Page 7 - 2016 Enrollment
P. 7
Medical Beneits
Your Proof of
Healthcare Coverage
Medical and Dental Coverage with Kaiser The Affordable Care Act,
Most of our healthcare beneits package is provided through Kaiser in most cases, requires
Permanente, an innovator and leader in providing quality healthcare individuals to purchase
services. healthcare coverage. In
January, you will receive
Kaiser Permanente HMO Plan Form 1095-C confirmation
The Kaiser Permanente HMO plan is for employees and their of your medical insurance
families who want a comprehensive package of healthcare beneits election for 2015. This
with affordable, predictable out of pocket costs and virtually no confirmation will serve as
paperwork. When you enroll, you select a primary care physician your proof of healthcare
(PCP) from the Kaiser Permanente HMO network. Your PCP coverage and compliance
provides and coordinates all of your medical care. with the Individual
Kaiser Permanente HMO-POS Plan
The Kaiser Permanente HMO-POS plan is ideal for those who
prefer the cost savings of an HMO and the freedom and lexibility to go directly
to a specialist without a referral for most covered services. When you enroll, you
are encouraged to select a PCP from the Kaiser Permanente HMO network. You
can receive care from your PCP and or any non-Kaiser physician or facility any
time you chose.
Your Proof of
Healthcare Coverage
Medical and Dental Coverage with Kaiser The Affordable Care Act,
Most of our healthcare beneits package is provided through Kaiser in most cases, requires
Permanente, an innovator and leader in providing quality healthcare individuals to purchase
services. healthcare coverage. In
January, you will receive
Kaiser Permanente HMO Plan Form 1095-C confirmation
The Kaiser Permanente HMO plan is for employees and their of your medical insurance
families who want a comprehensive package of healthcare beneits election for 2015. This
with affordable, predictable out of pocket costs and virtually no confirmation will serve as
paperwork. When you enroll, you select a primary care physician your proof of healthcare
(PCP) from the Kaiser Permanente HMO network. Your PCP coverage and compliance
provides and coordinates all of your medical care. with the Individual
Kaiser Permanente HMO-POS Plan
The Kaiser Permanente HMO-POS plan is ideal for those who
prefer the cost savings of an HMO and the freedom and lexibility to go directly
to a specialist without a referral for most covered services. When you enroll, you
are encouraged to select a PCP from the Kaiser Permanente HMO network. You
can receive care from your PCP and or any non-Kaiser physician or facility any
time you chose.