Page 13 - Example
P. 13
Claim Comparison: Choosing the Right


GLG encourages you to review the medical options offered and determine which plan helps you meet the
healthcare needs for yourself and family. ALEX can also illustrate the differences of each plan based on your
situation Below is an example showing health plan expenses based
on Jack’s expected needs, but your scenario may be different. You can also contact GLG People Team at

Claims Example
Jack considers himself young and relatively healthy. He wonders which GLG plan option might be his best
bet considering his medical and pharmacy expenses. Jack would enroll in single coverage and his salary is
$70K a year. Jack will receive one preventive annual exam which is covered at 100% on all GLG plans. He
has migraines on occasion so in order to manage them he sees a specialist twice a year. Jack also sprains
his ankle playing basketball at the gym and has to go to urgent care. He is prescribed a generic medication to
help ease his pain. He selects the HSA 1350 plan based on low payroll contributions and GLG’s HSA funding.

Aetna PPO 500 Aetna HSA 1350 Aetna EPO 1500
Total Annual Contribution $1,944 $528 $1,056
GLG Annual Contribution to HSA N/A $1,012.50 N/A
Deductible to be Satisied $500 $1,350 $1,500
Jack's Services Cost of Care Amount Applied Cost of Care Amount Applied Cost of Care Amount Applied
to Deductible
to Deductible
to Deductible
1 preventive physical exam (in-
network) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Assumes $80 ofice visit charge
2 specialist visits 2 copays @ $50 $400 2 copays @ $60
Assumes $200 ofice visit charge = $100 $0 $400 = $120 $0
1 urgent care visit 1 copay @ $75 $0 $700 $700 1 copay @ $75 $0
Assumes $700 charge = $75 = $75
1 generic non-preventive retail drug 1 copay @ $10 1 copay @ $10
purchase = $10 $0 $40 $40 = $10 $0
(Assumes $40 cost/30-day Rx)
Amount of Amount of Amount of
Cost of Care Deductible Cost of Care Deductible Cost of Care Deductible
Remaining Remaining Remaining
$185 $500 $1,140 $210 $205 $1,500
Totals Jack's Total Annual Cost =
Jack's Total Annual Cost = Jack's Total Annual Cost =
Payroll + Cost of Care Payroll + Cost of Care – HSA Payroll + Cost of Care
$2,129 ($0 HSA Funds Remaining) $1,261

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