Page 12 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
P. 12

Cost of Coverage

In an effort to ensure compliance with Healthcare Reform, effective
January 1, 2016 your cost of coverage will be based on 9.5 percent of
your household income with a minimum of $100 to a maximum of
$140 per month. We are changing our dependent eligibility in 2016.

Spouses will no longer be considered an eligible dependent and you will
be unable to cover your spouse on our Anthem medical plan. Because
we are no longer covering spouses, your spouse is eligible to enroll and
potentially receive a subsidy in the healthcare exchange. You can cover
your dependent children. If you choose to cover your dependent children
an additional $296.42 per month will be added on top of your employee
coverage contribution.

M E C M ed ical P lan
B ronz e G old
E mployee $ 3 9 .6 2 $ 8 8 .0 6
E mployee + spouse $ 9 2 .2 0 $ 1 8 3 .0 6
E mployee + 1 child $ 8 3 .2 7 $ 1 5 1 .3 3
F amily ( employee + $ 1 3 5 .8 5 $ 2 4 4 .2 5
spouse + 1 child )
E ach ad d itional child $ 3 9 .0 0 $ 3 9 .0 0

D ental C ov erage

O ption 1 O ption 2
E mployee $ 2 1 .1 8 $ 3 0 .6 1
E mployee + spouse $ 3 5 .2 2 $ 5 2 .0 3
E mployee + child ( ren) $ 3 8 .1 4 $ 6 5 .0 2
F amily $ 5 7 .6 2 $ 9 3 .6 5

V ision C ov erage

E mployee $ 5 .4 6
E mployee + spouse $ 1 0 .3 6
E mployee + child ( ren) $ 1 2 .1 6
F amily $ 1 7 .1 0
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17