Page 43 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 43

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                           January 2021                                   43A

 The power of an idea  Exercising our AQ muscles to get us through Covid

                                              Think  for  a  moment  about  how   is to help you maximize your AQ and   anger over the unpredictability of life
 Newmans as school  founders to sup-  Education   you embrace change. Does change feel   make  it  part  of  your  lifestyle  rather   during Covid, they too will hopefully
 port the enterprise and prove that their   like a tsunami or an avalanche?     than just a survival skill. Many of us   glean from our attitude and mindset.
 kids had potential  well  beyond cus-  Corner  In dealing with Covid, if you, as a   who are or were working from home,   To take it a step further, our bib-
 tomary  expectations.  Unlike  in  other   By Sara Steinmetz  parent, develop your AQ, you will find   have adapted to Zoom, have curtailed   lical forefathers and foremothers have
 environments, the children were not      many benefits. If you adjust to stress,   extensive  vacation  and  travel  plans   put adaptability into our Jewish DNA.
 marginalized or otherwise made to feel   change and unpredictable  chaos, you   and have realized that we can only plan   Think  of  Abraham  and  Sarah  who
 unaccepted.                              will be serving as a model for your   for the short term.                   needed a high AQ to deal with moving
 At  the  center  of everything, Joe   o you know your AQ – “Adapt-  child, who will ultimately learn to do   Looking at the positivity, and look-  to a foreign land. Think of Isaac and
 traveled all over Indiana to raise mon-  ability Quotient?” If you’re   the same. By demonstrating how you   ing at what’s going right, may sound   Rebecca who had to have a high AQ as
 ey and advocate for legislation on be-Dasking  what  AQ is, let  me   handle  unpredictable  circumstances   very cliché,  but gratitude  certainly   they birthed twin boys who each need-
 half of the rights, dignity and future of  briefly explain, and also share how our   with inner flexibility, children learn to   plays a role with our positive mindset,   ed  a  different  set  of  parenting  skills.
 developmentally disabled children and  AQ is something that can be modified   have proper mindsets, and not claim the   which then allows us to build a stron-  Think  of  the  high AQ  of  our  forefa-
 adults. Over the years, the school’s ex- and can certainly help us get through   “victim” mentality as often happens to-  ger AQ.   ther Jacob when Leah was brought to
 cellence  attracted  the philanthropy  of  Covid, a time when we are facing   day. With a positive mindset, openness   The  truth  is  that  our  children  are   the marriage  canopy in place  of Ra-
 prominent business and civic leaders.  much unpredictability and uncertainty.  to change and the determination to not   used to a comfortable lifestyle, know-  chel. We do have AQ deep within us,
 Legions of volunteers contributed their   AQ measures one’s ability to deal   create further chaos in the home, your   ing they have a warm home, a full   and by exercising the AQ muscle more
 time, energy and expertise in numerous  with the following: adjust to new cir-  child will also hopefully learn to show   fridge  with  food,  sufficient  clothing   frequently, we will achieve greater bal-
 dimensions.   cumstances,  how open one is to new   flexibility during stressful moments.  and more. If there’s a lesson for us and   ance and equilibrium for our children,
 Notre Dame embraced the Logan  possibilities or realities, and how well   Another idea is that although kids   our children to learn and grow from,   whom we hold so dear.
 model as well. In 1968, a new school  we can adjust to discomfort and the   need, and indeed do thrive on routine,   it’s adaptability. If our children see us   Sara Steinmetz is the education direc-
 built  right across from the  university  unknown. In short, AQ measures one’s   rule bending every once in a while to   accept change rather than bursting with   tor at Chabad of Sarasota.
 drew hundreds of children and adults  opening of mind, heart and will, as well   show adaptability to a certain situation
 for therapy and sup- as one’s reaction to stress or change.  will help a child learn to deal with ad-  STAY CONNECTED
 port  every  day. Other   Some people have greater IQ and   verse moments with a greater AQ.
 Logan initiatives like  that  is  something  you  are  born  with.   Just for the  record,  with Covid,
 job training and group  However, one can change and devel-  most of have us had to exhibit adapt-
 home-learning  op- op both their EQ (Emotional Quotient)   ability  both  on the  home  front  and
 portunities  sprang up  and their AQ.    work front. The purpose of this article
 in  and  around  South                                                                      ATTENTION
 Bend and into Michi- TBS’ SRQUSY group played
 gan.                                                                                        STUDENTS
 munity asset, the Lo-“Box of Lies” Zoom game
 A revered  com-
                                                                                     E Education ducation
 gan Center’s annual  By Kelly Nester, Rabbinic Assistant                            E   ducat            ion
 budget of $29,000,000   he Temple Beth Sholom youth   There  were  some  unique  items,
 today  enables  the  provision of an ar-  group,  SRQUSY,  had  a  won-  liars!  The  favorite  item  was  a  1964  Scholarship
                                          and  SRQUSY  had  some  really  good
 ray of programs including  vocational Tderful virtual program on No-
 instruction  and placement,  recreation,  vember  18  with  the  BAUSY  youth   Yearbook, which the teens thought was
 socialization,  educational  enrichment,  group from B’nai Aviv in Westin, Flor-  really  cool. Most probably thought it   Program
                                                                                                                            OW !
                                                                                     APPLY NOW !
                                                                                                             Y NOW
                                                                                                            Y N
 residential  support, behavioral  guid- ida. Thank you to SRQUSY President   was ancient!
 ance, wellness, protective  services,  Clementine  Schwartz  and  BAUSY   This  was  a  fun  program  and  the
 guardianship and adult day activities.  President Jenna Koplo for making this   SRQUSY group looks forward to do-  APPLY N OW
 NewmanFest, a major  annual  Center  program happen!   ing future joint programs with BAUSY
 fundraising event, always lives up to   “Box of Lies” is a twist on “To Tell   and other local youth groups.
 its motto: “A good time for a good pur- the  Truth.”  SRQUSY  had  26  partic-  Our  USY  Board  is  working  on
 pose.”  ipants who found interesting items in   programming for 2021. SRQUSY wel-
 A short video on the Center’s web- their homes. When it was their turn to   comes other local teens to join future   APPLICATION WINDOW JANUARY 1 - APRIL 6
 site ( shares words of  share,  they  gave  descriptions of their   programs. For program suggestions or   The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee will award more than $90,000
 appreciation from Joe and Sophie for  objects. The other participants had to   more information, please  contact  me   in education scholarships to eligible students for the 2021-2022 school year.
 the 28 years they had Rita Jo in their  figure out if they were lying and guess   at or   UP $5,000  $4,000  AWARDS VARY
 lives: “You were not a burden, but a  what  the  objects  were.  The  sharer   941.955.8121 x1002.  TO
 motivation. You molded our character  would then choose the next liar.                 Jacqueline Siegel-   Ned and Janet Sinder     The Jewish
 and gave us insight and compassion for                                                Frascella Scholarship    Scholarship           Federation
 others less fortunate.”                                                                                                            Scholarship Fund
 Joe Newman doesn’t spend time fo-                                                      $2,000                $1,000                    and
 cusing on his age. He’s too busy doing                                                Michelson Interfaith                      Ronald and Geri Yonover
 other things. I am inspired by his deter-                                                Scholarship       Betty Schoenbaum Fund
 mination to continually expand his hori-                                                                    Renewable           Get more information
 zons of learning and to make a positive                                                 $500                for  4 Years         and download the
 difference in the lives of others.                                                  B’nai B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge   Melissa Wides Foundation   brochure at the
 Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the                                                     Scholarship        Education Scholarship  website below.
 Community Chaplain and Director of                                                                                                       
 JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and
 the Director of Spiritual  Services for                                               APPLY ONLINE AT
 Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His
 positions are underwritten by The Jew-                                              For more information contact
 ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.                                                 Lisa Feinman at   The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
                    SRQUSY and BAUSY members enjoy playing “Box of Lies”             or 941.706.0034                                  580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232

                                     Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.                     Send your new address to Bonnie at or 941.371.4546 x0
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