Page 16 - Jewish News_January-2021
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16A                         January 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     The new and exciting Sarasota Jewish Theater

     By Carole Kleinberg
              e are delighted to announce     I believe, as Jon did, that there is   mances  and  programs  which  reflect   In the future we will provide richly
              the  establishment  of  the   an audience here for a strong, profes-  the Jewish culture, values, history and   staged live productions, and welcome
     WSarasota  Jewish  Theater           sional  Jewish theater. Both the Asolo   experience.  Through  our  productions   community actors, theater technicians
     (SJT).  This  is  something  that  I  have   Theatre  Company  and  Florida  Studio   and programs, audiences of diverse be-  and volunteers. For now, because  we
     been thinking about for a long time. In   Theatre  have  enjoyed  success  with   liefs and backgrounds will experience   are in the age of Covid, we have sched-
     a community with 32,000 Jewish res-  Jewish-themed plays. Our intention is   both the uniqueness and universality   uled a season of three play readings
     idents, a community that is nourished   to produce plays that stand with the                                     on Zoom, all promising strong, pol-
     by a wide variety of cultural offerings   best our community has to offer.                                       ished  performances  shaped  by talent-
     and supports a thriving Black theater,   There is a long history of Jews sup-                                    ed Sarasota directors. One of the few
     why shouldn’t there be a high-quality   porting the arts, and there are a number                                 benefits  of  Covid  restrictions  is  that
     Jewish theater?                                  of successful Jewish the-                                       we can include actors from anywhere
        Actually, there was                           aters around the country,                                       in  the  country  (Geraldine  Librandi  is
     one here for quite a while.                      so why not here? Meyer                                          Zooming in from NYC), and invite au-
     The theater closed along                         noted that “you don’t                                           diences from anywhere in the world.
     with  the  Flanzer  JCC in                       have to be Jewish to like   of Jewish heritage and cultural experi-  Sarasota Jewish Theater’s
     2007.  A headline in the                         Jewish  theater.”  These   ences. We will draw support from our   Premiere Season:
     Arts Section of the Sara-                        theaters get diverse au-  membership in the Alliance for Jewish   Sunday, January 31, 3:00 p.m.
     sota Herald-Tribune on                           diences because they’re   Theaters.                             Women I Have Loved
     April 1, 2007, reads “The                        doing good shows that         SJT plays and programs will cen-  Featuring Carolyn Michel, Directed by
     Sarasota  Jewish  Theater                        aren’t being done any-    ter on the Jewish experience and con-  Howard Millman
     Quietly  Fades Away.”                            where else.               temporary Jewish issues. We will draw   Highlights of Carolyn’s rich career in-
     Jay Handelman’s article                              I subscribe to Nate   from our literature,  history, hopes,   clude scenes and stories ranging from
     that  followed  said,  “The   Carole Kleinberg   Jacob’s philosophy for    passions  and  accomplishments as we   Sid Caesar and Broadway to major per-
     wonderfully  expressive Yiddish word   the  Westcoast  Black  Theatre  Troupe.   entertain,  inform  and  inspire  Saraso-  formances in regional theaters.
     ‘Oy’ can be used in a lot of ways. It   They don’t perform FOR Black audi-  ta-Manatee audiences. We will elevate               * * *
     perfectly fits the feelings of supporters   ences, they produce plays which ex-  our work by partnering with other Jew-  Sunday, February 28, 3:00 p.m.
     of the Sarasota Jewish Theater,” which   plore and celebrate  Black  literature,   ish organizations such as the Sarasota   Cherry Docs by David Gow
     Artistic  Director  Jon Meyer had kept   music,  history and the Black  experi-  Jewish Chorale. Our artistic work will   Featuring Jim Floyd and Dylan Jones,
     going, off and on, for almost 10 years.   ence. Their diverse audience base vali-  stimulate the heart and the mind, and   Directed by Diane Cepeda, Narrated
     Along with a season of plays, Meyer   dates the wisdom of that approach.   celebrate  diversity, collaboration and   by Robert Turoff
     had scheduled children’s shows, class-   SJT  is  presented  in  partnership   inclusiveness.                    An intense drama unfolds when a skin-
     es and musical events.  Jon and the   with  The Jewish Federation of           Our commitment is to:             head, accused of murder in a vicious
     volunteers worked to provide the best   Sarasota-Manatee. We are dedicated   ‹   Maintain standards of artistic pro-  hate crime, is assigned a Jewish public
     work possible with limited resources.  to the  presentation  of plays, perfor-  fessionalism and integrity       defender.
                                                                                ‹   Empower, educate and inspire                     * * *
                                                                                    Jewish and non-Jewish audiences   Sunday, March 21, 3:00 p.m.
                                                                                ‹   Expand the reach of theatre  that   From Door to Door by James Sherman
                                                                                    explores Jewish identity  in  a   Featuring Geraldine Librandi, Kather-
                                                                                    multi-cultural world              ine  Michelle Tanner  and  Sandra  Mu-
                                                                                ‹   Be a stimulus for community con-  sicante, Directed by Carole Kleinberg,
                                                                                    versations revolving  around Jew-  Narrated by Rabbi Geoff Huntting
                                                                                    ish issues                        This funny and moving play spans 70
                                                                                ‹   Partner with other theaters and or-  years,  as a  grandmother, mother  and
                                                                                    ganizations  to deepen,  enrich and   granddaughter  grow and change,  re-
                                                                                    enhance the Jewish presence in our   veal secrets and surprises, but always
                                                                                    community                         operate from a foundation of love and
                                                                                    We are blessed to have some of    appreciation of family.
                                                                                the most prominent and effective the-                * * *
                                                                                ater and community leaders as part of     A  live  Zoom  talk-back  will  take
                                                                                our team, including Carolyn Michel,   place after each play featuring the ac-
                                                                                Howard Millman, Robert Turoff, Alice   tors and director. A special  talk-back
                                                                                Cotman, Nancy Roucher, Ronnie Mill-   following Cherry Docs will be led by
                                                                                er,  Rabbi  Geoff  Huntting,  Eva  Slane,   Jeff  Solomon,  Community  Security
                                                                                Joan Golub, Carole Goff, Sandra Mu-   Director for the Jewish Federation.
                                                                                sicante, Rachel Dulin, Lynne Bernfield    Tickets are $18 per play, or $36 for
                                                                                and Janet Tolbert. It is clear that we are   the series, and can be ordered online at
                                                                                strong, serious and dedicated to the arts or by calling Leslie
                                Curated                                         and to the Jewish community. As Ar-   Podolsky at 941.315.2095.
                                                                                tistic Director, I have the responsibility
                                                                                                                          For more information, contact me
                                   Connections                                  of providing direction and momentum.   at

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