Page 46 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 46

46A                         January 2021                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

     The Gan at Temple Sinai teaches and excites kids

     at the new Gan Science Lab

     By Gail Glickman
           emple  Sinai’s  Rabbi  Samantha   age-appropriate  and  fit  right  into  the   Family  Fun  Day  entitled,  “Gan  Mad
           Kahn  quotes  Rabbi  Jonathan   teachers’ weekly lesson plans.       Science Lab.” Families enjoyed exper-
     TSacks, who said, “Science takes         The Gan kids love wearing the lab   imenting,  exploring and discovering,
     things apart  to see how they work.     coats and goggles, and are delighted to   and the well-attended  program was a
     Religion  puts things  together  to  see   visit the lab. The project began with a   huge success leading to the creation of
     what they mean.”                                                           The Gan Science Lab.
        At  Temple  Sinai,  science  and                                            Jewish educators through the years
     spirituality go hand and hand. We un-                                      have emphasized the value of learning.
     derstand and teach that curiosity and                                      Dr. Chaim Ginott, an Israeli early-ed-
     exploration are foundational  tools for                                    ucation pioneer, exclaimed, “Children
     understanding both science and Jewish                                      are like wet cement: whatever falls on
     life. And now, with the new Gan Sci-                                       them makes an impression.”  Albert
     ence Lab, we teach this lesson to even                                     Einstein  said,  “Education  is  not  the   Ezra Pallegar and Noah Feinsilber are amazed
     our youngest congregants.                                                  learning of facts. It’s rather the training     with their experiment
        The Gan Science Lab was created                                         of the mind to think.” He also declared,   They both help us to process and un-
     with new décor, furniture and supplies.                                    “Science without religion is lame, and   derstand the world around us. Laura
     There  is  a  scheduled  visit  for  every                                 religion without science is blind.”   Freedman,  Director  of Early  Child-
     class group each week. Of course, in                                           Rabbi  Kahn  believes  that  science   hood Education,  promotes these con-
     these times of Covid-19, The Gan con-                                      and religion help inform one another.   cepts at The Gan Science Lab.
     tinues its vigilant high-quality cleaning
     and  distancing  between  groups that   Elle Reuter and Warren Walker “all geared up”
     attend the space. The experiments are         to begin an experiment

     Temple Emanu-El hosts


              ith the Coronavirus pan-    Rabbi Michael Shefrin added. “Gath-
              demic  upending  so many    ering safely and seeing so many kids,                   Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish
     Wtraditional Halloween cele-         teens,  parents  and  grandparents  tak-                organizations, clubs and service providers online.
     brations, Temple Emanu-El was excited   ing over our temple parking lot and
     to present a safe opportunity for young   munching on candy was so sweet. This
     Jewish and interfaith families to enjoy   special,  spooky and sacred gathering
     the holiday – with a Jewish twist! On   felt like it drove out some of the fear
     Saturday evening, October 31, Temple   in our world. One could just feel the    Keyword Search        Filter Options    Drop Pin Locator Map
     Emanu-El Religious School, Tot Shab-  smiles under the masks.”
     bat and the congregation’s high school   “Havdalah-Ween”  was conceived
     youth group STEEMY hosted a festive   by Temple Emanu-El Religious School
     “Havdalah-Ween.” The event featured   parent  Stacie  Lowell  and  planned  by
     a  musical  Havdalah  service  as well   Sabrina Silverberg, Rabbi Shefrin and   OVERNIGHT
     as goody bags, a Jewish ghost story,   Rabbi  Elaine  Rose  Glickman,  with
     a  costume  parade,  a  custom-designed   wonderful support from Lynne Pew-
     photo area and socially distant trick-or-  terbaugh, Savannah Samberg and Joe   C         A         MP
     treat stations.                      Ross.
        “The  Havdalah-Ween  event  was
     fantastic,”  Temple  Emanu-El  Direc-
     tor  of  Education  Sabrina  Silverberg,
     MARE, stated.  “It  provided  an  op-
     portunity for our children and their                                           The impact of Jewish camp lasts a lifetime. Children benefit from Jewish camp
     families  to celebrate  our rich  Jewish                                       experiences by learning to value their Jewish heritage. The Jewish Federation of
     tradition and have fun on Halloween,                                           Sarasota-Manatee,  in partnership with local philanthropists, offers incentive
     too!  The  children  were  overjoyed  to                                       and need-based grants for Jewish children planning to attend not-for-profit
     join the costume parade and go trick-                                          Jewish overnight camps for the summer.
     or-treating in our temple’s parking lot.                                                                                Applications are
                                                                                                                             accepted until
     The parents expressed that they were                                                                                   February 28, 2021.
     grateful  for  the  opportunity  to  do  so
     outdoors in a safe way.”              Temple Emanu-El Director of Education Sabrina
        “Havdalah-Ween was a treat,”        Silverberg, MARE, channels Mary Poppins
                                                    at “Havdalah-Ween”

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                                                                                   SPONSORED BY                                       “Welcoming Shabbat”
     The Shefrin family – Rabbi Mimi Weisel, Jacob                                                                                     photo courtesy of
     Shefrin, Dr. Shayna Shefrin and Temple Emanu-                                                                                      Camp Coleman.
      El Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin – strike a
             pose at “Havdalah-Ween”        The Protigal family enjoy “Havdalah-Ween”
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