Page 7 - 2016 Open Enrollment
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Pericient, Inc.

Medical and Prescription Drug

We partner with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to manage the Pericient medical and prescription drug plans.

Anthem’s network offers access to a wide-range of in-network providers and signiicant discounts on services,
which ultimately helps lower the cost of healthcare for you and your family. Through Anthem, you will also have
access to extensive online resources such as care comparison tools.

Employees will again have the opportunity to elect one of two plan options, a traditional preferred provider
organization (PPO) plan or a health savings account (HSA).

How the Plans Work
The PPO plan is a traditional health plan requiring The HSA plan is a high deductible health plan by
certain copays along with satisfying the deductible. IRS standards, meaning we can offer this plan in

Copays apply to ofice visits and prescription conjunction with the tax saving beneits of a health
medications. Annually, a deductible (of $1,000 for savings account (HSA). The plan pays 100 percent for
individuals and $2,500 for families) is required for any eligible, routine preventive care and certain preventive/
inpatient or outpatient type services. maintenance prescriptions. Other covered services from
network providers and prescriptions are paid by the
Under the plan, at least two family members can plan at 80 percent once you meet an annual deductible
contribute a portion of the deductible and out-of- ($1,750 for individuals and $5,250 for families).
pocket maximum. All out-of-pocket costs such as
deductibles, copays (medical and pharmaceutical), and Since your up front cost exposure (deductible) is higher
coinsurance expenses apply toward satisfaction of the in the HSA plan, your premiums to access this coverage

out-of-pocket maximum. is lower than the PPO. You’ll save on your premium
expense while also taking advantage of setting aside
Making time for your family’s annual physicals, check- pre-tax dollars into your HSA which ultimately lowers
ups, and immunizations is one way to ensure you are your taxable income.

taking care of your family’s health. The PPO plan pays
100 percent for eligible, routine preventive medical
expenses when received from in-network providers.

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