Page 9 - 2016 Enrollment
P. 9
Flexible Spending Account

FSA Program with WageWorks WageWorks Mobile

An FSA allows you to set aside before-tax dollars from your paycheck to App
cover qualiied expenses that you would normally pay out* of your pocket
with after-tax dollars. Are you taking
advantage of the
Healthcare FSA Dependent Care FSA
Ideal program for employees enrolled in a HMO Ideal program for all employees WageWorks mobile
plan or waiving medical coverage regardless of other beneit coverage EZ Receipts app? EZ
Used to help pay for Used to help pay for Receipts enables you
„ Doctor’s visit „ Hearing aids „ Cost of child or adult day care
copays „ Eye glasses „ Nursery school to submit healthcare
„ Prescription drug „ Contacts „ Preschool (excluding kindergarten) and dependent care
copays claims and to upload
„ Medical „ Dental services „ Dependent Care FSA is not
for medical expenses for your
and dental „ Orthodontia dependents, it is for care receipts for unverified
deductibles „ Laser vision associated with child care or adult healthcare card
„ Over-the-counter correction day care transactions right from
medications surgery
(with a written your smartphone.
prescription) Get EZ Receipts for

IRS Regulated Contributions your iphone from
Healthcare FSA Dependent Care FSA the iTunes Store, for
$2,550 per year $5,000 per year * your Droid from the

* $2,500 if married and iling separately. Android Market, or for
your BlackBerry from
Funds you elect to contribute to the Healthcare FSA are available in BlackBerry App World.
full on the irst day of the plan year, and the funds contributed toward
the Dependent Care FSA cannot be used until accumulated. Plan your
contributions carefully as any funds not used by the end of the plan year Wageworks
will be forfeited by the plan. It is also important to recognize that you administers our FSA

cannot change your FSA election during the plan year. Termed employees program. You can
have 90 days from the date of termination to seek reimbursement for manage your claims
services rendered during the program year. and payments through

Grace Period
Intertek offers a special grace period to submit your claims for
reimbursement each year. You have until March 15 each year to incur

claims which can be reimbursed from the prior year’s plan, and until March 31 to
submit reimbursements from your prior year expenses. Contact Wageworks for
more information on submitting claims for reimbursement.

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