Page 32 - 2020 MAD Brochure.indd
P. 32

FITNESS MAT                                         EXA-BALL
                 10MM                                                HANd EXERCISER
          This exercise mat is perfect for all kinds of workouts and stretching;   The Exa-Ball Hand Exerciser ball is perfect for those looking
          from aerobics to rehabilitation. At 10mm thick this mat provides   to improve their forearm and grip strength, whether that’s
          extra cushioning and comfort for floorwork or standing exercises.   for a rehabilitation programme
          Lightweight and easily transportable with the use of   or if you wish to increase
          the included carry strap. Made from durable         your grip strength for weight
          NBR foam. This mat is made from                      lifting and strength training.
          Nitrile Butyl Rubber (NBR),                         It can also be used for stress
          a type of synthetic rubber.                         relief! The spherical shape
          The material has been                               fits perfectly in your palm for
          tested as free from Phthalate,                      a comfortable grip. Choose
          Phenol, Azo & Heavy Metals,                         your level from Light - Green,
          making it safer for you and the                     Medium - Blue or
          environment.                                        Strong - Purple.

           DIMENSIONS      cOLOur    cODE
                                                               rESIStANcE          cOLOur          cODE
           180CM X 60CM X 10MM  DArK GrEY  XNBRMAT10
                                                               LIGHT               GREEN           XGRIPBALL-L
                 yOGA MAT                                      MEdIUM              BLUE            XGRIPBALL-M
                 4MM                                           STRoNG              PURPLE          XGRIPBALL-S

          This yoga mat is an entry level yoga mat which provides anti-slip
          grip to aid your practice, is lightweight and easy to carry as well as   POwER-GRIP
          being fantastic value for money. Perfect if you are about to start out   HANd EXERCISER      dIALABLE
          on your yoga journey.                                                                       RESISTANCE
                                                              Increase your grip strength with this
                                                              adjustable hand grip exerciser from Exafit.
                                                              dial up the resistance from 10kg
                                                              to 30kg for a challenging hand
                                                              and grip workout. Strong steel
                                                              spring and rubber grips.

           DIMENSIONS            cOLOur       cODE             rESIStANcE      cODE
           180CM X 60CM X 4MM    DArK GrEY    XYoGMAT-GRY      10-30KG         XGRIPPRo
           180CM X 60CM X 4MM    LIGht bLuE   XYoGMAT-LBLU
                 GLOvES                                       Skipping is a full body workout and
                                                              can help to improve balance and
          Train harder with a pair of Exa-Training Weight Lifting Gloves. These   co-ordination. Perfect for a short
          gloves will help protect your hands whilst strength training and as   workout with great results! This
          they are made from lightweight and breathable fabric it makes them   skipping rope has a smooth turning
          feel barely there. Finger tabs provide easy removal after a sweaty   PVC rope due to the ball
          session. Comfortable padding lines the palm on specific spots which   bearings in the handles, whilst
          take more of the strain, to help reduce impact & callouses.  also being highly durable!

                                                               rESIStANcE          cOLOur          cODE
                                                               275CM [L]           LIGHT BLUE/GREy  XSKIPSP

                                                                     JUMP ROPE
          LAdIES SIZES                                               IN TUBE
           SIZE             cOLOur            cODE
                                                              Give your cardio vascular system a workout with the ExaFit Jump
           SMALL            pINK/bLAcK        XGLoVEW-S       Rope, available in 275cm (one size) length. Skipping helps to
                                                              improve co-ordination, agility and balance, as well as stamina and
           MEdIUM           pINK/bLAcK        XGLoVEW-M       cardio-vascular endurance. Made from transparent PVC rope with
                                                              impact resistant handles.
          MENS SIZES
           SIZE             cOLOur            cODE

           MEdIUM           OrANGE/bLAcK      XGLoVE-M
           LARGE            OrANGE/bLAcK      XGLoVE-L         rESIStANcE          cOLOur          cODE
           EXTRA LARGE      OrANGE/bLAcK      XGLoVE-XL        275CM [L]           ORANGE/BLACK    XSKIP
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