Page 32 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
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32                            May/June 2020                                                                       COMMENTARY

                            SAY                                                 Crises and conspiracies Lag BaOmer – We are counting!

                                                                                By David Harris, CEO, American Jewish Committee, March 30, 2020
                                                                                                                      who else,  the  Jews, even  as the  out-
                                                                                    t is as predictable  as day follows
                                                                                                                      break began in Wuhan, China, where,
                                                                                    night. A crisis erupts – pandemic,
                                                                                Ifinancial,  security  –  and  the  con-
                                                                                                                      incidentally, no Jewish community ex-
                                                                                spiracy theorists come out of the wood-
                                                                                                                      ists. Nor does it matter that Israel is bat-
        “SHALOM”                                                                work. Today is no different.          tling the coronavirus tooth-and-nail, or
                                                                                                                      that a number of American Jews have
                                                                                    With the jet  propulsion provided
                                                                                by social media platforms, their claims
                                                                                                                      already  succumbed  to the pandemic.
                                                                                                                      Anti-semitism  is an irrational  pathol-
                                                                                circle  around  the  globe  with  warp
                                                                                                                      ogy. It doesn’t bend to rational state-
                                                                                speed and can find receptive, even ea-
                                                                                                                      ments and facts.
                                                                                ger, audiences. After all, why grapple
                                                                                                                          Here are four immediate examples
                                                                                such as COVID-19, when social huck-
              TO OUR HIGHLY                                                     with the realities  of menacing  issues   of that hopelessly irrational mindset:
                                                                                sters peddle all-inclusive, readily pack-
                                                                                                                          A neo-Nazi was killed in a shoot-
                                                                                aged and diversionary explanations of
                                                                                                                          out with FBI agents in Kansas City
                                                                                who is really behind it?
                                                                                                                          on March 24. A few days earlier,
                       TARGETED                                                 that, sooner or later, the Jews will be   he posted: “If you don’t think this
                                                                                    And, alas, it is equally foreseeable
                                                                                                                          whole thing [COVID-19] was en-
                                                                                among those blamed.  Isn’t the  heart
                                                                                                                          gineered by Jews as a power grab,
                       AUDIENCE                                                 of anti-Semitism, past and present, the   here is more proof of their plans.
                                                                                                                          Jews have been playing the long
                                                                                assignment to Jews of evil powers and
                                                                                                                          game. We are the only ones stand-
                                                                                demonic aims?
                                                                                    From the poisoning of wells to the
                                                                                                                          ing in their way.”
                                                                                Black Plague, from using the blood of   ‹   The  senior pastor at  Flowing
                                                                                murdered  Christian  children  to  bake   Streams  Church  in  Vero  Beach,
                                                                                Passover matzoh to seeking world          Florida, who is also a radio host,
                                                                                domination,  from  foisting  capitalism   asserted, on March 24, that God is
                                                                                to propagating communism, and from        spreading the coronavirus in syna-
                     FREE                                                       inventing  the Holocaust to generate      gogues as punishment  for “those
                                                                                sympathy for a Jewish  state to Isra-     who oppose his son, Jesus Christ.”
                                                                                el’s enthusiasm for spreading AIDS in     Earlier, he had asserted that the im-
                                                                                neighboring countries, the anti-Semites’   peachment effort against President
                                                                                outlandish libels have been many, stub-   Trump was a “Jew coup,” yet an-
                                                                                bornly resilient and at times deadly.     other conspiracy claim.
                                                                                    On September 11, 2001, it  took   ‹   Iran’s  government  Press  TV
                                                                                mere minutes for the conspiracy theo-
                                                                                                                          claimed, on March 5, that “Zion-
                                 New!                                           rists to blame Jews, Israel, the Mossad,   ist elements  developed a deadlier
                                                                                                                          strain of coronavirus against Iran.”
                                                                                Zionists – all one and the same in the
                    2020 Edition!                                               twisted minds of the accusers – for the   ‹   According to the Middle East Me-
                                                                                terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000
                                                                                                                          dia Research Institute,  Yemeni
                                                                                people on American soil. Even as the
                                                                                                                          scholar  Ibrahim  Al-Ubeidi de-
                      To the Inaugural Issue                                    trail led directly to 19 hijackers orga-  livered a sermon on March 27 in
                                                                                                                          which he claimed  that Jews (and
                                                                                nized  and  led  by  Osama  Bin  Laden
                      DISCOVER ALL THINGS JEWISH
                      Synagogues, Food, Culture & More                          and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, some          Americans)  created  COVID-19
                      FIND THE LOCATIONS                                        suggested they were mere  puppets in      with the intention of closing down
                      On the Detailed Map Locator
                                                                                the hands of fiendishly clever Jews try-  the Islamic holy sites of Mecca and
                                                                                ing to tarnish  the  name  of Islam  and   Medina.
                                                                                turn the United States against the Arab   To some, the reaction is a shrug of
                              A PUBLICATION OF
                                                                                world.                                the shoulders. So what, they say. Noth-
                                                                                    I vividly recall  urgent messages   ing new here. I beg to differ.
              Advertise in the ultimate guide to everything Jewish in Sara-     from several European Jewish commu-       In the past, such conspiracy theo-
              sota and Manatee counties! SHALOMSRQ is a magazine-style          nities within days of that indescribable   ries have too often had real-life  con-
              resource guide that residents and visitors will keep on hand.     tragedy. The local media reports, they   sequences for Jews, from ostracism to
                                                                                said,  repeated  the  canard  that  4,000   pogroms. Moreover, the power of so-
              SHALOMSRQ connects your business to a powerful demo-              Jews who worked at the World Trade    cial media today creates a reach previ-
              graphic; our readers are affluent, well-educated, established,    Center deliberately stayed home, hav-  ously unimaginable,  which can touch
              and philanthropic. Over half have said they frequently pur-       ing been advised of the planned attack.   both fellow believers and, no less im-
              chase products or services from ads seen in our publications.*    Could I send actual names of Jews who   portantly, the impressionable.                                         FUNERAL SERVICES
                                                                                were among the victims  in the  Twin      Stopping  the  conspiracy-mongers
              WHAT’S INSIDE SHALOMSRQ?                                          Towers, so they could disprove the al-  and  their  hateful  incitement  may  not

              SHALOMSRQ covers everything a local resident, visitor             legations. Ironically, one request came   be a simple task. After all, they have   The Area’s ONLY Jewish Owned & Operated Funeral Home
              or newcomer needs to know when it comes to “all things            as I was headed  for the  funeral,  at  a   been around for centuries, if not mil-
              Jewish” in Sarasota and Manatee counties.                         New York synagogue, of the husband    lennia. Failing to monitor and confront
              •  Synagogues & Temples    •  Jewish Youth & Teen                 of a former American Jewish Commit-   the threat they pose, however, would                           Specializing in local burial, out-of-state transfers,
                                                                                                                      be shortsighted in the extreme.
                                                                                tee colleague, who  was  killed in the
              •  Jewish Clubs              Programs                             terrorist attacks.
              •  Jewish Cultural Arts    •  Jewish Calendar                         Now, with a pandemic  circling         The AJC West Coast                                                                    and burial in Israel
              •  Jewish Education        •  Israel Connections                  the globe and threatening  us all, ir-
              •  Jewish Food             •  History of Jews in Sarasota         respective of race, religion, creed or   Florida office, located in                  •  REFORM  •  CONSERVATIVE  •  ORTHODOX  •
              •  Jewish Gift Shops       •  Maps with Drop-pin                  nationality, the  conspiracy  theorists,   Sarasota, can be reached
              •  Jewish Service Providers  Locators                             unsurprisingly, are at it once more. And
                                                                                again for the anti-Semites, it presents
              •  Jewish Housing          •  AND MORE!                           an opportunity to pin the blame  on,        at 941.365.4955.                 • Chevra Kadisha

              AD PLACEMENT                                                            Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee                • Pre-need Trusts
              Ads are placed into one of our regional sections — North,               do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation              • Cremations
              Central, South — with drop-pin locations included on its                   of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.                                                                   2426 Bee Ridge Road
              regional map; readers will be able to find your business easily!                                                                               • Free Burial Plots                                     Sarasota, FL 34239

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              the ad for quick access from the SHALOMSRQ online version                                                                                       24 Hour Information at                             (941) 955-1075                          Michael, David, Pati and Steven Gross
              to your website.                                                                                • Our online form makes it easy.

              DEADLINE                                                                                        • Support a worthwhile cause.                       
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              is nearing fast:
                  CLOSING DATE IS JUNE 15, 2020

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             SHALOMSRQ is published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee             Visit                                                                             Be sure THE JEWISH NEWS follows you to your new home.
                                   *Statistics from a survey conducted by the Circulation Verification Council.                                                                              Send your new address to Paula at or 941.371.4546 x0

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