Page 11 - 2018 Sulzer (Chemtech Mixpac) Benefit Guide
P. 11
Telehealth—Powered by
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas has partnered with MDLive to provide MDLive may be accessed 24/7 via
telehealth services to all enrolled members. MDLive doctors can provide phone at 888.680.8646 to speak
the following services. with a health service specialist or
an MDLIVE doctor. To register,
Medical Conditions you’ll need to provide your irst
X Acne X Insect bites and last name, date of birth, and
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas
X Allergies X Nausea/vomiting member ID.
X Constipation X Pink eye
X Cough X Rash The cost for all visits is $40.
X Diarrhea X Respiratory problems
X Ear problems X Sore throats
X Fever X Urinary problems/UTI
X Flu X Vaginitis
X Headache X And more
Behavioral Health Concerns
X Addictions X Men’s issues
X Bipolar disorders X Panic disorders
X Child and adolescent issues X Parenting issues
X Depression X Postpartum depression
X Eating disorders X Relationship and marriage issues
X Gay/lesbian/bisexual/ X Stress
transgender issues X Trauma and PTSD
X Grief and loss X Women’s issues
X Life changes
Telehealth—Powered by
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas has partnered with MDLive to provide MDLive may be accessed 24/7 via
telehealth services to all enrolled members. MDLive doctors can provide phone at 888.680.8646 to speak
the following services. with a health service specialist or
an MDLIVE doctor. To register,
Medical Conditions you’ll need to provide your irst
X Acne X Insect bites and last name, date of birth, and
BlueCross BlueShield of Texas
X Allergies X Nausea/vomiting member ID.
X Constipation X Pink eye
X Cough X Rash The cost for all visits is $40.
X Diarrhea X Respiratory problems
X Ear problems X Sore throats
X Fever X Urinary problems/UTI
X Flu X Vaginitis
X Headache X And more
Behavioral Health Concerns
X Addictions X Men’s issues
X Bipolar disorders X Panic disorders
X Child and adolescent issues X Parenting issues
X Depression X Postpartum depression
X Eating disorders X Relationship and marriage issues
X Gay/lesbian/bisexual/ X Stress
transgender issues X Trauma and PTSD
X Grief and loss X Women’s issues
X Life changes