Page 5 - 2015 Reznor Salary Enrollment Guide
P. 5

Medical Plan

Medical Plan Options Options
X Generally speaking, the HRA plan has: The Nortek health plans are account-

X Lower deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums based health plans, which means you
X Fixed copays for prescription drugs, ofice visits, ER, and urgent will use dollars in a healthcare account
to pay for some of your medical
care which count towards your out-of-pocket max expenses. The two plan choices are:
X Higher monthly employee premiums „ An HRA—or Health Reimbursement

The HSA plan has: Arrangement—plan

„ An HSA—or Health Savings
X Higher deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums Account—plan
X Signiicant tax advantages The plans give you more lexibility—and

X No copays, but 20% coinsurance for prescription drugs, ofice accountability—to determine when,
visits, ER, and urgent care which count towards the deductible and where, and how to receive healthcare
services and how to spend those
out-of-pocket max dollars .

X Lower monthly employee premiums Both plans are with United

Once you satisfy any applicable deductibles and out-of-pocket Healthcare, and offer in-network
and out-of-network beneits. We use
maximums for the plan you choose, Nortek will cover expenses at UnitedHealthcare’s Choice Plus plan
100%. network, which includes 645,000

physicians and hospitals across the
How to ind a doctor or hospital: for the most up-to-date list of country.
physicians and hospitals in the Choice Plus Plan network, visit and select the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network.

Once enrolled, you will have access to and additional
tools and resources.

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