Page 7 - 2016 Enrollment
P. 7
Pharmacy HooPayz
Prescription beneits are included within the medical
plan options available to Fontbonne University faculty Price Transparency Service
and staff. The prescription beneits are built around Fontbonne University will continue to provide price
transparency services through HooPayz. These services are
different pricing structures or “tiers” that enable you to available for all eligible associates and their dependents.
control the cost based on the types of medications you HooPayz works to protect you and your family inancially
select. When you obtain your medications at a pharmacy, by helping you use your health insurance correctly, so you
you will be responsible for satisfying a copay that will don’t pay more than you should for healthcare services.
depend on the medication and its corresponding tier. HooPayz offers a Personal Advisor to help with your health
Please note if you are enrolled in the HSA plan, you will beneit literacy and work to lower your stress so you have
the conidence to care for yourself and your family. A
irst need to satisfy your deductible before a copay can HooPayz Advisor will help your family inancially by offering
be applied. However, the deductible is waived if you are the following services.
taking an approved maintenance medication. Find Fair Health Prices
Mail Order Program—“3 months for 2” Your Personal Advisor will ind lower cost options
Copays that work for you and your family by comparing
prices between high quality providers on your
Prescription plan participants can use the mail order behalf
program to obtain valuable savings when ordering up Claims Assistance and Billing Issues
to 90 day supplies of maintenance medications. Under Advisors will assist with your explanation of
this program, you pay an amount equal to two times the beneits and ensure your beneits are applied
retail copay for a 90 day supply of your prescription. Not correctly
all drugs will qualify for the mail order drug program. HooPayz will help you with balance billing, out-of-
network fees, and appeals with providers
Premium Plan HSA Plan
In-Network In-Network Medical Bill Dispute and Negotiation
Deductible, then
the following Your HooPayz Personal Advisor will contact the
copays: no provider on your behalf about any disputed
deductible on amount you owe or billing error concerns
medications HooPayz will negotiate discounts and payment
Generic $10 $10 options with providers
Preferred brand $30 $30
Non-preferred $50 $50 HooPayz provides absolute conidentiality. Your employer
brand will not have access to your personal information unless
Mail order 2 times above 2 times above you ask for coordination. To contact HooPayz, simply visit
copays for 90 day copays for 90 day their website at or call 866.981.4991.
supply supply There is no cost to the member to access these services!
Note: If you purchase a prescription drug from a non-network pharmacy, The Fontbonne access code is HPZFNTBI.
you are responsible for any difference between what the non-network
pharmacy charges and the amount that would have been paid for the
same prescription drug dispensed by a network pharmacy.
2016 Employee Benefits Guide
Pharmacy HooPayz
Prescription beneits are included within the medical
plan options available to Fontbonne University faculty Price Transparency Service
and staff. The prescription beneits are built around Fontbonne University will continue to provide price
transparency services through HooPayz. These services are
different pricing structures or “tiers” that enable you to available for all eligible associates and their dependents.
control the cost based on the types of medications you HooPayz works to protect you and your family inancially
select. When you obtain your medications at a pharmacy, by helping you use your health insurance correctly, so you
you will be responsible for satisfying a copay that will don’t pay more than you should for healthcare services.
depend on the medication and its corresponding tier. HooPayz offers a Personal Advisor to help with your health
Please note if you are enrolled in the HSA plan, you will beneit literacy and work to lower your stress so you have
the conidence to care for yourself and your family. A
irst need to satisfy your deductible before a copay can HooPayz Advisor will help your family inancially by offering
be applied. However, the deductible is waived if you are the following services.
taking an approved maintenance medication. Find Fair Health Prices
Mail Order Program—“3 months for 2” Your Personal Advisor will ind lower cost options
Copays that work for you and your family by comparing
prices between high quality providers on your
Prescription plan participants can use the mail order behalf
program to obtain valuable savings when ordering up Claims Assistance and Billing Issues
to 90 day supplies of maintenance medications. Under Advisors will assist with your explanation of
this program, you pay an amount equal to two times the beneits and ensure your beneits are applied
retail copay for a 90 day supply of your prescription. Not correctly
all drugs will qualify for the mail order drug program. HooPayz will help you with balance billing, out-of-
network fees, and appeals with providers
Premium Plan HSA Plan
In-Network In-Network Medical Bill Dispute and Negotiation
Deductible, then
the following Your HooPayz Personal Advisor will contact the
copays: no provider on your behalf about any disputed
deductible on amount you owe or billing error concerns
medications HooPayz will negotiate discounts and payment
Generic $10 $10 options with providers
Preferred brand $30 $30
Non-preferred $50 $50 HooPayz provides absolute conidentiality. Your employer
brand will not have access to your personal information unless
Mail order 2 times above 2 times above you ask for coordination. To contact HooPayz, simply visit
copays for 90 day copays for 90 day their website at or call 866.981.4991.
supply supply There is no cost to the member to access these services!
Note: If you purchase a prescription drug from a non-network pharmacy, The Fontbonne access code is HPZFNTBI.
you are responsible for any difference between what the non-network
pharmacy charges and the amount that would have been paid for the
same prescription drug dispensed by a network pharmacy.
2016 Employee Benefits Guide