                  support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may be developing a mental
            health treatment.
                             •  Coaches
 health condition.  Instructor-led videoconference.  Who Should Take the Eight-Hour Class?    any special occasion— Sign Greeters will
                                  health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
           1 in 5
            – Mental Health America
                               Three Learning Options
 – National Alliance for Mental Illness  •  Blended Learning. After completing   •  Camp counselors  Who Should Take it  bring smiles  to your yard celebration!
                                •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete  • Youth Group Leaders
        • Teachers
                              • Coaches
 a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First   •  Youth group leaders  •  Teachers
         teens and young adults
                                 a 2-hour, self-paced online class,
            1 in 5
                                                          •  School staff
                              • Camp Counselors
                                 and then participate in a 4-hour,  • Parents
        • School Staff
          lives with a mental
 Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in-  •  Parents Three Learning Options  •  Coaches Who Should Take it  ww  w . S i g n G r e e t e r s . c o m
           health condition.
                                 Instructor-led videoconference.
                                    •  Virtual. First Aiders will complete
 person, Instructor-led class.  •  People who work with   •  Camp counselors Teachers        @ @SignGreeters
                                •  Blended Learning. After completing
        – National Alliance for Mental Illness
          Choose from four trai
          teens and young adults
 5.13%   •  In-person. First Aiders will receive   youthning sessions  |  $36 per session
                                      a 2-hour, self-paced online class,
                                                          •  Youth group leaders
                                                                   •  School staff
                                 a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First
           lives with a mental
                                      and then participate in a 4-hour,
 of youth report having a   their training as an 6.5-hour   Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in-  •  Parents  •  Coaches
            health condition.
                                      Instructor-led videoconference.
                                 person, Instructor-led class.
          SESSION 1
                                                          •  People who work with
                                                                   •  Camp counselors
 substance use or    Instructor-led in-person course.  SESSION 2  SESSION 3  SESSION 4
                                    •  Blended Learning. After completing
         – National Alliance for Mental Illness
                                •  In-person. First Aiders will receive
                                                                   •  Youth group leaders
             Jan. 10
                                 their training as an 6.5-hour
                                      a 2-hour, self-paced online class, First
 alcohol problem.  of youth report having a   Feb. 21 Part I  Apr. 11 Part I  MAY 23 Part I
           substance use or
                                 Instructor-led in-person course.
                                                                   •  Parents
          9:00am-6:00      1:00-6:30pm Aiders will participate in a 4-hour, in- 1:00-6:30pm
  – Mental Health America             person, Instructor-led class.  •  People who work with
                                    •  In-person. First Aiders will receive  May 24 Part II
            – Mental Health America  Feb. 22 Part II  Apr. 12 Part II  youth
 What it Covers  of youth report having a   5:00-8:30pm their training as an 6.5-hour   5:00-8:30pm
                               What it Covers
 •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including
            substance use or
                                      Instructor-led in-person course.
                                •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including
 The course will teach you how   •  Anxiety  The course will teach you how   Registration   Registration   Registration
            alcohol problem.
                                  •  Anxiety
       to apply the ALGEE action plan:
 to apply the ALGEE action plan:  •  Assess for risk of suicide or   Deadline  Deadline
                                  •  Depression
                                  •  Eating disorders Deadline
            – Mental Health America
 •  Assess for risk of suicide or   •  Depression  harm.  Feb. 1, 2021  Mar. 22, 2021
                                  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) May 3, 2021
                                   What it Covers
        •  Listen nonjudgmentally.
 harm.  •  Eating disorders Dec. 21, 2020  •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use
                                    •  Common signs and symptoms of mental illness in this age group, including
        •  Give reassurance and
       The course will teach you how
 •  Listen nonjudgmentally.  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)  •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis  FELDMAN
                                       •  Anxiety
       to apply the ALGEE action plan:
                                   To sign up, visit
        •  Encourage appropriate
                                       •  Depression
 •  Give reassurance and   •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use  •  How to connect the person with help
        •  Assess for risk of suicide or
         other support strategies.
         professional help.
                                •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact
                                       •  Eating disorders
 information.  •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis  of social media and bullying  WEALTH ADVISORY
        •  Encourage self-help and
        •  Listen nonjudgmentally.
 •  Encourage appropriate   •  How to connect the person with help  •  Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
                                    •  Common signs and symptoms of substance use
        •  Give reassurance and
 professional help.  •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact i Krames at
                      For more information, contact Trud
            As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might
                                    •  How to interact with a child or adolescent in crisis
            think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they
 •  Encourage self-help and   of social media and bullying  941.706.0037 or                ®
            certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”
        •  Encourage appropriate
                                    •  How to connect the person with help
            — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor
 other support strategies.  professional help.  •  NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care and the impact   JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP
        •  Encourage self-help and   SPONSORED BY                                    CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™  PROFESSIONAL
                                      of social media and bullying
 As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might
          other support strategies. OR EMAIL
 think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they   941.260.9174   |  JFELDMAN@FELDMANWA.COM   |
                                  • Bunny Skirboll
             As adults, we sometimes forget how hard it was being an adolescent. When we see a kid who is just miserable at school, we might
 certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”
             think they choose to be that way — or that it’s just part of adolescence. But in fact, they might be in a mental health crisis, one they
                              • Joan and Brian Wides
 — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor
             certainly did not choose and do not want. When a teacher says, ‘How can I be helpful?’ that is a powerful question.”
             — Alyssa Fruchtenicht, school-based mental health counselor
                                                                                     INVESTMENTS     FINANCIAL PLANNING     INSURANCE
                                                                                     ADVISERS, INC., A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. 130 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44333. 800-765-5201. FELDMAN WEALTH
                                                                                     ADVISORY, LLC IS A SEPARATE ENTITY FROM VALMARK SECURITIES, INC. AND VALMARK ADVISERS, INC.
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