Page 42 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 42

42A                         January 2021                                                                           COMMENTARY

                                                                                The power of an idea                                                    Exercising our AQ muscles to get us through Covid

         Learn about                                                            By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
               our growing Jewish community…
                                                                                                                      Newmans as school  founders to sup-
                                                                                    oe Newman turns 108 on January
                                                                                    13. As chaplain at Aviva - A Cam-
          The first population study in 20 years is here!                       Jpus for Senior Life since August,    port the enterprise and prove that their
                                                                                                                      kids had potential  well  beyond cus-
                                                                                I’ve  had the  privilege  of getting  to
                                                                                                                      tomary  expectations.  Unlike  in  other
                                                                                know Joe and many other remarkable
                                                                                                                      marginalized or otherwise made to feel
                                                                                residents.                            environments, the children were not
                                                                                    Joe is feisty. He’s also a voracious   unaccepted.
                                                                                reader whose mind and recall remain       At  the  center  of everything, Joe
                                                                                sharp. I need to be on my toes during   traveled all over Indiana to raise mon-
                                                                                                   Socrates  Café,  a   ey and advocate for legislation on be-
                                                                                                   weekly   discus-   half of the rights, dignity and future of
                                                                                                   sion group (cur-   developmentally disabled children and
                                                                                                   rently  held  via   adults. Over the years, the school’s ex-
                                                                                                   Zoom)  Joe ini-    cellence  attracted  the philanthropy  of
                                                                                                   tiated  to explore   prominent business and civic leaders.
                                                                                                   pivotal issues like   Legions of volunteers contributed their
                                                                                                   the future of the   time, energy and expertise in numerous
                                                                                                   Supreme  Court,    dimensions.
                                                                                Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  injustice  in our   Notre Dame embraced the Logan
                                                                                prison system and race relations.     model as well. In 1968, a new school
                                                                                    Joe doesn’t shy away from put-    built  right across from the  university
                                                                                ting group participants, especially me,   drew hundreds of children and adults
                                                                                on the spot regarding our                           for therapy and sup-
                                                                                views on controversial                              port  every  day. Other
                                     2019              Sponsored in part by     topics. At the same time,                           Logan initiatives like
                                                        a grant from:
                              Jewish Community Study                            he  prizes exchanges  that                          job training and group
                   Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish   compel him to revise his                    home-learning    op-
                     Matthew Boxer
                    Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee          own perspective.                                    portunities  sprang up
                     Eliana Chapman
                    Janet Krasner Aronson                                           Joe is very much                                in  and  around  South
            Learn about our Sarasota-Manatee Jewish community:                  young at  heart.  When                              Bend and into Michi-
                                                                                Moses reaches 120 at the
                                                                                                                                        A revered  com-
                                                                                conclusion  of  the  Torah
                                                                                and we are told, “his eyes
                                                                                were not dim, nor his nat-                          munity asset, the Lo-
                                                                                                                                    gan Center’s annual
         For more information,                                                  ural force abated,” I think      Joe Newman         budget of $29,000,000
         contact Kim Adler
         941.552.6300                                                           of Joe. It was only last year that family   today  enables  the  provision of an ar-                                                     members prevailed on him to stop driv-  ray of programs including  vocational
                                                                                ing. He subsequently gave his sleek red   instruction  and placement,  recreation,
                                                                                convertible that, he notes, “really im-  socialization,  educational  enrichment,
                                                                                                                      residential  support, behavioral  guid-
                                                                                pressed the ladies,” to a relative.
                                 Looking for                                    ana, where, as a youngster he sneaked   ance, wellness, protective  services,
                                 Looking for
                                                                                    Joe grew up in South Bend, Indi-
                                                                                                                      guardianship and adult day activities.
                                             another way
                                             another way                        into Notre Dame Stadium to watch fa-  NewmanFest, a major  annual  Center
                                                                                bled Irish football coach Knute Rockne
                                                                                                                      fundraising event, always lives up to
                                             to advertise
                                             to advertise                       conduct  practice.  He  remembers  that   its motto: “A good time for a good pur-
                                                                                when Rockne  later  spoke at his high
                                 your business?
                                 your business?                                 school, he told students to make sure   site ( shares words of
                                                                                                                          A short video on the Center’s web-
                                                                                they always ate potatoes with the skin
                                                                                on them because that’s where most of
                                                                                                                      appreciation from Joe and Sophie for
       With guaranteed category exclusivity,*
       With g   uaranteed categ        or y exclusivit    y , *                 the nutrients are. Joe and his brother   the 28 years they had Rita Jo in their
                                                                                both attended Notre Dame.
                                                                                                                      lives: “You were not a burden, but a
       our twice weekly banner ads,
       our twice weekly banner ad            s,                                     Joe married and worked as an ac-  motivation. You molded our character
       get YOUR message out!
       g et  YOUR   message out!                                                countant  in  South  Bend.  But  his  life   and gave us insight and compassion for
                                               *We limit ads to a maximum of    took a major  turn when, during the   others less fortunate.”
                                                                                                                          Joe Newman doesn’t spend time fo-
       Federation Eblast interactive banner    four per Eblast and only one per    birth of his only child, Rita Jo, com-  cusing on his age. He’s too busy doing
                                                                                plications  led  to her being  born with
       ads are delivered to 8,000 active       business profession.             brain impairment. However, rather     other things. I am inspired by his deter-
       subscribers each Tuesday and Friday                                      than sending her to an institution,  a   mination to continually expand his hori-
       for just $75 per ad — that’s less less                                   common practice in 1950, Joe and his   zons of learning and to make a positive
       than a penny per recipient!
       than a penny per recipient!                                              wife Sophie spearheaded the transfor-  difference in the lives of others.
                                                                                mation of an abandoned building into   Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
                                                                                a school for children with intellectual   Community Chaplain and Director of
                                                                                and developmental disabilities.       JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program  and
                                                                                    The  Logan  Center  was  named
                                               Also, our new Sunday             for the street where it stood. Wealthy   the Director of Spiritual  Services for
                                               Also, our new Sund
                                                                                                                      Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life. His
                                               E blast ,   sent a t the end of   and poor parents alike from across the   positions are underwritten by The Jew-
                                               Eblast, sent at the end of
                                               each month, is a sneak  pr e vie w   community  banded  together  with  the   ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
                                               each month, is a sneak  preview

                                               of of ALL Federation events in
                                                            tion e
                                                                 ents in
                                               the upcoming month.                   STAY CONNECTED                        STAY CONNECTED
                                               the upcoming month.
                                               You can promote
                                                 ou can promote

                                               your event for only
                                               your event for only
                                               $100 per month.
                                               $100 per month.
              Interested? Contact Adam Kaplan at
              Interested? Contact Adam Kaplan at                                                   
     or  941.552.6307
              akaplan@jfed     or   9 4 1.55 2. 6 307                                                
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