Page 14 - 2016 WFF Guide 1
P. 14

Legal Notices

M ed icare P art D 2 . The C ompany has d etermined that the prescription d rug cov erage offered by
C red itable C ov erage the C ompany E mployee H ealth C are P lan ( “ P lan” ) is, on av erage for all plan
participants, ex pected to pay out as much as stand ard M ed icare prescription d rug
N otice cov erage pays and is consid ered “ cred itable” prescription d rug cov erage. This is
important for the reasons d escribed below .
I mportant N otice F rom B ecause your ex isting cov erage is, on av erage, at least as good as stand ard M ed icare
The C ompany A bout Y our prescription d rug cov erage, you can k eep this cov erage and not pay a higher premium
P rescription D rug C ov erage ( a penalty) if you later d ecid e to enroll in a M ed icare d rug plan, as long as you later
and M ed icare enroll within speciic time periods.

P lease read this notice carefully and E nrolling in M ed icare— G eneral R ules
keep it where you can ind it. This notice
has information about your current As some background, you can join a Medicare drug plan when you irst become
prescription d rug cov erage w ith the eligible for M ed icare. I f you q ualify for M ed icare d ue to age, you may enroll in a
C ompany and about your options und er M ed icare d rug plan d uring a sev en- month initial enrollment period . That period
M ed icare’ s prescription d rug cov erage. begins three months prior to your 6 5 th birthd ay, includ es the month you turn 6 5 , and
This information can help you d ecid e continues for the ensuing three months. I f you q ualify for M ed icare d ue to d isability
w hether you w ant to j oin a M ed icare or end - stage renal d isease, your initial M ed icare P art D enrollment period d epend s on
d rug plan. I nformation about w here you the d ate your d isability or treatment began. F or more information you should contact
can get help to mak e d ecisions about M ed icare at the telephone number or w eb ad d ress listed below .
your prescription d rug cov erage is at the L ate E nrollment and the L ate E nrollment P enalty
end of this notice.
I f you d ecid e to w ait to enroll in a M ed icare d rug plan you may enroll later, d uring
I f neither you nor any of your cov ered M ed icare P art D ’ s annual enrollment period , w hich runs each year from O ctober 1 5
d epend ents are eligible for or hav e through D ecember 7 . B ut as a general rule, if you d elay your enrollment in M ed icare
M ed icare, this notice d oes not apply to Part D, after irst becoming eligible to enroll, you may have to pay a higher premium
you or your d epend ents, as the case ( a penalty) .
may be. H ow ev er, you should still k eep
a copy of this notice in the ev ent you or I f after your initial M ed icare P art D enrollment period you go 6 3 c on ti n uous days
a d epend ent should q ualify for cov erage or lon ger w i thout “ c redi tab le” p resc ri p ti on drug c ov erage ( that is, prescription
und er M ed icare in the future. P lease d rug cov erage that’ s at least as good as M ed icare’ s prescription d rug cov erage) , your
note, how ev er, that later notices might monthly P art D premium may go up by at least 1 percent of the premium you w ould
supersed e this notice. hav e paid had you enrolled timely, for ev ery month that you d id not hav e cred itable
cov erage.
1 . M ed icare prescription d rug
cov erage became av ailable in 2 0 0 6 F or ex ample, if after your M ed icare P art D initial enrollment period you go 1 9 months
to ev eryone w ith M ed icare. Y ou w ithout cov erage, your premium may be at least 1 9 percent higher than the premium
can get this cov erage if you j oin you otherw ise w ould hav e paid . Y ou may hav e to pay this higher premium for as long
a M ed icare P rescription D rug P lan
or j oin a M ed icare A d v antage P lan as you hav e M ed icare prescription d rug cov erage. H ow ev er, there are some important
( lik e an H M O or P P O ) that offers ex ceptions to the late enrollment penalty.
prescription d rug cov erage. A ll
M ed icare d rug plans prov id e at least
a stand ard lev el of cov erage set
by M ed icare. S ome plans may also
offer more cov erage for a higher
monthly premium.
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