Page 10 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 10

10A                         August 2021                                                                  FEDERATION NEWS

     Where your dollars go

     JFCS of the Suncoast’s Jewish Healing program

     Staff Report
     This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by   provided to some survivors.   ‹   Religious  Services:  Normally,
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-  ‹   Holocaust  Survivor  Wellness:   Rabbi Katz and volunteers conduct
     rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous   2020 saw the completion of a spe-  monthly Shabbat services and holi-
     dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living   cial federal grant JFCS  received   day celebrations (High Holy Days,
     in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that   through  The  Jewish Federations   Hanukkah, Passover) at several se-
     support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.  of North America to enhance the   nior living facilities. However, due
        Your generous support is found in our tenet of Tikkun Olam – repairing the   wellness  of our survivors.  The     to Covid restrictions,  Rabbi Katz
     A                                        The Case Manager was also able to     Survivor  Wellness to organize        Days  and Hanukkah services via
                                                                                    grant enabled  a Coordinator  of
                                                                                                                          conducted  Passover, High Holy
           critical  piece of the mission
           of The Jewish Federation of
                                                                                                                          Zoom for these residents.
                                                                                    a range of presentations about
                                              secure additional funds from other
           Sarasota-Manatee is “to pro-
                                              Jewish clients in need.
                                                                                                                          matched  with a trained  volunteer
     vide for Jewish people in need.” JFCS    organizations, helping a total of 53   healthy  aging  and well-being,  in-  ‹   Friendly Visitors: Clients are
                                                                                    tegrate with JFCS Senior Services
     of the Suncoast is our local, hands-on   ‹   Holocaust  Survivor  Assistance:   programming, provide arts outings    who usually  visits a few times a
     partner  which does that  work on our    In  conjunction  with  Gulf  Coast    to the symphony and stage perfor-     month. Nine clients were served by
     behalf. The Federation provides a grant   JFCS in Clearwater, a full-time      mances (with all  tickets  donated    seven volunteers. The year started
     each year to JFCS’ Jewish Healing pro-   Case Manager helps assist the 154     by the venues), and social events.    off with in-person visits, but phone
     gram to help the local Jewish commu-     survivors who live  in our area,      When Covid-19 precluded in-per-       calls  had  to  be  substituted  in  the
     nity.                                    primarily in North Port. Although     son gatherings to take place, pro-    pandemic’s wake.
        In 2020, the Federation granted       Covid-19 prevented in-person ser-     gramming  continued  on Zoom.     ‹   Prison  Ministry: A  volunteer
     $165,817 to the Jewish  Healing pro-     vices for much of 2020, relation-     The  Wellness Coordinator served      with long-term experience in pris-
     gram (JHP), which utilized these funds   ships were strengthened by phone,     as  an  important  lifeline  to  many   on ministry has, for several years,
     in the following key areas:              email and Zoom.  The pandemic         survivors during the pandemic.        met weekly with 12 to 14 Jewish
     ‹   Jewish  Financial   Assistance       prompted several survivors to seek                                          inmates  at  the state  prison at  the
        (JFA): The grant pays for a Case      benefits  from  the  Claims  Confer-                                        Desoto Correctional Institution in
        Manager to assist Jewish members      ence (the international  body that                                          Arcadia. Unfortunately, the pan-
        of the community  who confront        has overseen compensation for                                               demic  stopped  those  meetings.
        temporary  emergency situations       survivors since the end of WWII)                                            The volunteer was able to maintain
        due  to  loss of  employment,  ill-   which  had  not  been  previously                                           communication  through the  mail.
        ness, family issue, etc., that threat-  pursued. Registration for such as-                                        Occasionally,  Rabbi  Katz  will
        en deprivation and homelessness.      sistance  requires extensive  docu-                                         meet with a member of the Jewish
        Vetted, qualifying requests (which    mentation  navigated by the Case                                            community who has been incarcer-
        include  financial  documentation)    Manager. Survivors were also                                                ated  locally  or  who  finds  himself
        are submitted  to the Federation      served by JFCS’ Senior Outreach   ‹   Chaplaincy: In addition to serving    or herself dealing with legal issues.
        for assistance. In 2020, $16,578 in   Services department,  which, in       as JHP Director  and supervising   ‹   Jewish  Programming: Unfortu-
        additional  monies were provided      conjunction  with JHP, provided       its  staff,  Rabbi  Jonathan  R.  Katz   nately, Covid-19 forced the elim-
        by  the  Federation  for  specific  re-  Shabbat and holiday meals. Jew-    provides our local  community         ination of much of the planned
        quests for emergency assistance.
                                              ish Financial Assistance was also
                                                                                                                          programming for 2020. Still, Rab-
                                                                                    with chaplaincy services on a full-
        Make It                                                                     ral care was, in large respect, no    and well-received Jewish spiritual-
                                                                                                                          bi  Katz  organized  an  innovative
                                                                                    time  basis.  Although  such pasto-
                                                                                                                          ity workshop that included sound
                                                                                    longer possible with the advent of
                                                                                    Covid-19, Rabbi Katz continued to
                                                                                                                          immersion and guided meditation
                                                                                                                          in  early  2020.  He  also  continued
                                                                                    address the needs of Jewish com-
                                                                                    munity  members  through  phone
                                                                                                                          his role as the liaison for Sarasota’s
                                                                                    calls, texts, email and Zoom. Rab-
                                                                                    bi Katz counseled many individu-
                                                                                                                          this capacity, he facilitated a sold-
                                                                                    als over the phone and also made      Sister City of Tel Mond, Israel. In
                                                                                                                          out  Taste of Sephardic Cooking
                                                                                    numerous referrals. He made 312       held  at the  Sarasota  Arts Center.
                                                                                    contacts  with community  mem-        One programmatic  mainstay re-
                                                                                    bers in need and conducted seven      mained despite the pandemic: the
                                                                                    funerals.                             weekly Jewish current events dis-
                                                                                ‹   Bikkur Cholim,  Visiting the          cussion group called “Talk Story”
                                                                                    Sick:  Although restricted by the     facilitated by Rabbi Katz. Now in
                                                                                    pandemic, Rabbi Katz gained spe-      its  third  year,  this  popular  group
                                                                                    cial visiting privileges at Sarasota   currently meets on Zoom.
                                                                                    Memorial Hospital that allowed        Finally, it  is also  worth noting
                                                                                    him to visit Jewish patients under   that the counseling needs of the Jew-
                                                                                    certain circumstances.            ish community were also supported by
                                                                                ‹   Senior Outreach Services (SOS):   your Federation during the pandemic.
                                                                                                                      The Federation granted an additional
                                                                                    A portion of the grant provided to
                      A Monthly Mitzvah!
                       A   Monthly                  Mit     z vah!                  JFCS by the Federation is to sup-  $13,440 to JFCS for specific Covid-19
                                                                                                                      related counseling needs in a very try-
                                                                                    plement  senior outreach  services.
                                                                                    Jewish seniors are served through   ing year.
                                                                                    geriatric  care  management and       Thank you to the staff and volun-
                                                                                    programming. Approximately 250    teers at JFCS of the Suncoast. On be-
        Monthly mitzvahs make all the difference.  When needs arise,                people contact SOS  each year     half of a grateful community, thank you
        The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee responds and does                 looking for assistance for seniors,   for being our partners on the ground,
        so quickly. Thanks to our generous contributors who make                    especially  their out-of-town chil-  doing God’s work.
                                                                                                                          For more information on the Jewish
        AUTOMATIC MONTHLY DONATIONS, we’re able to promptly                     ‹   Bereavement  Support  Groups:     Healing program at JFCS of the Sun-
        provide financial support to those in need.                                 Offering  the  opportunity  to  share   coast, contact Rabbi Jonathan Katz at

        WANT TO HELP? Visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/donate and select                           in a group setting, Rabbi Katz or 941.366.2224
                                                                                    conducted four Bereavement Sup-
        “Make my Donation Monthly Recurring.”                                       port Groups in 2020, beginning in     For  more information on how
                                                                                    person and moving to Zoom af-     you can help your Federation assist
                                                                                    ter March. Nineteen participants   our local  Jewish community, contact
                                                 941.371.4546                       found solace,  understanding and   Barbara Mazer, Chief Development
                                                                                                                      Strategist,  at or
                                                                                    support. These groups continue to
                                                                                    receive very positive evaluations.  941.706.0035.
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