Page 11 - 2018 Sulzer (Pumps Solutions) Benefit Guide
P. 11

Telehealth—Powered by


BlueCross BlueShield of Texas has partnered with MDLive to provide

telehealth services to all enrolled members. MDLive doctors can provide
the following services.

Medical Conditions

X Acne X Insect bites
X Allergies X Nausea/vomiting

X Constipation X Pink eye

X Cough X Rash
X Diarrhea X Respiratory problems

X Ear problems X Sore throats

X Fever X Urinary problems/UTI
X Flu X Vaginitis

X Headache X And more

Behavioral Health Concerns

X Addictions X Men’s issues

X Bipolar disorders X Panic disorders
X Child and adolescent issues X Parenting issues

X Depression X Postpartum depression

X Eating disorders X Relationship and marriage issues
X Gay/lesbian/bisexual/ X Stress
transgender issues X Trauma and PTSD

X Grief and loss X Women’s issues

X Life changes X And more

To speak with a health service specialist or MDLive doctor call
888.680.8646. MDLive may be accessed 24/7. To register, you’ll need to
provide your irst and last name, date of birth, and BlueCross BlueShield
of Texas member ID.

The cost for each visit is $40.
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