Page 7 - Jewish News _August 2021_
P. 7

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                            August 2021                                    7A

     Howard Tevlowitz’s Community Legacy

            oward has worked with hun-    and the future of the Jewish people. As   Jennifer  Rominiecki: I collabo-      Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz: Howard
            dreds of community and phil-  a result, we met with Howard and Rich   rated with Howard Tevlowitz to create   and I, as a congregation leader, worked
     Hanthropic leaders over the past     Bergman to see if we could broaden the   some  dynamic partnerships  between   together  on issues that  involved  both
     21 years. A handful shared their mem-  Federation’s work in  both  the  Jewish   the  Federation  and  Marie  Selby  Bo-  particular  individuals  and  community
     ories.                               and Christian communities to support   tanical Gardens. My proudest achieve-  affairs. Howard has an uncanny ability
        Randon  Carvel: I  have  worked   Israel  and the  Jewish people. By any   ment from working with Howard is the   to help single individuals in the same
     with Howard in my capacity as board   measure, the outreach programs creat-  support he provided to enable the very   way he approaches  the  needs of the
     president  since January 1, 2020.  One   ed by Howard have become huge suc-  first  exhibit  in  Selby  Gardens’  Jean   community as a whole.
     of our proudest accomplishments was   cesses. Today, the Federation is one of   and  Alfred Goldstein  Exhibition  Se-  Judy Weinstein: It was my plea-
     Howard’s leadership  in  rallying  both   the most powerful advocates for Israel   ries – “Marc Chagall, Flowers, and the   sure to work with Howard as Federa-
     professional staff and lay leaders in suc-  and the Jewish people in Florida and   French Riviera: The Color of Dreams.”   tion president. We came on board at the
     cessfully lobbying our State Represen-  beyond. It has been a privilege to work   Howard’s support and championing of   same time, established a good working
     tatives and our Governor for desperate   with him.                         the project allowed Selby Gardens to   relationship and became friends along
     funds needed for the securing of our     Rev.  Dr.  Chaplain  Tom  Pfaff:   borrow a stunning Chagall masterwork   the way. I was most impressed  with
     campus. There are too many memories   Howard and I met as “communitarians”   from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.   him because he so strongly believed in
     to list. I will remember Howard for his   20 wonderful years ago: he as CEO of   The loan of this spectacular painting   our community and worked to make it
     ability to see a path forward during the   the Federation and I as the mother hen   built  a bridge between  Israel and the   the best it could be. He is a caring and
     early days of the pandemic and create   of the newly formed Sarasota Min-  U.S., as well as between Jerusalem and   compassionate human being. The com-
     ways to stay connected, albeit virtually,   isterial  Association.  Collaborators,   Sarasota.                   munity  became  a  much  better  place
     to our growing community. As a result,   friends, Tikkun Olam brothers for life     Rabbi  Michael  Shefrin: For the   because Howard was and is here.
     we are  emerging  from  this  pandem-  describes our relationship. Our     last five years, since I arrived in Sara-  Patti  Wertheimer:  I worked as
     ic in better shape than we might have     proudest achievement  was the  bond-  sota to be one of the clergy team  at   a volunteer, board member and board
     been.                                ing between  our two organizations.   Temple Emanu-El, Howard and I have    president. Howard challenged the Jew-
        Rose  Chapman:  Howard and I      A Christian  community  voice  that   partnered in many ways with our tem-  ish community  to  come  up with  a
     were  colleagues  during  my  time  as   proclaims  ‘Never  Again’ is always   ple, with the local Jewish community   game-changing  initiative  during my
     CEO of JFCS of the Suncoast. As two   there in solidarity. And today it says,   and  in  important  interfaith  ways, as   presidency that the Federation  would
     Jewish communal  leaders, we shared   ‘thank you Howard Tevlowitz… thank   well as through civic engagement. Our   fund. The LIFE & LEGACY  program
     a great deal in our backgrounds and   you Jewish Federation for a lifelong   proudest achievements are two: For the   was an  opportunity  too  good to pass
     desire to care for our Jewish  com-  friendship.’  One  memorable  moment   rally after the tragic shooting in Pitts-  up. Our challenge was to get at least
     munity. Howard was committed  to     occurred on April 28, 2012, in Jerusa-  burgh, Howard helped bring thousands   10 local Jewish institutions to work to-
     building  and  strengthening  the  “J”  in   lem. Howard told us he was not feel-  of people together in an act of love and   gether toward a common goal, which
     our community. He did so as a collab-  ing well as we gathered for the daily   healing.  He was the guiding light  in   was building our endowment funds for
     orator, bringing people together and   breakfast feast. Pastor Bill immediate-  connecting hearts and souls that night.   the sustainability of the Jewish commu-
     educating  them about the Federation;   ly reached for his anointing oil, laid   Second, the community-wide Introduc-  nity and our beloved institutions. Five
     promoting  the importance  of Jewish   hands on Howard and, in a loud voice,     tion to Judaism course, “On One Foot,”   years later, we have 667 legacy com-
     identity;  advocating  for Jewish pro-  offered  healings  in  the  Name;  Father   that  shared the joy of Judaism with   mitments from 528 donors  resulting
     grams; and building the future here in   Celestino called home arranging for a   dozens of people. My favorite memory,   in over $20 million  dollars  endowed
     Sarasota. So many conversations took   Mass and lighting of candles; Pastor   without a doubt, is crossing the finish   to our community! My favorite mem-
     place with food involved. Howard ini-  Stephen  called  his Lutheran  prayer   line together (in slow motion) dressed   ories of working with Howard are the
     tiated joint luncheons between the staff   line; Rabbi Howard left for the phar-  in camel outfits during a camel race at   numerous community-building trips to
     of Federation, JFCS and Aviva. He be-  macy.  That evening, healed,  Howard   a recent Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration.  Israel. His love of Israel is contagious!
     lieved  that  once  we broke  bread  and   joined  the  Voyage of Discovery pil-
                                                                                      with your unwanted valuables?
     offered a motzi, that we could set aside   grims for an evening stroll in Jerusa-
     our  differences  and  work  together  to   lem’s Ben Yehuda Street. Thank you,  DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO
     better the community.                Federation,  and  thank  you Howard,
        Bob and Esther  Heller:  Esther   and Mr. and Mrs. Heller, for taking
     and I have been supporters of the Fed-  more  than  30 members  of the  Sara-     Discreetly dispose of an unneeded or
     eration for about 20 years. We have al-  sota Ministerial  Association to our     unwanted diamond ring or an entire collection
     ways had an abiding interest in Israel   Holy Land.                             of beloved jewelry, coins, precious metals!

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