Page 11 - 2016 Enrollment
P. 11

Basic Life and AD&D Evidence of

Basic Group Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurability (EOI)
(AD&D) insurance is provided to you at no cost through The Requirements
Hartford. This beneit is equal to one times your annual salary, up to EOI is medical underwriting for
supplemental life coverage. It
$50,000. In addition, you may purchase supplemental life coverage in is required if amounts over the
$10,000 increments up to three times your annual earnings or $300,000. guarantee issue are requested or if
you are enrolling outside the normal
Your basic AD&D coverage amount equals your basic life beneit. enrollment periods.
Your supplemental life purchases that
Supplemental Life Insurance Specifics exceed $100,000 require EOI. No EOI

„ You must be enrolled for supplemental beneits in order to be is required for spouse or children if
enrolled timely.
eligible for supplemental dependent life coverage Life insurance purchase amounts

„ Supplemental dependent life insurance coverage may be purchased requiring EOI do not become
in the following amounts: effective (and therefore premiums
are not deducted from your pay)
† Spouse—$10,000 increments to a maximum beneit of until approval is obtained from The
$150,000. The amount cannot exceed 50 percent of the Hartford or the effective date of your

employee’s supplemental coverage. beneits, whichever comes later.

† Children (14 days to six months)—$500, (six months to 19 If you have applied for supplemental
life insurance and you do not provide
years; 25 years if a full-time student)—in $2,500 units to a statement of good health, or if
$10,000. such evidence is not accepted by The
† On the date you attain age 65, the beneit is reduced by Hartford as satisfactory, the amount
of your supplemental coverage will
35 percent; a 25 percent reduction occurs at age 80 not be more than the amount for
„ You must name a beneiciary—the person or persons who would which you were covered immediately
receive your life insurance beneit; if you do not name a beneiciary, prior to the date on which any
the beneit will be paid to your estate such increase would have become
Please note: open enrollment is not offered this year. However,

coverage may be requested by completing an Evidence of
Insurability form.

2016 Employee Benefits Guide
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