Page 12 - 2016 Enrollment
P. 12


Short Term Disability Definition Of Disability

(STD)—STAFF ONLY* You are considered to have a disability when The Hartford determines

We recognize the hardship that a that—due to your injury or illness—you are unable to perform the duties
non-work related injury or illness of your job and are earning less than 20 percent of your pre-disability
resulting in lost time from work earnings.
can have for you and your family. * Faculty should refer to the policy manual for leave of absence policies
In order to have protection for
income lost due to an extended Long Term Disability (LTD)
absence from work, you are

provided disability protection You will be eligible to receive a monthly LTD beneit if you meet
at no cost to you by Fontbonne the deinition of disability (see below). LTD beneits begin after 90
University. consecutive days of disability, and are equivalent to 60 percent of your
monthly earnings to $6,000. The maximum duration for receiving LTD

If you meet the deinition of beneits is to age 65 or your Social Security normal retirement age.
disability as determined by The
Hartford, you will be eligible Definition Of Disability
to receive a beneit equal to You are disabled when The Hartford determines that—due to your
66 2/3 percent your pre-disability injury, or illness—you are receiving appropriate care and treatment from a
earnings, to a maximum of $1,500 doctor on a continuing basis, while unable to perform one or more of the

per week for 13 weeks. Your STD essential duties of:
beneits may be reduced by the
amount of other income you „ Your occupation during the elimination period
receive for the same disability. The „ Your occupation, for the two year(s) following the elimination period,
elimination period—the length and as a result your current monthly earnings are less than 80 percent
of time of continuous disability of your indexed pre-disability earnings; and
which must be satisied before you „ After that, any occupation
are eligible to receive beneits—is
seven days. If, at the end of the elimination period, you are prevented from
performing one or more of the essential duties of your occupation, but
your current monthly earnings are greater than 80 percent of your pre-
disability earnings, your elimination period will be extended for a total
period of 12 months from the original date of disability, or until such

time as your current monthly earnings are less than 80 percent of your
pre-disability earnings (whichever occurs irst).

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