Page 7 - 2015 Four Seasons Sante Fe/Vail Enrollment Guide
P. 7
2015 Open Enrollment

Which Plan is Right for You?

Both plans will cover preventive care at 100%. When choosing a plan, you

need to think about your medical needs for the next year. Are you in good
health? Are you being treated for a long-term illness? Do you expect to
make several trips to the doctor? It is important to understand your medical
care needs and how you would pay for them under each plan so you pick the
coverage that is best for you.


z If your annual medical needs are z If your annual medical needs are
low high
z Lower paycheck contributions z Higher paycheck contributions
z Higher deductible and out-of- z In-network coverage only
pocket costs
z In- and out-of-network coverage
z Tax-advantage saving accounts to
pay for current and future medical
expenses Women’s Preventive
Care Services

HSA Health plans must cover a list
If you or your family are healthy and see the doctor mainly for preventive of women’s preventive care
services with no deductible or
care and one or two sick visits each year then you may want to consider the coinsurance as long as services
HSA Plan. It is the lower-cost option which comes with a Health Savings are received in-network. Four
Account (HSA). For 2015, Four Seasons will contribute $500 for single or Seasons already covers many of
$1,000 for family coverage into your account. Learn more about the HSA on these, including well women visits.
There are a few items covered in
page 13. full, including generic and brand
name (if a generic is not available
OAPIN or if the brand name is medically

If you or your family see doctors or specialists a few times each year, are necessary) FDA-approved
contraceptives and breastfeeding
generally healthy but have regular, periodic need for care then you may want support, supplies, and counseling.
to consider the OAPIN Plan. It is the higher cost of the two health plan
choices. Scan this code to visit the website

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