Page 12 - 2018 Sulzer (Chemtech Mixpac) Benefit Guide
P. 12
Additional Wellness
Benefits Sulzer in Motion Wellness Program
Health Advocate The Virgin Pulse wellbeing program gives you the tools to get active, get healthy, and
get rewarded. Each employee who is enrolled in the Sulzer medical plan can earn an
Health Advocate is a toll-free HSA employer contribution and PulseCash while improving their health. Employees
help line designed to help you will have from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 to participate. Here’s how
and your entire family navigate it works:
the healthcare system. They
are available 24 hours a day/7 1. Employees must get their annual physical and submit a physician form to Virgin
days a week. Services are also Pulse
available to spouses, children, AND
parents, and parents-in-law. 2. Participate in Virgin Pulse
X Each quarter reach level 3 to earn $150 HSA monies (up to $600, to be paid out in
All beneits eligible employees
have access to Health January 2019)
Advocate. X Each quarter reach level 4 to earn $50 PulseCash (up to $200)
Each quarter your level will reset to zero and your chance to earn begins again!
How Can Health
Advocate Help? To join, sign up now at
X Find the best doctors, Questions? Contact member services at 888.671.9395
hospitals, and other leading
healthcare providers Gym Reimbursement
X Arrange and schedule Reimbursements are paid on a monthly basis
appointments with X Members must visit the gym a minimum of 8 times per month to receive
providers, especially with reimbursement; for family memberships, the employee and at least one family
hard-to-reach specialists member must attend 8 times per month
X Save money on healthcare X Reimbursements are up to $40 for employee and up to $60 for family memberships
bills Smoking Cessation
X Sort out claim questions, X CTUS will partner with you to help X At the end of one year from the
billing and payment you quit smoking by providing employee’s set quit date, the employee
arrangements, and related inancial assistance for the irst two will be asked to recertify they are
administrative issues months of treatment a successful non-smoker; if the
X Obtain unbiased healthcare X Employees will sign a certiication they employee chooses to start smoking
information to help make are ready and willing to commit to quit again within one year of the quit date,
an informed decision smoking; if you do not complete the any amounts paid to the employee
program you must pay back any fees will be required to be repaid to the
reimbursed by CTUS company
12 2018 Benefits Enrollment
Benefits Sulzer in Motion Wellness Program
Health Advocate The Virgin Pulse wellbeing program gives you the tools to get active, get healthy, and
get rewarded. Each employee who is enrolled in the Sulzer medical plan can earn an
Health Advocate is a toll-free HSA employer contribution and PulseCash while improving their health. Employees
help line designed to help you will have from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 to participate. Here’s how
and your entire family navigate it works:
the healthcare system. They
are available 24 hours a day/7 1. Employees must get their annual physical and submit a physician form to Virgin
days a week. Services are also Pulse
available to spouses, children, AND
parents, and parents-in-law. 2. Participate in Virgin Pulse
X Each quarter reach level 3 to earn $150 HSA monies (up to $600, to be paid out in
All beneits eligible employees
have access to Health January 2019)
Advocate. X Each quarter reach level 4 to earn $50 PulseCash (up to $200)
Each quarter your level will reset to zero and your chance to earn begins again!
How Can Health
Advocate Help? To join, sign up now at
X Find the best doctors, Questions? Contact member services at 888.671.9395
hospitals, and other leading
healthcare providers Gym Reimbursement
X Arrange and schedule Reimbursements are paid on a monthly basis
appointments with X Members must visit the gym a minimum of 8 times per month to receive
providers, especially with reimbursement; for family memberships, the employee and at least one family
hard-to-reach specialists member must attend 8 times per month
X Save money on healthcare X Reimbursements are up to $40 for employee and up to $60 for family memberships
bills Smoking Cessation
X Sort out claim questions, X CTUS will partner with you to help X At the end of one year from the
billing and payment you quit smoking by providing employee’s set quit date, the employee
arrangements, and related inancial assistance for the irst two will be asked to recertify they are
administrative issues months of treatment a successful non-smoker; if the
X Obtain unbiased healthcare X Employees will sign a certiication they employee chooses to start smoking
information to help make are ready and willing to commit to quit again within one year of the quit date,
an informed decision smoking; if you do not complete the any amounts paid to the employee
program you must pay back any fees will be required to be repaid to the
reimbursed by CTUS company
12 2018 Benefits Enrollment