Page 33 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                         May/June 2020                                          33

     Lag BaOmer – We are counting!

                                          Torateinu (the time of the giving of the   Never before in my lifetime have   can only hope that, like our ances-
                                          Torah). Freedom and responsibility are   I attached  any personal  meaning  to   tors of old, we too can learn to show
                           From           inextricably  bound.  Freedom  without   this explanation of the origins of Lag   greater respect to our neighbors, our
                                          responsibility leads to self-indulgence
                                                                                BaOmer. This year, of course, is differ-
                                                                                                                      fellow Americans, our fellow Jews, our
                           the            and anarchy. Responsibility without   ent. We have come to know the terrible   fellow human beings.  We must learn
                                                                                price of the pandemic.  Whether this
                                                                                                                      lessons from  this  modern-day  plague
                                          freedom is a type of imprisonment.
                           Bimah          day two, day three (rather than “count   is punishment from God or the result   that has shaken the foundations of our
                                              And so we “count up,” day one,
                                                                                                                      world. We cannot afford to let this mo-
                                                                                of human wrongdoing or just the “roll
                                          down”),  gathering  up  the  days  like   of the evolutionary dice,” we all know   ment pass without becoming  better
                                          precious gems to place in our treasure   that the cost is terribly high.    and wiser and stronger. As the Psalm-
     Rabbi Ben Shull                      chest of life. We count days to remind    We can only hope that on this     ist said long ago, “Teach us to number
     Jewish Congregation of Venice        us that we must use our time well, to   Lag BaOmer, we too can lift the pro-  our days, that we too may get a heart of
                                                                                hibitions and move from mourning to
                                          grow in wisdom and grow in kindness.
                                                                                                                      wisdom” (Ps. 90:12).
           ounting days and counting      We count days to make our lives count.   gladness,  from  darkness  to  light.  We
           lives. As I write this column on   Understandably, this time  of sober
                                                                            rd How
     Cthe last day of March, we are       assessment is a time when, tradition-
     counting the days of the coronavirus   ally, we refrain from rejoicing and self-                                     The Jewish Federation offers
     pandemic and counting the lives lost to   indulgence.                                                                assistance for all ages in
     its horrid disease. As you read this col-  There is a special day during this                                        Sarasota and Manatee Counties:
     umn, you will know a much different   time of counting, Lag BaOmer, the 33                                           Camp Grants, Travel Opportunities,
     count. I can only hope that by the be-  day of counting (this year beginning on                                      Education Scholarships, Religious
     ginning of May, we will have reached   the eve of Monday, May 11), when we     We Help.                              School Assistance and Financial
     the beginning of the end of this dark   relax the prohibitions of the Omer pe-                                       Aid to At-Risk Populations. We also
     and difficult time.                  riod. Weddings are held and the mood                                                support programs: PJ Library,
        Counting  is  an  important  part  of   is light. Why do we have this reprieve?                                          Senior Services and Jewish
     the season we have entered –  Sefirat   According  to  an  ancient  tradition,  on                                            Healing, including a
     Ha’Omer, the counting of the days be-  the 33  day of the Omer, a plague that                                                 Community Chaplain.
     tween the second day of Passover and   afflicted the students of the great Rabbi
     the upcoming holiday of Shavuot (a   Akiva  lifted  and  life  triumphed  over
     two-day festival  which begins on the   death.  This  plague,  according to  the
     eve of Thursday, May 28). This count-  Talmud, had taken the lives of 24,000                                                   Learn more at
     ing, a tradition with biblical/agricultur-  of his followers. The plague was God’s                                   
     al origins, ties together the holiday of   way of punishing Akiva’s students for
     freedom, Passover, with the holiday of   the disrespect they showed for one an-
     responsibility, Shavuot,  z’man matan   other.

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      or email ( Not all letters will be published. Letters may be    And we are here to help.
      edited for length and content.                                                                                        

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