Page 3 - 2019 Benefits Enrollment
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Enrollment and Eligibility

It’s time to make some important decisions about beneits for you and Dependent Eligibility
your family. In this guide, you have the opportunity to learn about your As you become eligible for
options for 2019 and make selections which best meet your needs and the beneits, so do your eligible

needs of your family members. dependents. In general, eligible

Once elections are made, you are only able to change your coverage dependents include your spouse,

during the 2019 plan year if you experience a qualifying life status event. domestic partner/civil union
If you do experience a qualifying event, it is your responsibility to notify partner of same or opposite
Human Resources within 30 days of the event. Unfortunately, failure to gender, and children up to age
notify Human Resources within 30 days prohibits your ability to change 26. If your child is mentally or
your beneit election(s). physically disabled, coverage
may continue beyond age 26
Qualifying Life Status Events once proof of the ongoing

disability is provided. Children
A qualifying event is a change in your personal life which may impact your may include natural, adopted, and
eligibility or dependent’s eligibility for beneits. step-children, as well as children

obtained through court-appointed
Examples of some qualifying events include the following: legal guardianship.

„ Change of legal marital status (e.g., marriage, divorce, death of
spouse, legal separation)

„ Change in number of dependents (e.g., birth, adoption, death of
dependent, ineligibility due to age)

„ Change in employment or job status

Eligible Associates

You may enroll in the Busey insurance plan if you are a full-time associate.
New hires are eligible for beneits the irst of the month following 30
days of employment.

Please Note—All full-time associates must complete the online Beneits
Enrollment both upon hire and during the annual open enrollment in order to be
covered by Busey’s plans!

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