Page 8 - 2018 Sulzer (Chemtech Mixpac) Benefit Guide
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When Will You Satisfy Medical and Rx Resources
Your Deductible and BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Member Site
OOP Maximum?
You can track spending toward your The BlueCross BlueShield of Texas member site,,
deductible and out-of-pocket (OOP) offers many valuable services including the following.
maximum throughout the year from X
the BCBSTX member site. You can also Provider searches
verify you have received credit from X Access to temporary ID cards and means to order another ID card
Express Scripts for your prescriptions
which apply to your combined medical X Information regarding paid and pending claims
and Rx deductibles and OOP maximum. X Health and wellness information including discounts to participating
BCBSTX Member Portal gyms in your area
X Visit You can search for participating providers by completing the following
X Under the “Home” tab, view a
high level summary of plan year 1. Go to
accumulations in the “My Medical
Spending” section 2. Click on “Find a Doctor or Hospital”
X Under the “My Coverage” tab click 3. Click “Find a Doctor” on the left side under “Quick Links”, then
on “Spending Summary” on the left select the state in which you live
hand side, a more detailed view
of accumulations per member is 4. Choose “Blue Choice PPO”
available 5. Enter additional search criteria
ESI Member Portal Express Scripts Mobile App
X View Rx history and balances
The Express Scripts mobile app helps you stay on track with instant
X Under claims and balances, track access to your personal medication information—anytime, anywhere.
your deductibles and out-of-pocket
expenses, including starting X Price a medication and compare drug prices for home delivery and
balances and amounts applied to retail pharmacies
and remaining for your speciic plan
X Running low? Reill or renew prescriptions with one touch
Get Prices X View lower-cost options available under your plan and discuss them
Available free of charge to BCBSTX while you’re still in the doctor’s ofice
members, the Member Liability Estimator X Search for the nearest in-network preferred retail pharmacies, view
(MLE) helps you estimate the cost of contact information, and access directions
treatment based on nationwide BCBS
claims data. ESI’s medication pricing tool
allows you to price medications.
8 2018 Benefits Enrollment
Your Deductible and BlueCross BlueShield of Texas Member Site
OOP Maximum?
You can track spending toward your The BlueCross BlueShield of Texas member site,,
deductible and out-of-pocket (OOP) offers many valuable services including the following.
maximum throughout the year from X
the BCBSTX member site. You can also Provider searches
verify you have received credit from X Access to temporary ID cards and means to order another ID card
Express Scripts for your prescriptions
which apply to your combined medical X Information regarding paid and pending claims
and Rx deductibles and OOP maximum. X Health and wellness information including discounts to participating
BCBSTX Member Portal gyms in your area
X Visit You can search for participating providers by completing the following
X Under the “Home” tab, view a
high level summary of plan year 1. Go to
accumulations in the “My Medical
Spending” section 2. Click on “Find a Doctor or Hospital”
X Under the “My Coverage” tab click 3. Click “Find a Doctor” on the left side under “Quick Links”, then
on “Spending Summary” on the left select the state in which you live
hand side, a more detailed view
of accumulations per member is 4. Choose “Blue Choice PPO”
available 5. Enter additional search criteria
ESI Member Portal Express Scripts Mobile App
X View Rx history and balances
The Express Scripts mobile app helps you stay on track with instant
X Under claims and balances, track access to your personal medication information—anytime, anywhere.
your deductibles and out-of-pocket
expenses, including starting X Price a medication and compare drug prices for home delivery and
balances and amounts applied to retail pharmacies
and remaining for your speciic plan
X Running low? Reill or renew prescriptions with one touch
Get Prices X View lower-cost options available under your plan and discuss them
Available free of charge to BCBSTX while you’re still in the doctor’s ofice
members, the Member Liability Estimator X Search for the nearest in-network preferred retail pharmacies, view
(MLE) helps you estimate the cost of contact information, and access directions
treatment based on nationwide BCBS
claims data. ESI’s medication pricing tool
allows you to price medications.
8 2018 Benefits Enrollment