Page 8 - Example
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Medical Beneits

GLG is committed to providing high quality ALEX presented by GLG
healthcare beneits to you and your family. GLG is ALEX is a decision support tool to help you
pleased to offer three medical plan options through choose the right plan for you
With these medical plans, when you receive care
from an in-network provider, you will not be required ALEX is an interactive decision-support tool that
to submit or ile a claim form. By using in-network helps you make beneit enrollment decisions, igure
Aetna providers, you help to keep your healthcare out how to get the most from your health insurance
out-of-pocket costs lower than when using an coverage, or save money on your healthcare
out-of-network provider. There is also no need to expenses.
designate a Primary Care Physician or obtain a
referral before seeing a specialist with any of the Manage your health online
Aetna medical plans. With you can:

To ind network providers in your area, go to > Check eligibility information and claim status or call member services > Review your recent health conditions,
at +1 800.238.6716. Network: Managed Choice medications, medical procedures, and lab
POS (OpenAccess) results

With Aetna, the following are some of the covered > Order and print ID cards
beneits in the plans: > Access health and wellness information,
> Emergencies (anywhere in the world) including a health assessment tool
> Pap smears > Estimate the cost of a procedure in your area
with our cost estimator tool
> Prenatal care > Find network providers

> Routine check-ups
> Childhood immunizations To register:
> Mammograms 1. Go to
> Vision and hearing screenings 2. Click on the Log In/Register button in the upper
right-hand corner
> See the Summary Plan Description (SPD) for 3. Select Yes and the click Log In
complete details.
4. Click Register
GLG offers you a choice of medical plan options 5. Enter your irst and last name, member ID# or
through Aetna: PPO 500, HSA 1350, and EPO 1500. SSN, date of birth, zip code, and email address

Each plan covers the same medical services and 6. Click continue
procedures. However, the plans differ in price, 7. Create your username and password
deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket
maximums. It is up to you to select the type of
coverage that best suits your healthcare and
inancial needs.

The amounts shown in the summary of Medical
Beneits Charts on the next page relect an overview
of covered services under the plan.

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