Page 8 - 2016 Open Enrollment
P. 8
Open Enrollment
Additional HSA Plan
Details HealthEquity—HSA and FSA Administrator
HSAs are a triple tax beneit in that you Once enrolled in the HSA plan, Anthem’s banking partner
save money into the account tax free, HealthEquity establishes a Health Savings Account for you. You
spend it tax free, and, after you’ve earned will receive a welcome kit and debit card from HealthEquity prior to
a certain level of funding, your dollars can January 1, 2016.
begin earning interest tax free as well.
Participants in the HSA plan will be given During the enrollment process, you must elect
a $5,000 critical illness beneit provided 2016 contributions for the FSA and/or HSA
by Pericient, Inc. Refer to page 18 for plan. HealthEquity administers both of these
more information regarding this beneit. accounts and payroll contributions are sent directly
Under the HSA plan, one or more family to HealthEquity. You must use HealthEquity to contribute pre-
members can contribute towards the tax dollars from your paycheck into these accounts. You may
deductible and out-of-pocket maximum. access this platform directly through Anthem’s member site at
Employees that are electing to cover
dependents must satisfy the full family
deductible before the plan begins to pay
beneits. Access to this platform allows you to manage all of your medical
and prescription drug healthcare needs, review year-to-date claims,
transfer funds, reimburse yourself, pay your provider through the
website, and even track your HSA spending.
IRS Mandated HSA
Limits for 2016 If you have HSA funds in an account outside of HealthEquity, you
can transfer those funds to your HealthEquity account. Transferring
You may elect to contribute, up to IRS your existing HSA funds into your HealthEquity account streamlines
limits, $3,350 for an individual and $6,750
for family on a pre-tax basis. You own your ability to manage your HSA. Please contact HealthEquity to
your HSA account and the funds within obtain transfer paperwork.
it. This means funds rollover from year to
year and can be used whenever you have
qualifying healthcare expenses.
Additional HSA Plan
Details HealthEquity—HSA and FSA Administrator
HSAs are a triple tax beneit in that you Once enrolled in the HSA plan, Anthem’s banking partner
save money into the account tax free, HealthEquity establishes a Health Savings Account for you. You
spend it tax free, and, after you’ve earned will receive a welcome kit and debit card from HealthEquity prior to
a certain level of funding, your dollars can January 1, 2016.
begin earning interest tax free as well.
Participants in the HSA plan will be given During the enrollment process, you must elect
a $5,000 critical illness beneit provided 2016 contributions for the FSA and/or HSA
by Pericient, Inc. Refer to page 18 for plan. HealthEquity administers both of these
more information regarding this beneit. accounts and payroll contributions are sent directly
Under the HSA plan, one or more family to HealthEquity. You must use HealthEquity to contribute pre-
members can contribute towards the tax dollars from your paycheck into these accounts. You may
deductible and out-of-pocket maximum. access this platform directly through Anthem’s member site at
Employees that are electing to cover
dependents must satisfy the full family
deductible before the plan begins to pay
beneits. Access to this platform allows you to manage all of your medical
and prescription drug healthcare needs, review year-to-date claims,
transfer funds, reimburse yourself, pay your provider through the
website, and even track your HSA spending.
IRS Mandated HSA
Limits for 2016 If you have HSA funds in an account outside of HealthEquity, you
can transfer those funds to your HealthEquity account. Transferring
You may elect to contribute, up to IRS your existing HSA funds into your HealthEquity account streamlines
limits, $3,350 for an individual and $6,750
for family on a pre-tax basis. You own your ability to manage your HSA. Please contact HealthEquity to
your HSA account and the funds within obtain transfer paperwork.
it. This means funds rollover from year to
year and can be used whenever you have
qualifying healthcare expenses.