Page 5 - Jewish News _August 2021_
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                            August 2021                                    5A

                                          Howard Tevlowitz...continued from page 4A
 STAFF MEMORIES:                          facilities.  Instead of being dependent   Antisemitism  is  rampant.  Everything
 Kim  Adler: Howard and I have            on fundraising, we started using differ-  is black  or white.  We  no longer  see
 worked together since his first day at   ent streams of revenue to support our   any shades of gray. That’s why it is so
 the  Federation. Over the  last  20-plus   programming.” That led to the concept   important  to build these community-
 years, Howard has become my mentor   Established 1971  of a fee-for-service campus.  based relationships,” Howard said.
 and friend. I believe  Howard’s main   PUBLISHER  “It kind of followed the Westcoast   Re-envisioning the Federation
 legacy is growing this Federation into  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  Black Theatre Troupe model (who we   campus
 a true community organization where   The Larry & Mary Greenspon    also work with),” Howard said. “They   Perhaps the pinnacle of Howard’s Fed-  The work of a CEO is not always glamorous.
 we meet the needs of our Jewish com-  Family Campus for Jewish Life   saw a need and created programming to   eration career is still to be fully real-  Howard holds the campus plans while architect
 munity  while  working together  with   Klingenstein Jewish Center   fill that need. And look what happened!   ized  – the reimagined  Larry & Mary   Debbie Graves explains the drawings
              580 McIntosh Road
 other minority, religious, governmental   Sarasota, FL 34232-1959  We are pretty much in the process of   Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish   the $25 million range,” Howard said.
 and advocacy organizations on issues   Phone: 941.371.4546  doing  the  same  thing.  We created  an   Life.  “The  idea  for  this  originated  in   The new campus will include the
 that impact all of us. Under his lead-  Fax: 941.378.2947  engagement  model that people felt   2017 or 2018. The question was what   Joel and Gail Morganroth Event Cen-
 ership, our Federation  is now recog-  E-mail:  comfortable with and were willing to   to do with this campus. Do we contin-  ter. Through a legacy gift, the theatre
 nized in Sarasota-Manatee as a partner   Website:  pay for,” he explained.  ue to rent, do we sell it or do we de-  inside the center will be named in hon-
 in philanthropy, education,  communi-  Published Monthly   The pandemic and the growing need   velop it? With the assumption that the   or of Bea Friedman. Other lead naming
 ty  building,  diversity  and  social  jus-  Volume 51, Number 7  for security  community was growing dramatically,   gifts include: the day camp, named by
 tice. On a personal note, Howard and   August 2021  Fast forward to today. Change can be   and the fact that we felt we needed a   Karen and Tommy Bernstein for their
 I share a love of reality TV, especially   56 pages   difficult for an organization, especial-  strong presence in order to deliver our   daughter  Marci Lynn; and the  Israel
 the show Big Brother, which airs every   USPS Permit No. 167  ly during a crisis. “For example, when                              Center  in the  Cultur-
 summer. I will always relish our cra-  September 2021 Issue Deadlines:   Covid hit our community, it definitely                   al  Arts and Education
 zy conversations about game strategy,   Editorial: July 29, 2021   threw a monkey wrench into our whole                           building, named for Bob
 which players we love or hate, and the   Advertising: August 2, 2021  plan,” Howard said. Still, the Federa-                      and Esther Heller, which
 brilliant  editing of that  show. I have   CHANGE OF ADDRESS:   tion  raised  $350,000 during  the  pan-                          will focus on Israeli in-
 many fond memories of the two of us,   Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther   demic; money which was then granted              novation,  Jewish pride
 sometimes joined by other colleagues   or call 941.371.4546 x0  to organizations to help them survive                             and Jewish heritage.
 who also love the show, spending our     the  deadly  virus while  keeping  their                                                    “We did not want
 lunch hour laughing together about the  PRESIDENT   constituents engaged.                                                         to  follow  a  traditional
 crazy antics of one player or another,  Randon Carvel  Then there was the security issue,                                         JCC model.  We want-
 or taking bets on who will be evicted  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER   and  hiring  the  Federation’s  first  se-                       ed to create  something
 that week.  Howard Tevlowitz             curity  director,  Jeff  Solomon.  In  the                                               more relevant in the
 Rich  Bergman: I have known              midst  of the  pandemic,  Temple  Sinai                                                  21   century,”  Howard
 Howard for more than 20 years as an  SENIOR DIRECTOR OF    and  Temple  Emanu-El  were defaced,   Howard Tevlowitz with Mary & Larry Greenspon  explained,  adding that
 associate, consultant and friend. How-  COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING    marking the beginning of the outbreak   services, we chose the option of rede-  none of this would be possible with-
 ard will  be leaving  several  legacies,  Marty Katz  of antisemitism that we are still seeing   veloping the campus,” Howard said.  out the Selma and Paul Klingensteins
 from creating  a warm and coopera-       today.                                    “Ultimately, the decision to move   of the world, the Betty Schoenbaums,
 tive  relationship  with  our non-Jewish  MANAGING EDITOR   “When times get rough, the one   ahead was made by the board and lead-  Bea Friedmans and Ian Blacks (who
      Ted Epstein
 friends and organizations, to a Jewish   thing that the far right and far left can   ership, and paid for by a capital cam-  had  the  foresight  to  buy this  campus
 community that stands up to antisem-  ADVERTISING SALES   agree on is that they don’t like Jews.   paign that has raised just under $21   for the Federation) – all of the giants
 itism  and all  types of injustices,  to  Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307  That means we have to protect  our-  million to date, with an ultimate goal in   continued on page 6A
 young people who love and appreciate     selves. And it’s not just us. It’s the faith
 Israel and our Jewish heritage.  PROOFREADERS   community, the black community and
 Inna  Sideman:  I worked with  Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan,   the  Hispanic  community. We have  to
 Howard as Chief Financial Officer for  Elliot Ofsowitz, Jeff Sherman,    raise the visibility of what has been
 almost  17  years, from  2003  to  2020.  Jill Simons, Linda Stern,    happening – an 80% increase in inci-
 During  Howard’s tenure  we  built  a  Bryna Tevlowitz  dents of antisemitism since the situa-
 strong Jewish community  while  put-  MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of   tion  between  Israel  and  Gaza  began.
 ting the Federation on a strong financial   Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of
 footing.  When Howard  arrived, very   news and features of special interest to the
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
 few people outside the Jewish commu-  provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
 nity were familiar with the Federation.   and opinions in the Jewish community, and
 Now, it is well-recognized as one of the   to communicate the mission, activities and
 most respected organizations in Sara-  achievements of the Federation and its Jew-
 sota.  When Howard interviewed  me   ish community partners.
 for my position, he said one thing that   OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-
 always stayed with me: “You have to   sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those
 stay relevant.” I think that is how  he   of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana-
      tee, its Board of Directors or staff.
 led the Federation. He was not afraid to
 drop a program that no longer worked   SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-
      ject to editing for space and content, and
 and try a new program that would bet-  may be withheld from publication without
 ter resonate with the community.   prior notice. Approval of submissions for   Howard Tevlowitz with Pastor John Walker                              
              	                 
      publication in either verbal or written form   at the Vigil for Tree of Life (photo credit:
      shall always be considered tentative, and   Dan Wagner, Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.
      Submissions must be sent electronically to     STAY                                                                           L’Chayim
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s   CONNECTED
      name, mailing address and phone number.
      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
      ( Not all letters will
      be published. Letters may be edited for length
      and content.                                                                     Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right
      to refuse any advertisement and may require                                         Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
      the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad.                                              Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
      Publication of advertisements does not con-                                     to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
      stitute endorsement of products, services or
      ideas promoted therein.                                                                uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.


                                                  .com/jfedsrq                                                      1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660
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