Page 9 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
P. 9

E mployee A ssistance
P rogram

A d d itional B enefits A v ailable to Y ou O ur company offers an E mployee
A ssistance P rogram or E A P for all
Please take a moment to consider your additional options. All of these beneit eligible employees to access.
beneits are provided through UNUM. Your enrollment counselor is The company pays the full cost of this
available to describe the plan details and provide monthly rates for the beneit. You have access to trained
professionals w ho can help counsel
voluntary plans described. you and your family members through
a v ariety of circumstances includ ing
E mployer P aid L ife/ A D & D B enefits but not limited to:

Base Life/AD&D coverage will be provided to all full-time employees „ F amily/ marital issues
who are not part of a Collective Bargaining Agreement. This coverage is „ F inancial planning
offered through UNUM. You may contact Human Resources regarding
the amount of this employer paid beneit. „ W ork / life balance

„ A d d iction and recov ery
V oluntary S hort Term D isability P lan This program is offered in partnership

Individual Short Term Disability (ISTD) insurance is employee-paid w ith U N U M . A ssistance is a call or click
aw ay.
coverage designed for individuals who are unable to work due to a
covered sickness or injury. Beneits are generally paid monthly, based on „ 8 0 0 .8 5 4 .1 4 4 6 ( E nglish)
a percentage of earnings. With this plan design you’re eligible to receive „ 8 7 7 .8 5 8 .2 1 4 7 ( S panish)

60 percent of your salary during your short term disability leave. Keep in
mind, you will need to satisfy the 14 day waiting period before you begin „ w w w
to receive your short term disability beneit. On day 15 of your covered L ifeW ork s M obile A pp
sickness or injury, you will begin receiving your disability beneit for a U ser I D and P assw ord : lifebalance
period of up to three months.

P er $ 1 2 5 .0 0
A ge 1 8 – 4 9 $ 1 4 .3 9
A ge 5 0 – 6 9 $ 1 7 .3 3
A ge 7 0 + N ot av ailable

2016 Open Enrollment
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