Page 30 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 30

30                            May/June 2020                                       ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

                                                                                       BRIEFS                                                           After three elections over a year, Israel has a government
                                                                                                                                                        By Harold M. Halpern

                                                                                                                                                            am writing this column on April 1.
                                          AMERICANS AREN’T SO                   way to fight anti-Semitism is to pass on   northern  Bedouin village  of Basmat   You will not read it until a month or
                                          EAGER TO RETREAT FROM                 the responsibility to European govern-  Tab’un, and went through basic and  I more later. It is difficult to foresee
                                          THE MIDDLE EAST                       ments.”                               investigation  training  at  the  National  now what the Israeli government and
                                          According to a January 2020 poll by       In the  early  2000s, when anti-  Police Academy.                   its policies will look like.
                                          the Chicago Council on Global Affairs,   Semitism began to intensify in Europe,   “I  want  to  convey  a  message  to              The election
                                          a majority of Americans support main-  some community leaders sought to dis-  all other religious Muslim women like              on  March  2  did
                                          taining (45%) or increasing (29%) the   tance themselves from Israel, not want-  me,”  she said. “The  police  is a good         not end the dead-
                                                                                ing to be equated to the Jewish state,
                                                                                                                      home for us. The organization lets you
                                                                                                                                                                           lock between the
                                          U.S. military  presence in the Middle
          EASY                            East;  fewer  than  a  quarter  (24%)  say   popular among their non-Jewish neigh-  and  feel  equal.”  (Israel  Moskovitz,      Right led by Ben-
                                                                                                                      climb up the ranks, to prove yourself
                                                                                which was becoming increasingly un-
                                                                                                                                                                           jamin  Netanyahu
                                          reduce.  Asked which region is most
                                                                                bors, particularly Muslim immigrants.
                                                                                                                      Ynet News)
                                          important  to the security interests of
                                                                                                                                                                           and  the  Center-
                                                                                “But now, everyone knows  that anti-
                                                                                                                                                                           Left led by Benny
                                          the U.S., 61% of Americans name the
                                                                                                                      DUTCH JEW WHO
                                                                                Zionism  is anti-Semitism,”  said  Mar-
                                                                                                                                                                           Gantz.  Netanya-
       STEPS                              Middle East, up from 50% in 2018.     golin. (Jacob Magid, Times of Israel)  RESCUED 100S IN                  only 58 votes and not the needed 61.
                                                                                                                                                                           hu could muster
                                          No  other region comes close, includ-
                                                                                                                                                          Harold M. Halpern
                                                                                                                      VICHY, FRANCE,
                                          ing Europe (15%), Asia (12%), Latin
                                                                                TEL AVIV IS HOME
                                                                                                                      FINALLY RECOGNIZED
                                                                                                                                                        The parties supporting Gantz had 62
                                          America (7%) and Africa (1%).
                                                                                TO OVER 100
                                                                                                                      In August 1942, as the Nazis’ net grew
                                              The percentage who say that Iran
                                                                                                                                                        elected Members of the Knesset. This
                                                                                In 2019, 16 new development centers
                                                                                                                      France, Dutch diplomat Salomon (Sal-
         How To Stay                      is the  country that  poses the greatest   MULTINATIONALS                   ever tighter around the Jews of Vichy,  included the members of the Joint List
                                                                                                                                                        of the Arab Israelis. Three members of
                                          threat  to  the  U.S. has  increased  from
                                                                                opened in Tel Aviv courtesy of multi-
                                                                                                                      ly)  Noach  walked  into  Lyon’s  Palais
                                                                                                                                                        the Center-Left announced they would
                                          10% to 34% since February 2019. The
                                                                                nationals on the hunt for Israeli talent,
          Up-To-Date                      percentage of Americans who say that   joining  the  established  91  centers  of   de Justice and successfully demanded  not vote for Gantz as they wouldn’t
                                                                                                                      the release of 118 prisoners being held
                                          Iran’s nuclear program is a critical
                                                                                                                                                        sit in a government dependent on the
                                                                                giants such as Amazon, Google, Face-
                                                                                                                                                        votes of Israeli Arabs.
                                          threat to the U.S. has increased to 61%
             On Your                      from 57% in 2019. At the same time,   book, eBay and Alibaba.               Iris on the outskirts of the city where  government led by him as Prime Min-
                                                                                                                          He then appeared at the Stade des
                                                                                                                                                            Gantz  was also unable  to form  a
                                                                                    Those centers employed  10,250
                                          2/3 of Americans say the wars in Iraq
               Jewish                     and  Afghanistan were not worth the   people, up from 9,663 in 2018, and    Jews were being detained  and issued  ister. Netanyahu  reached  out  to  Gantz
                                                                                6,624 in 2016.
                                                                                                                      false papers to 432 people, registering
                                          cost. (Dina Smeltz and John Cookson,
                                                                                    Forty-four percent  of these  com-
         Community                        The Hill)                             panies are in the enterprise  software   them as Dutch and thus securing their  to join a Unity government. Gantz
                                                                                                                      escape from near-certain death.
                                                                                                                                                        agreed. However, about 20 members
                                                                                sector, especially  cyber and business
                                          LOST 1,000-YEAR-OLD
                                                                                                                          The feature-length documentary
                                                                                                                                                        of the Center-Left coalition refused to
                                                                                analytics, while 24% operate in e-com-
        1       STEP ONE                  HEBREW BIBLE FOUND                    merce,  online  advertising  and  social   Forgotten Soldier, released last year,  go along with Gantz. They broke away
                                                                                                                      lifts the veil on a man who never re-
                                                                                                                                                        and announced they would sit in the
                                          IN CAIRO SYNAGOGUE
                                                                                networks. (Billy Frenkel, Calcalist)
                                                                                                                      ceived the recognition he undoubtedly
                                                                                                                                                        Opposition. Avigdor Leberman, leader
                                          In 2017, Israeli historian Yoram Meital
                                                                                                                      deserved during his lifetime.
                                                                                                                          Using fake  documents  supplied
                                                                                                                                                        well as the Joint List also will be in the
                                          biblical  codex  in  the  Karaite  Moussa
         Hourly                           stumbled upon a handwritten 1028 CE   HIJAB AND HANDGUN:                    by the resistance (which supposedly  of Yisrael  Beiteinu,  and  his party, as
                                                                                ISRAEL’S FIRST MUSLIM
         Social Media: While we don’t always   Der’i Synagogue in Cairo.        FEMALE DETECTIVE                      proved  the  inmates  weren’t  Jewish),  Opposition.
         post hourly, we do post often. What do we   At  616 pages,  the  Zechariah  Ben                                                                    It appears that the Unity govern-
         post? Time-sensitive news, alerts, items of   ‘Anan Manuscript is one of the most   Police Master Sergeant Sabrin Sa’adi,   he entered prisons and holding centers  ment will likely have about 75 mem-
         interest, and more. Follow us on Facebook,   complete examples of the “Writings,”   an investigator for the juvenile division   with the aim of securing the release  bers  of  which  approximately  20  will
         Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more!    the concluding section of the Hebrew   in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Kan-  of as many refugees as he could. He  be from Gantz’s Center-Left coalition.
         Find us by searching for “JFEDSRQ.”  Bible. It had been lost to scholars for   na, will become the first hijab-wearing   greased the process with bribes and  There  is not yet an agreement deter-
                                                                                                                      gifts for the guards and police. (Robert
                                                                                religious Muslim female to be a police
                                                                                                                                                        mining who will hold cabinet positions
                                          almost  40 years.  (Amanda  Borschel-
        2       STEP TWO                  Dan, Times of Israel)                 investigation officer.                Philpot, Times of Israel)         or the policies to be pursued by the
                                                                                    Sa’adi was born and raised in the
                                                                                                                                                        Unity government.
                                          EUROPEAN JEWISH
                                                                                                                                                            We do know that Netanyahu will
                                          GROUP UNVEILS PLAN TO                                                                                         serve  as  Prime  Minister  for  the  first
         Daily                            COUNTER ANTI-SEMITISM                     ADULTS                                                              year and half followed by Gantz for a
         Whether you’re on your           AMID RISE IN ATTACKS
         desktop, laptop or smartphone, the Fed-                                                                     CULTURE
         eration website, has everything above and   At its annual conference  on Tuesday,            CHARITY
         below (and more) right at your fingertips.   February 25, in Paris, the European
         Keep our event calendars in your bookmarks   Jewish Association unveiled a plan to   KIDS
         bar for event information in a click.   counter anti-Semitism. The plan calls     JEWISH
                                          on all European countries to adopt the
        3       STEP THREE                International Holocaust Remembrance            OF EVENTS           Your Hub                                                                                                              Have we
                                                                                                             for Jewish Events
                                          Alliance’s  (IHRA)  working  definition
                                                                                           IN SARASOTA
                                          envoy on combating  anti-Semitism;
         Weekly                           of anti-Semitism; to appoint a special          AND MANATEE
                                          to mandate schools include lessons on
         Federation Eblast: Receive timely   anti-Semitism; and to legislate bans on
         Federation news, topics, and more, in   anti-Semitic symbols in public, includ-
         your email every Friday          ing Nazi imagery.
         by subscribing to the                                                                   LEARN                                                                                                                       impacted
                                              The organization’s chairman, Rab-
         weekly newsletter, the           bi Menachem Margolin, said, “After  FAMILY
         Federation eBlast.               20 years dealing with this subject, I’ve
        4       STEP FOUR                 come to the understanding that no mat-                                                                                                                                                                          YOUR LIFE?
                                          ter how many schools we visit, and no
                                          matter how many delegations we bring
         Monthly              75 th  Annive  sa   y of Libe  atio    to Auschwitz, it’s all just a drop in the
                                          bucket. Therefore, we realized that the
         The Jewish News:                                     Celebrating        Years  P U B L I S H E D   B Y See more on pages 20–21
                            FEDERATION NEWS
                            Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World
                                   The Jewish
         The publication that brings the   INSIDE THIS ISSUE:  FAMILY CAMPUS FOR JEWISH LIFE
                                   OF SARASOTA-MANATEE
                                   THE LARRY & MARY GREENSPON
                              16A  Community Focus
                            January 2020 - Tevet/Shevat 5780                Volume 50, Number 1
                             26A  Jewish Interest
                              2020: Join us as we TRANSFORM
                             32A  Commentary
                             36A  Focus on Youth  and Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer
                              our Jewish Federation
                             39A  Life Cycle
         Jewish community right to        1B  Jewish Happenings ILife will begin a tremendous trans-  ‹ ‹  Learning and building community   ‹ Cultural arts, food and programming                                                    Whatever you cherish most about our Federation…
                              n 2020, The Larry & Mary Green-
                              By Randon Carvel, President; Kim Mullins, Chief Operating Officer;
                              spon  Family  Campus  for  Jewish
                                   Offering formal K-8 Jewish educa-
                              formation. Our recent Jewish commu-
                                    coming environment
                                    communities in an inclusive, wel-
                              nity  study,  showing  that  our  Jewish
                                 tion and engagement for our area’s
                                 Schiff Community Day School
                              population has doubled in the last 18
                                 youth, with our partner, Hershorin
                              years,  presents  The  Jewish  Federa-
                                   Educating  our  community  about
                              tion of Sarasota-Manatee with huge
                                     Producing innovative, quality pro-
                                    gramming for “babies to bubbies”
                                 vocacy  against  anti-Semitism,  in
                              cultural  arts  partnerships,  programs
                              for  families  and  so  much  more.  Our
                                    meeting space and catering services
                             3A  opportunities  for  growth  in  outreach,   diversity,  the  Holocaust  and  ad-  ‹ ‹   Providing  affordable  communal
                                 the Robert and Esther Heller Israel
                              community  members  expressed  their
                           Sarasota’s Blumenthal family:    Jews, more options for engaging with   ‹    Continuing to act as a community     Bringing  the  best  Jewish  thought
         your door every month with   like-minded individuals, and thought-  with  the  Jewish  and  non-Jewish   continued on page 2A
                              desire for greater connections to other
                                   leaders  and  entertainment  from
                                 convener,  building  relationships
                                   Manatee area
                                   around the world to the Sarasota-
                           Building for a better tomorrow
                              provoking, innovative educational pro-
                              grams.  Our  centrally  located  32-acre
                              campus on McIntosh Road will serve
                              as the hub for many of these offerings.
                              a complete renovation is in order.
                              However, in order to meet the demand,
                              Space  will  be  flexible,  allowing
                             munity  needs.  No  membership  is  re-
                           Save the date for Federation’s  8A  Federation to respond quickly to com-
                           annual Jewish Film Festival  quired. Federation will remain nimble
         news, events, and more.  Get   11A  Jewish Federation announces                                                                                                                                                              community building, Israel advocacy, cultural programs,
                             with  a  pay-for-service  model  focused
                             on the following areas:
                             2020 Board of Directors
                             By Gayle Guynup
                              he Jewish Federation of Sara-
                              sota-Manatee’s  Board  of  Di-
                                on our incredible re-imagined 32-acre
                           Namesake Israel Center donors   Trectors  approved  its  new  slate
                          Robert and Esther Heller
                             of  officers  for  2020  at  its  December
                          honored by Federation
                                them throughout our two-  other Jewish organizations valuable in-
                                campus and by bringing Federation to
                                county area.”
                             the new president of the board.
                             meeting. Randon Carvel will serve as
         your FREE subscription today!  The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life  nomic  gains  most  of  our  community   campaign required to fund the project.  Randon Carvel Ritter,  Immediate  Past  President;  Ian   JELF provides interest-free,   Holocaust education, caring for those in need or social
                                Past President Michael
                                   formation about the needs and wants of
                             “My  goals  as  the  new  president
                                Ritter  noted,  “During  the
                                   our community members.
                                   “Our  new  President,
                             will  include  continuing  to  raise  valu-
                                last two years, through the
                                   very  involved  with  Fed-
                                hard work of our talented
                             able resources in order to provide for
                             those members of our community who
                                   Randon  Carvel,  has  been
                                   eration  for  several  years
                             still have real needs in spite of the eco-
                                staff  and  lay  leadership,
                                   and understands our orga-
                                we’ve  made  great  prog-
                                   nization and its challenges.
                             has experienced,” Carvel said. “In light
                                ress  toward  realizing  our
                                vision of redeveloping our
                          Temple Sinai Religious School
                                   I  am  very  confident  that
                             of  the  amazing  growth  of  our  local
                                   Randon is up to this chal-
                          students enjoy Hawaiian Luau
                                32-acre  campus,  as  well
                             Jewish community, now with approxi-
                          and Scavenger Hunt
                                as  successfully  launching  our  capital
                                   lenge  and  will  do  a  great
        5       STEP FIVE           Repairs t Jewelry      Appraisals   Repairs ▼ Jewelry   Appraisals Located in Lakewood Ranch   & Bands ▼ Pearl   Re-string      Re-string      Battery    & Bands t Pearl  last dollar loans for higher ed. leaving a legacy you ensure that what you
                             mately 35,000 people living in Jewish
                             households,  we  hope  to  engage  them
                                  Other officers will include Michael
                               We also completed our first communi-
                             in  even  more  meaningful  ways  both
                          A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                               ty-wide population study in 18 years,
                          Annual voluntary subscription: $25
                          Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                  Black,  Vice-President  Campus  Utili-
                               which will provide the Federation and
                              NON-PROFIT ORG.
                              U.S. POSTAGE
                                  zation; Merrill Wynne, Vice-President
                                ▼ Fine
                                   continued on page 2A
                               t Fine
                              MANASOTA FL
                                   ▼ Watch
                                ▼ Expert
                               t Expert
                                   t Watch
                              PERMIT 167
                                   t Buying Gold
                                Located in Lakewood Ranch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      value most is sustained for future generations.
                                                                                                                 MAR 1  SEPT 1
         ShalomSRQ:                                                                                              MAR 1  SEPT 1
         Your resource guide to                                                                                  THROUGH         THROUGH
         everything Jewish in
                                                                                                                APR 30
                                                                                                                                 SEPT 30
         Sarasota-Manatee. Keep it on hand to quickly                                                           APR 30           SEPT 30                                                              Please consider making a legacy gift in your
         find Jewish goods, services and organizations.
         Request to be on the mailing list!                                                                                                                                                     will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy
                                                                                              learn                                                                                  to The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

           Find and Subscribe at                                                              more     at at
                                                                                                                                                                                                    To discuss creating your Jewish legacy, contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ilene Fox
                                                                                                                                                                                           941.343.2111  |   |
                      Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.                                                              STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 11.
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