Page 40 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 40

40A                         January 2021                                                                           COMMENTARY

     How will a new U.S. administration affect the Middle East?                                                                                         A new look at Iran

     By Harold M. Halpern
           very Sunday, for the past several   On July 14, 2015, the United States,   Israel as having arranged  the killing   to contain negative action by Turkey,
           months, I have a Zoom confer-  together with the other four permanent   with United States knowledge.      Russia and China in the area.
     Eence with my maternal cousins       members of the United Nations Secu-       An article in The New York Times      I conclude with a few words about
     from around the world. Cousins from   rity  Council  and  Germany,  reached  a   on November 29, 2020, was headlined   President-elect Biden’s policy vis-à-vis
     Argentina, Spain, France, Switzerland,   nuclear development limitation agree-  “Scientist’s  Assassination  Threatens   Israel and the Palestinians.
     Germany  and  Israel  typically  join  in   ment, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of   Fate of Iran Nuclear Deal.”  Underly-  The United States, in all likelihood,
     with their  American  and Canadian   Action (JCPOA), with Iran. The agree-  ing this headline is an assumption that   will reopen a consulate in Jerusalem to
     cousins.                             ment,  endorsed  by  the  UN  Security   Iran,  but  for the  assassination, would   deal  with  Palestinian  matters,  permit
        For a number of months, our elec-  Council on July 20, 2015, restricted   have been willing to negotiate a new,   the Palestinian Authority to have an of-
                       tions dominated    Iran from developing nuclear weapons   stronger agreement. There is no basis   fice in Washington, D.C., and reinstate
                       the conversation.   for a limited fixed period of time, sub-  for this conjecture.             some humanitarian aid for the Palestin-
                       I was amazed       ject to independent verification in re-   Contrary to the speculation  of   ians.
                       how knowledge-     turn for releasing all sanctions.     The New York Times, the Iranian For-      President-elect  Biden  expressed
                       able they all were     The JCPOA was opposed by Isra-    eign Minister publicly stated that Iran   approval of the normalization  agree-
                       with our electoral   el, Saudi Arabia and many Jewish or-  would only return to compliance with   ments between Israel, the United Arab
                       process and the    ganizations, as well as many members   JCPOA  if  the  United  States  uncondi-  Emirates  and  Bahrain,  and  will  facil-
                       issues of the cam-  of  Congress who argued  that  it  was   tionally  returned to compliance  and   itate  similar agreements with other
                       paign.             inadequate in protection and provided   paid for damages caused by its sanc-  Muslim countries. All the same, he will
       Harold M. Halpern   We  explored   no restraint on Iran’s support of terror-  tions.  The  assassination,  may  in  the   not give a free pass to Saudi Arabia but
     the likely effect that a President Joseph   ism proxies or limitation  on ballistic   long run, enhance, rather than threaten,   will pressure it to adopt human rights
     Biden administration  will have on   missiles. To the contrary, the release of   a nuclear deal.                 measures in return for continued mili-
     United States policy, particularly with   sanctions strengthened Iran’s econom-  The President-elect is fully aware   tary support.
     regard to Israel and the Middle East.   ic ability to foment hostile actions.  that the JCPOA agreement failed to re-  The consensus is that a Biden ad-
        We  all  understand  that  Iran is an   On  May 8, 2018, President Don-  strain  Iran’s disruptive  actions.  Close   ministration will not undo the United
     existential  threat to Israel and to the   ald Trump  announced  the  withdrawal   supporters of the President-elect have   States recognition of Jerusalem and the
     Sunni  Arab  Gulf  States.  It  calls  for   of the United States from the JCPOA.   publicly  stated that Biden wants an   Golan Heights as part of Israel.
     the destruction of Israel. It supports   In November 2018, the United States   amended  agreement  of greater  length   The administration will not pursue
     the terrorist proxy Hezbollah, which   sanctions came back into effect for the   and one which restrains Iran in missile   the Trump Peace Plan and will strong-
     daily  threatens Israel’s border in the   express purpose of changing Iran’s pol-  development and support of terrorists.   ly oppose all actions of Israel and the
     north  from  Lebanon  and  Syria,  and   icies, including its support for terrorists   Sanctions  will  likely  remain  in  place   Palestinians which make a permanent
     the terrorist Hamas on Israel’s south-  in the Middle East and its development   until Iran realizes that its own well-be-  agreement more difficult. Both parties
     ern border. Saudi Arabia’s stability is   of ballistic missiles.           ing requires it to negotiate a change to   will be encouraged to take small coop-
     endangered  by Iran’s support of the     During his campaign,  the  Pres-  its policies.                         erative  steps to  create  an  atmosphere
     Houthi terrorists in Yemen.          ident-elect  promised to return the       The assassination makes clear that   for future negotiations recognizing that
        For years, Iran took steps to de-  United  States  to  the  JCPOA  with   Israel, with the backing of Saudi Ara-  the chasm between Israel and the Pal-
     velop  a  nuclear  capacity.  The  United   Iran. On November 27, 2020, Mohsen   bia and the Arab Gulf States, will take   estinians is now too wide to bridge.
     States  and  Europe  imposed  damag-  Fakhrizadeh,  the  scientific  leader  of   whatever action is necessary to prevent   President-elect Biden is known as
     ing economic sanctions on Iran which   Iran’s nuclear  development  program,   Iran from developing nuclear capabili-  a  compassionate  person. May  he  be
     brought it to the negotiating table.  was  assassinated. All  fingers  point  to   ty. Iran may retaliate. Israel surely has   granted  the  wisdom  required  to  suc-
                                                                                taken  that  into  account  in  making  its   cessfully navigate the domestic and in-
                                                                                cost-benefit  analysis.  It  is  also  taking   ternational problems as our President.
                          Robert and Esther Heller                              all protective measures against all Ira-  Harold  Halpern is a retired attorney
                                                                                nian reaction.
                                                                                                                      residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
                              CRC                                               propriate  public  policy  is beyond the   board member of the American Asso-
                                                                                    Whether assassination is an ap-
                                                                                                                      ciation of Retired Lawyers and Jurists,
                                                                                scope of this column.
                                                                                                                      the American Jewish Committee. He is
                                                                                    Iran is not the only destabilizer   and the West Coast Florida Chapter of
                                                                                in the Middle East. A Biden adminis-  also a correspondent for the Sarasota
                       Have you ever been asked                                 tration  will need to develop a policy   Herald-Tribune.

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